Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Monday, November 21, 2022

Serbian 401 - Listening Exercise about Bread Museum

 Let me share with you one more listening comprehension exercise for intermediate Serbian, from the course Serbian 401

Poslušajmo Jeremijinu životnu priču o tome kako je napravio Muzej hleba. Posle slušanja pokušajte da odgovorite na pitanja i da uradite vežbu sa ključnim rečima. 

Vežba razumevanja na srpskom - Muzej hleba

Odgovori na pitanja

  1. Koliko godina je imao kada je upoznao svoju ženu?
  2. Gde su se on i žena preselili?
  3. Zašto su odlučili da se presele iz grada?
  4. O čemu priča Muzej hleba?
  5. Koliko vrsta pšenice je bilo? 
  6. Šta je ostalo neraskidivo do dan danas?
  7. Koliko sela je posetio?
  8. Kako su ga babe oslovljavale = Kako su mu se babe obraćale?
  9. Zašto je on išao tamo?
  10. Koliko predmeta je skupio posećujući sela po Srbiji?
  11. Kakvi su bili ljudi koje je zaticao po selima u Srbiji?

Vocabular exercise for Serbian 401

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Serbian 601 - Razgovor o životnom stilu

Danas delim sa vama jedan odličan video o životnim temama i sa odličnim vokabularom koji ćete sresti u svakodnevnim razgovorima na srpskom. Pravi autentični tekst, dušu dao za učenje i vežbanje srpskog :) 

O životu u Dubaiju

p.s. ako mislite da devojka prebrzo priča, slobodno izaberite 0.75 brzinu (dole desno)

  1. Listen to the first 7 minutes of the video once and decide what the advantages and disadvantages of living in Dubai are?
  2. Now, focus on the first 7 minutes and 30 seconds and jot down some useful phrases
  3. Speaking exercise: Focus on one topic and compare her impressions of Dubai with your own country or where you are currently living. 

Korisne fraze - životni stil

  • Prednosti i mane = advantages and disadvantages
  • Jedna od stvari koje te tako razmaze = one of the things that spoils you so much
  • Ovde je tako normalno = it is so normal over here
  • Džabe = free or free of charge
  • Smejurija (o ceni) = dirt cheap
  • biti razmažen = to be spoilt
  • biti svestan = to be aware 
  • u bilo kojem segmentu = in any sphere of life
  • stvari na koje obraćate pažnju = the things you pay attention to
  • teretane su pristojne / osrednje /sjajno opremljene = gyms are decent / moderately / exceptionally equipped 
  • kako se to u suštini zove = what it is essentially
  • ne morate da date novac na = there is no need to pay for
  • ovde je sasvim normalno = it is so normal to 
  • baš zbog toga što je cena toliko visoka = just because beca
  • relativno normalno zarađujete
  • činjenica da mogu = the fact that I can
  • život se svodi na to = the life comes down to 
  • kada se osvrnem = in retrospect
  • da biste imali određeni životni stil = in order for you to have a certain life style

Idiomi i fraze

  • Košta kao svetog Petra kajgana = to pay through the nose

Pridev - imenica

  • razmažen - razmaženost
  • ljubazan - ljubaznost
  • stabilan - stabilnost 

Vocabulary practice 

Friday, September 30, 2022

Question Words - Many Faces of Who

Are the words "koga, kome & kim" the same as who?

In the previous post about Question words in Serbian, I covered just the main bunch of questions, such as ko, šta, gde, kada, zašto, kako, čiji, koliko. Today we are focusing only on WHO and its many forms. To understand and start using them correctly, you'll need to practice them in context first.

Serbian WHO through cases

  1. KO  - who
  2. KOGA - of whom
  3. KOME - to whom
  4. KOGA - whom
  5. SA KIM - with whom
  6. O KOME - about whom
The question words in Serbian take the case endings similar to adjectives, so once you learn how adjectives change through cases, this would come natural. Also, you can learn the question forms first  they will help you when start learning about how adjectives change through cases. However, when learning Serbian, always start from drilling, playing language games and having fun, and only later try to dwell on grammar, when drilling through Quizlet games helps you achieve  fluency :) 

Translation of Various Who Forms


  • KO UČI SRPSKI? - Who is learning Serbian?
  • KO JE UČIO SRPSKI? - Who was learning Serbian?
  • KO ĆE UČITI SRPSKI? - Who will learn Serbian?
  • KOGA SE PLAŠIŠ? - Who are you afraid of?
  • KOGA SMO SE PLAŠILI? - Who were we afraid of?
  • KOGA ĆEMO SE PLAŠITI? - Who will we be afraid of?
  • KOME ODGOVARATE? - Who are you answering to?
  • KOME SMO ODGOVORILI? - Who did we answer to?
  • KOME ĆEMO ODGOVORITI? - Who will we answer?
  • KOGA VIDIŠ? -Who do you see?
  • KOGA STE VIDELI? - Who did you see?
  • KOGA ĆETE VIDETI? - Who will you see?
  • SA KIM IDEŠ NA MORE? - Who are you going to the seaside with?
  • SA KIM SI IŠAO NA MORE? - Who did you go / were you going to the seaside?
  • SA KIM ĆEŠ IĆI NA MORE? - Who will you go / will you be going to the seaside with?
  • O KOME PRIČAŠ? - Who are you talking about?
  • O KOME SI PRIČALA? - Who did you talk / were you talking about?
  • O KOME ĆEŠ PRIČATI?  - Who will you talk about?

Exercises with Who: ko - koga - kome - sa kim - o kome

MATCH igrica



Video Lesson with Who in Serbian 

Additional Exercises with All the Question words as well as Who Forms

MATCH igrica



Thursday, September 29, 2022

Question Words in Serbian

Question Words in Serbian

With all the question words changing according to the cases, I bet it's pretty confusing when it comes to asking WH questions in Serbian. That's why I'll share a series of posts with question words in Serbian. 

The first one is going to be an easy one, with the basic questions such as:

  1. KAD - When?
  2. ZAŠTO - Why?
  3. ŠTA - What?
  4. KOJI - Which?
  5. KO - Who?
  6. KOLIKO DUGO - How long?
  7. KOLIKO ČESTO - How often?
  8. KAKO - How?
  9. GDE - Where?
  10. ODAKLE - Where from?
  11. KUDA - Where to?
  12. KOLIKO - How much/ many? 
  13. ČIJI - WHOSE?

Exercises with Question Words in Serbian 

  • The link to the micromatch game:

FLASHCARDS with Serbian Question Words

  • The link to the flashcards:

TEST with Serbian Question Words

  • The link to the test:
Expect a more complicated set of questions words with the video lesson very soon!

For downloadable materials and more video lessons, check out my free course SerbianPhrases on easy.serbianphrases.com  :)

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Serbian Phrases - Serbian Language Course

 Let me share with you one lesson from the brand new Serbian Phrases course I've been working on. As you can see from the table of contents, it covers a lot of phrases used in various situations:

Serbian Phrases - Table of Contents

Situations in Serbian

  • General phrases
  • Greetings - Saying hello and goodbye
  • Talking about the Weather
  • Thank you phrases
  • Numbers and  Telling the time
  • Talking about family
  • Asking for directions
  • Giving directions
  • At the bank
  • At the supermarket
  • At the market
  • At the chemist's
  • At the hotel
  • At the restaurant
  • At the café or bar
  • At the post office
  • At the travel agency
  • At the doctor's
  • At the dentist's
  • At the museum
  • At the customs
  • Shopping for clothes
  • Renting a car
  • Travelling by taxi
  • Travelling by bus
  • Travelling by plane
  • Travelling by train 

Serbian phrases - Vocabulary 

The list of the most frequently used phrases:

  1. da - yes
  2. ne - no
  3. kako se kaže - how do you say
  4. znači - means
  5. šta znači "pica"? - what does "pizza" mean?
  6. hamburger znači "hamburger" - hamburger means "hamburger"
  7. ne razumem - I don't understand
  8. ne znam - I don't know
  9. znam - I know
  10. razumem - I understand
  11. levo - left
  12. desno - right
  13. baš - really
  14. nema problema - no problem

General phrases in Serbian  - Game

General phrases in Serbian  - Exercises 

General phrases in Serbian  - Printable tests

Now, you can download the following PDF files to practice these words:

  1. Test  
  2. Airplanes
  3. Multiple choice 
  4. Anagrams 
Uživajte igrajući igrice i učeći srpski :) 

Uskoro stiže kurs Serbian Phrases ili Fraze na srpskom

Monday, September 05, 2022

Serbian 801 - Jutro će promeniti sve, Filip

Serbian 801 

Fokus kursa Serbian 801 je rad na vokabularu, učenju najčešćih kolokacija i fraza, kao i konotacije. Najbolji način da učite jezik na ovom nivou je da slušate filmove, serije i pesme na srpskom. Idealno bi bilo da dođete u Srbiju i da počnete da živite u Srbiji :) 

Jedna od tema na ovom kursu je svakako odlična serija "Jutro će promeniti sve"  koja realno prikazuje život mladih na ovim prostorima. Danas sam napravila vežbu na osnovu kratkog video snima gde glumac Nikola Rakočević priča o liku kojeg tumači - o Filipu:

Listening Exercise 

Korisne fraze

  1. TUMAČITI lik
  2. NAĆI smisao
  3. PREVAZIĆI temu 
  4. BITI društveno prihvaćen 
  5. PRIČINJAVATI zadovoljstvo
  6. OSEĆATI nešto kao uspeh
  7. BORITI se za slobodu
  8. BITI iskren prema sebi 
  9. PRIHVATITI sebe 
  10. POBEĆI od stvari koje te sputavaju 
  11. POKRENUTI ljude 

Monday, August 15, 2022

Serbian 102 - Locative Exercises

Today we are practicing how to say where you are in Serbian with the following words: 

Places in City in Serbian

  1. BANK: Banka - u banci 
  2. CHURCH: Crkva - u crkvi 
  3. BUILDING: Zgrada - u zgradi
  4. GALLERY: Galerija - u galeriji 
  5. PHARMACY: Apoteka - u apoteci 
  6. MUSEUM: Muzej - u muzeju
  7. PARKING: Parking - na parkingu
  8. AERODROM: Aerodrom - na aerodromu 

Gde ste? Where are you?

Time to practice pronunciation

Serbian 102 - Locative Exercises

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Most Common Serbian Phrases

What are the most common Serbian phrases you should keep using when learning Serbian?

From the very first lesson try to use the most common phrases in Serbian to ask for the meaning of the word, or to simply respond "I don't know". Let me list a few useful phrases:

  • da - yes
  • ne - no
  • kako se kaže - how do you say
  • znači - means
  • šta znači "pica"? - what does "pizza" mean?
  • hamburger znači "hamburger" - hamburger means "hamburger"
  • ne razumem - I don't understand
  • ne znam - I don't know
  • znam - I know
  • razumem - I understand
  • levo - left
  • desno - right 
  • baš - really
  • nema problema - no problem

Serbian Phrases with Pronunciation

Here comes a super easy and fun video lesson with these phrases:


Exercises which follow these Serbian Phrases  

Let me share with you the exercise which I was doing while making this video. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

How to Say Thank You in Serbian?

 Serbian THANK YOU Phrases  

Today we are practicing easy Serbian THANKING phrases with the bunch of nouns. The idea of the exercise is to properly connect HVALA NA and the following words:

  • poklon 
  • pokloni
  • burek
  • voda
  • pivo 
  • jabuke
  • sve

Primer: Hvala na poklonu vs. Hvala na poklonima

For the full featured video with the pronunciation as well as how to play the games, join the free  SerbianPhrases Course at easy.SerbianPhrases.com  :)

Exercises with Serbian Thank You Phrases

Speaking Exercise - Video lesson 

 For more fun Serbian language apps, check out LING APP ! Have fun!  

Sunday, January 02, 2022

Practicing Serbian with Songs - Part 2

Practicing Serbian with Songs 

In the previous blog post you practiced Serbian with the song Donesi vina, krčmarice! Now I am adding the second part to it, a new exercise and a list of words to practice with this song

Practicing Serbian Word Order with Songs 

Practicing Vocabulary Serbian Songs 

  1. Doneti = to bring 
  2. Donesi = bring! informal
  3. Donesite = bring! formal or plural
  4. Vino = wine 
  5. Krčmarica = waitress arch. (Voc. case - krčmarice)
  6. Rumen = red, flush 
  7. lice = face 
  8. Daj = give! informal 
  9. Dajte = give! formal or plural
  10. piti = to drink (pijem = first person sg in present simple)
  11. tuga = sorrow 
  12. razbiti = to break, shatter 
  13. srce = heart
  14. boleti = to hurt
  15. hteti = to want/ will (hoću, hoćeš, hoće - sg. present simple)
  16. izgoreti = to burn (izgorim, izgoriš, izgori - sg. present simple)
  17. ružica = ruža = rose
  18. oči = eyes 
  19. crn = black 
  20. žeravica = ember 
  21. celo selo = The whole village
  22. zaneti se = to get carried away
  23. svi = everybody  
  24. Bog = god
  25. Bože = Voc case of Bog 
  26. stvoriti = To create (što je stvori =why have you created her)
  27. mlad = young 
  28. momak = young man
  29. mučiti = to torture
  30. moriti = to torture/torment 

Exercises with These Words 

Match Exercise

Flashcards Exercise

Test Exercise

Saturday, January 01, 2022

Serbian Songs with Exercises

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Serbian 301 - Impersonal se

Exercise with Impersonal SE in Serbian

Video Lesson - Serbian 301

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book