Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Tic Tac Toe Serbian A1 - Dobar vs. Dobro

 Zdravo! Kako si? Ja sam dobro :)

Do you know when to use DOBAR and when DOBRO? 

If you are not so sure, let's practice with the new TIC TAC TOE video about it. If you want to practice with me, make sure you click on this link: DOBAR - DOBRO set of games

Tic Tac Toe Serbian A1 - Dobar vs. Dobro Video

Tic Tac Toe Serbian A1 - Dobar vs. Dobro Exercises

To download PDF sheets, check out the attachment on my Patreon page

Friday, September 24, 2021

Tic Tac Toe Serbian

Let me share with you a new way of learning online, asynchronously, with my Tic-Tac-Toe Serbian series. Namely, the course is based on the interactive books, which are slowly paced, so you can use them to learn Serbian by yourself, or with a teacher or a family member. 

I have created four textbooks so far, and they can be fully accessed through my Patreon pages. Each level follows  my 

The main difference from the previous printed books is that they are online and they are interactive, which means all the links are clickable, you can hear me pronouncing each word. Furthermore, you can record your own short audio answers and keep them in the book and you can write in your copy too. 

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Tic Tac Toe Serbian - Numbers 0 to 10

Serbian - Numbers 0 to 10 

Super easy way to practice numbers - by playing:

Practicing Numbers 0 to 10 in Serbian 

Numbers in Serbian - some previous blog posts. 

Monday, July 12, 2021

Serbian 701 - Epizoda 2

 Ako vam se svidela prva lekcija kursa Serbian 701, vreme je da nastavimo dalje. Hajde da odgledamo drugu epizodu bez slušanja i pretpostavimo šta se dešava i o čemu pričaju :)

Serbian 701 uz Državni posao

Opisati šta PRETPOSTAVLJAŠ da se dešava na samom kraju i šta jedni drugom kažu

save image

Na samom KRAJU vidimo Boškića i Čvarkova koji sede u kancelariji. 

Serbian 701 - vežbe uz drugu epizodu

Odgovoriti na specifična pitanja o tekstu

  1. Ko se sve nalazi u kancelariji?

  2. Ko hoće da ode sa posla ranije?

  3. Kako njegov šef reaguje na to?

  4. Zašto Boškić mora da ode sa posla ranije?

  5. Zašto mu šef to dozvoljava?

  6. Koga Čvarkov pozdravlja?

  7. Da li se Boškić zahvaljuje šefu?

Serbian 701 - vežbamo redosled reči

Tuesday, June 08, 2021

Serbian Textbooks in Cyrillic Script

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Serbian 501 - Listening Comprehension

Lazy City can be a great source of teaching materials for learning Serbian. If you are at higher levels of Serbian, I am sure you will enjoy watching the first episode of "Lenji grad" with Stefani and her friends and doing exercises I prepared for you :)

Serbian 501 - Listening Comprehension 

Serbian 501 - Listening Comprehension - Word Order Exercises 

Let's practice word order in Serbian - postaviti pravilna pitanja i odgovoriti na njih:

 Drugi deo 

Wednesday, May 05, 2021

Serbian 401 - Orthography in Serbian

Although learning spelling or orthography  in any language isn't any fun, I found a way to make it fun - by creating "Whack a mole" exercise, or "udari krticu" :) 

How to Practice Orthography in Serbian

While the idea of this game is to hit a mole bearing the wrong answer, I noticed while learning German that this principle enforced the wrong answer in my  mind. Therefore, for my students of Serbian, I created this game based on "hitting the right mole", which will draw your attention to the correct spelling. Once you figure one which ones are the correct ones, jot them down!


Uživajte :) 

Sunday, April 04, 2021

Learning Serbian with Songs - Karaoke

 As you already know, Serbian is best learnt while singing and not thinking about all the grammar behind it. That 's why I am so happy whenever I come across a good song with lyrics, as well as its karaoke version. 

Learning Serbian with Songs - Karaoke Razbole se lisica 

Serbian with Songs - Išli smo u Afriku 


 Karaoke verzija   

Monday, March 01, 2021

Serbian 201 - Verb Conjugations, to Go, Eat, Drink

 To Go, Eat, Drink Conjugations

  • Kako se kaže TO GO na srpskom? Kaže se IĆI 
  • Kako se kaže TO EAT na srpskom? Kaže se JESTI
  • Kako se kaže TO DRINK na srpskom? Kaže se PITI

  • Let's see how we can use these three verbs in three different tenses in Serbian:

    Exercise with Serbian Verb Conjugations TO GO, EAT, DRINK

    Examples with Serbian Verb Conjugations TO GO, EAT, DRINK





    - Sada idem u prodavnicu.

    - Mama i ja obično idemo u bioskop petkom.

    - Išla sam u prodavnicu juče.

    - Išao sam sa mamom u bioskop prošlog petka.

    - Ja ću ići u školu sutra u 8 ujutro.

    - Deca u Kanadi će ići u školu od septembra. 


     - Šta radiš sada? Jedem burek.A ti?
    - Sada ne jedem. I ja isto jedem burek, ali samo vikendom. 

    - Jeo sam juče burek. 

    - Juče sam jela picu. 

    - Ja ću jesti sarmu sutra. 

    - Ješćemo sarmu sutra. 

    - Sutra ćete jesti sarmu.
    PITI- Hoćeš nešto da popiješ? Ne hvala, upravo pijem Fantu. 
    - Ljudi u Srbiji piju puno vode.
    - Pili smo mleko kad smo bili deca. 

    - Nisam pio mleko već šest godina. 
    - Popiću kaficu kad stignem kući. 


    Tuesday, February 02, 2021

    Serbian 701 - Redosled reči u pitanjima

     Ako ste na naprednom nivou učenja srpskog, sigurno već uživate prateći vesti iz Srbije i čitajući knjige na srpskom. Danas želim da podelim sa vama jedan zabavan video intervju sa sve popularnijom spisateljicom Lanom. 

    Kada odslušate video, pokušajte da uradite vežbu redosleda reči (word order exercise) odgovorite na sledeća pitanja

    Thursday, January 07, 2021

    Serbian 101 - with Language Games


    The easiest way to learn has always been through playing games. That's why I am sharing a very simple game about the verb to be in Serbian:

    Have fun!

    Monday, December 14, 2020

    Serbian 301 - Word Order with SE

    From the very first lesson, one gets to learn that funny "se" in the sentence: "Zovem se... " (My name is...). Often times it doesn't mean anything, or simply isn't translated into English. That's why you need to do a lot of exercises to get accustomed to this form. 

    Serbian 301 - Word Order with SE

    Let's start with the first exercise where you simply need to say how much these sentences are true for you. Try using the following phrases:

    • Takođe
    • Isto
    • Ponekad
    • Uglavnom 
    • Nikada 

    Exercise with Word Order with SE

    Now, that you are familiar with these sentences, you can easily do the following exercise - putting the words in order. Have fun!

    Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

    Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
    Gde je ključ? ...
    Where is the Key?-...
    By Marina Petrović
    Photo book