Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query serbian phrases. Sort by date Show all posts

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Serbian Phrases - Serbian Language Course

 Let me share with you one lesson from the brand new Serbian Phrases course I've been working on. As you can see from the table of contents, it covers a lot of phrases used in various situations:

Serbian Phrases - Table of Contents

Situations in Serbian

  • General phrases
  • Greetings - Saying hello and goodbye
  • Talking about the Weather
  • Thank you phrases
  • Numbers and  Telling the time
  • Talking about family
  • Asking for directions
  • Giving directions
  • At the bank
  • At the supermarket
  • At the market
  • At the chemist's
  • At the hotel
  • At the restaurant
  • At the café or bar
  • At the post office
  • At the travel agency
  • At the doctor's
  • At the dentist's
  • At the museum
  • At the customs
  • Shopping for clothes
  • Renting a car
  • Travelling by taxi
  • Travelling by bus
  • Travelling by plane
  • Travelling by train 

Serbian phrases - Vocabulary 

The list of the most frequently used phrases:

  1. da - yes
  2. ne - no
  3. kako se kaže - how do you say
  4. znači - means
  5. šta znači "pica"? - what does "pizza" mean?
  6. hamburger znači "hamburger" - hamburger means "hamburger"
  7. ne razumem - I don't understand
  8. ne znam - I don't know
  9. znam - I know
  10. razumem - I understand
  11. levo - left
  12. desno - right
  13. baš - really
  14. nema problema - no problem

General phrases in Serbian  - Game

General phrases in Serbian  - Exercises 

General phrases in Serbian  - Printable tests

Now, you can download the following PDF files to practice these words:

  1. Test  
  2. Airplanes
  3. Multiple choice 
  4. Anagrams 
Uživajte igrajući igrice i učeći srpski :) 

Uskoro stiže kurs Serbian Phrases ili Fraze na srpskom

Sunday, June 02, 2013

Introduction to Serbian Phrases

Since there'll be more visitors to Serbia in the upcoming period, I decided to launch the complete course called Serbian Phrases (this is a free e-book). In the meantime I want to show you one of the recordings:

and the structure of the course, which is divided into fifteen sections or topics. Each topic has the following structure:
  1. Slowly read phrases - video lesson
  2. Listed phrases as a pdf file, both in Cyrillic and Latin alphabet
  3. Slowly read phrases with Cyrillic text
  4. Dialogue AB
  5. Dialogue A
  6. Dialogue B

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Most Common Serbian Phrases

What are the most common Serbian phrases you should keep using when learning Serbian?

From the very first lesson try to use the most common phrases in Serbian to ask for the meaning of the word, or to simply respond "I don't know". Let me list a few useful phrases:

  • da - yes
  • ne - no
  • kako se kaže - how do you say
  • znači - means
  • šta znači "pica"? - what does "pizza" mean?
  • hamburger znači "hamburger" - hamburger means "hamburger"
  • ne razumem - I don't understand
  • ne znam - I don't know
  • znam - I know
  • razumem - I understand
  • levo - left
  • desno - right 
  • baš - really
  • nema problema - no problem

Serbian Phrases with Pronunciation

Here comes a super easy and fun video lesson with these phrases:


Exercises which follow these Serbian Phrases  

Let me share with you the exercise which I was doing while making this video. 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Serbian Language 365 - Day 6 Phrases in Serbian

Many of you who have joined my online lessons, accompanying Serbian language courses, already know that I've had so much precious insight into learning Serbian from my mother-in-law who is French. She told me how difficult it was for her to learn the language from books, and she actually started speaking the language and becoming fluent when she threw away all her grammar books and textbooks and started learning phrases and letting her children correct her mistakes. You can imagine why: since Serbian is a highly flective language, one can come across many suffixes which are the same, denoting different cases (like "vidim pitU" (Acc.Sg.Fem.) in contrast with "ja sam u BeogradU" (Locative, Sg. Masc.)), which can only confuse you.

In reality, if you stopped to think what you'd say, you'd never become fluent. The key to learning ANY language is always immersion, either by spending time in the country where the language is spoken, or watching films, singing songs or being surrounded by  people speaking only the target language. In case none of the above is possible, you can always  learn the set phrases, which will help you become fluent.

Learning grammar is always a "reverse engineering" process  - and it should stay that way. That's why I will always publish one "Serbian phrases video lesson" based on a situation covered in my Serbian phrases e-book on Sundays. Lots of my students told me it was highly useful and practical, and I'm sure you'll find it the same!

Pozdravi na srpskom (Greetings in Serbian)

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Serbian Phrases Free E-book

Monday, June 27, 2011

Serbian Phrases with Pronunciation - Greetings

For more phrases, visit the Serbian Phrases Course with video explanations and exercises like this one.


GREETINGS: POZDRAVI  when arriving

  1. Hello  = Zdravo !
  2. Hi  = Ćao !
  3. Good morning   = Dobro jutro! (until 9 or 10 a.m.)
  4. Good afternoon  = Dobar dan !
  5. Good evening   = Dobro veče ! (from dusk till dawn J)

POZDRAVI ---> when leaving

  1. Goodbye  = Doviđenja !
  2. Bye  = Ćao!  Zdravo !
  3. Good night  =  Laku noć  !


  1. See you!  = Vidimo se !
  2. Say my regards to your family! = Pozdravi svoju porodicu.
  3. Have a safe journey!  = Srećan put!
  4. Good luck!   = Srećno!        

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Agreement and Disagreement Phrases in Serbian - Day

Monday, February 03, 2014

Revising Serbian Phrases

It's true that it might be difficult to understand some of the Serbian phrases if pronounced quite fast and somewhat incomprehensibly, but the real challenge is surely how to respond appropriately!

That's why I recorded a new video lesson for you, which can be used at all levels (click stop when you are out of your depth). You can use it in different ways:
  • To check how well you can understand fast speech, simply listen to the phrases and try to jot them down, without watching the video below!
  • If it is too easy, try to hear the phrase and then respond to it, as fast as you can, without clicking the pause button.
  • If you are not sure if you understood the phrases, play the video while watching it. 
  • Now, if you are sure what all the phrases mean, try to respond to them, even try to write down/practice with your language partner, how you'd continue the conversation. 
  • Have fun!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Learn Common Serbian Phrases with Mikela

If you liked the previous post about the common Serbian phrases, I am sure you will like the following set of phrases people tend to use in  daily conversations when they meet the friends they haven't seen for quite a while.

I will add a translation next to the each phrase, so you can see what is only natural to ask if you have a friend who is from Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro or Croatia :) You will see that there are no "safe" topics about the weather though, lol:)

Đesi ba?* = Where are you? =what's up?
šta ima? = what's up?
kako si? = how are you?
šta radiš? = what are you doing?
ima li šta novo da me iznenadiš? 
= is there anything new to surprise me?

Kad si doš'o? = When did you come back?
kad se vraćaš? = when are you coming back?
vidiš li ti ovo? = can you see what's happening?
i kako ti to shvaćaš? = and what's your take on that?

Šta planiraš danas? = What are your plans for today? (what are you gonna do?)
jesi l' sutra šta planiro? = have you planned anything for tomorrow?
što si neraspoložen? = why are you in a bad mood?
ko te iznerviro? = who bothered you? 
Jes' ti diplomiro ono što si studir'o? = finished what you've been studying?
Nešto s' ti to čini mi se malo pauziro? = it seems you didn't finish it in time?

Jes' to novi telefon kupio? = Have you bought a new (cell) phone?
pošto?  = how much?
ako bi ga prodavo koliko bi košto? = if you were to sell it, how much would it be?
Kol'ko mu prostora u memoriju staje? = how much memory (space=prostor) is there?
kol'ko mu dugo baterija traje?  = how long does the battery last?
Jesu l' to tvoja kola? = is this your car? (The word "kola" in Serbian is always in plural)
il je rent a car? = or is it a rent-a-car?
Je l' to dizel il' benzinac? = is it using diesel fuel or gasoline?
kol'ko je star? = how old is it?

Je l' to na lizing? =Is it on lease?
il je gotovina? = or in cash?
je l' to vuče prednja ili zadnja osovina? = is it front or rear traction?

Refren 2x (* kaš = Kad ćeš)
Kaš* se žent? = When are you gonna get married (ženiti = to get married for men)?
kaš se udavat? when are you gonna get married (udavati = to get married for women)?
De mi reci pa da mogu mirno spavat! = do tell me, so I can sleep peacefully!
imaš li djece? = have any kids?
e nemaš pa što? = no? so why not?
šta čekaš više? = what are you waiting for? 
što ne rješavaš to? = why aren't you working on that?

Kako ti je mama? = How's your ma?
kako ti je tata? = how's your pa?
je l' ti ono imaš sestru ili brata? = have you got a sister or brother? 
(The word "ono"implies that he has forgotten about it)
Radiš li šta? = working?
i kol'ka ti je plata? = how much is your salary?
jesi l' u kreditu?  = having a (bank) loan?
kol'ka ti je rata? = how much is your (monthly) installment?

Đe budeš? = Where are you staying?
đe živiš?= where do you live?
đe stanuješ sada? =where are you living now?
je l' to periferija? = is it in the suburbs? 
za kolko si do grada? = how far is it from the city center?
jesi to na fejsu? = are you on Facebook?
koja ti je slika na profilu? = which is your profile photo?
je l' de da to i ti imaš viška koju kilu? = do admit it that you have put on weight! 
(some (extra) kilos = koju kilu viška)

Refren 3x

 *Đes ba or Gde si? here means "what's up", and is often used along with that phrase "Đes ba? Šta ima?

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Tic Tac Toe Serbian - Useful Phrases

Tic Tac Toe Serbian - Useful Phrases

Useful Phrases in Serbian

In this video lesson we are learning some most important phrases which will help us to keep speaking in Serbian:

  • Šta znači ... ? = What does ... mean?
  • Kako se kaže ...? = How  do you say ...?
  • Ne razumem = I don't understand
  • Razumem = I understand
  • Znam = I know
  • Ne znam = I don't know

Exercises with Useful Phrases

You can also have fun printing the fun sheets I have created for you.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Advanced Serbian Lessons with Državni Posao

Very popular "Državni posao" series are perfect for highly advanced Serbian lessons. One can learn a lot of common Serbian phrases and expressions.  The fun part is to detect mistakes made by famous Đorđe Čvarkov, Dragan Torbica and Boškić (e.g. "lapsitops" instead of "laptop" or "Jututu" instead of "Jutjub").

Let's watch just the first three minutes and try to do the following tasks:

Task 1: Tick the phrases you hear
  • Do juče se nisam brinuo
  • To je samo fol
  • Digneš narod na noge 
  • Prazne duše
  • Bez i zrna energije, bez i zrna poleta
  • I ne bi se digli
  • Pogledajte šta nam rade
  • Za mnogo manje sitnice
  • Nikom ništa
  • Mož' misliti
  • Čime se ti baviš
  • Ukinuli seriju
  • To je neka mutna radnja
  • Ako nisu umešali prste 
  • Imao (seriju) pa nemao
  • Nije to bilo koja serija
  • Neko će odgovarati
  • Nema milosti
Task 2: Even if you don't understand each and every word, can you understand what the problem is?

Task 3: After watching the first part (0:20 - 1:30 - I added the subtitles to make things easier), try to answer the following questions:

a. Da li je Dragan Torbica mislio da je ukidanje serije istina ili ne?
b. Da li Đorđe Čvarkov misli da je narod u depresiji, ili pun energije?
c. Koje reči je Boškić čuo kada je ušao u kancelariju?
d. Na koje tekuće probleme je Boškić mislio kada je pričao o "dizanju naroda"?
e. Ko se čudi Boškiću?
f. Ko objašnjava u čemu je problem i kojim rečima?

Thursday, August 01, 2013

Serbian Phrases Course

I think it's been high time I resumed our regular, day-by-day postings with video lessons of the Serbian language. As usual, I'll do my best to help you in the most practical way with the interactive videos, like this one:

This is one of 65 lessons with more than 4.5 hours of content from the course Serbian Phrases, which has finally been completed. All the videos with slow pronunciation are based on phrase lists both in the Serbian Cyrillic and Latin script! There's also an ever-growing number of additional video exercises, like the one above. For all of you who'd like to buy the course and know how to say 'n' write "FaithfulFollower" in Serbian, will  get a significant discount if they  type it in the coupon code box :) Enjoy it!

Sunday, March 03, 2013

Learn Serbian Phrases - dan dvadeseti

In the previous posts you could practise the phrases for giving directions. Today, I came across this great video which can help you learn the language of instructions, when talking about exercises. It's useful to revise the body parts first:

and then to enjoy watching and listening to the video below:

Serbian Phrases free e-book

  • First, you can do these exercises with your eyes closed, only by listening to her
  • Then, you can watch the video and do the exercise, checking if you understood her well
  • Finally, you can do this follow-up exercise I made for you

Friday, November 29, 2019

Serbian Online Courses - Black Friday Offer

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Warnings in Serbian :)

If you ever wondered how to warn someone in Serbian, let me give you a list of phrases, starting from the most formal ones:
Formal and semi-formal warnings:

  • Dozvoli da te upozorim da ne + present (2nd person Sg. - with 2nd p. Pl, start with "Dozvolite da Vas upozorim...)
  • Ono što ja ne bih nikako uradila je da + present (1st person Sg.)
  • Ako me pitaš za savet, nikako nemoj da + present (2nd person Sg. - with 2nd p. Pl, start with "Ako me pitate za savet, nikako nemojTE da...)
Informal warnings:
  • Pazi se + noun in the Genitive case or gerund (verbal nouns ending in -nje, again in Gen.)
  • Nemoj da + present (2nd person Sg or Pl)
  • Šta god da radiš, nikako nemoj da + present (2nd person Sg. - with 2nd p. Pl, start with Šta god da radite, nikako nemojTE da...) 

If you need all these phrases written both in the Cyrillic and Latin script, pronounced slowly, check  Serbian phrases link.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

How to Say Thank You in Serbian?

 Serbian THANK YOU Phrases  

Today we are practicing easy Serbian THANKING phrases with the bunch of nouns. The idea of the exercise is to properly connect HVALA NA and the following words:

  • poklon 
  • pokloni
  • burek
  • voda
  • pivo 
  • jabuke
  • sve

Primer: Hvala na poklonu vs. Hvala na poklonima

For the full featured video with the pronunciation as well as how to play the games, join the free  SerbianPhrases Course at easy.SerbianPhrases.com  :)

Exercises with Serbian Thank You Phrases

Speaking Exercise - Video lesson 

 For more fun Serbian language apps, check out LING APP ! Have fun!  

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Serbian 101 - Serbian Tests

Serbian 101 - Serbian Tests

With this set of exercises you can test your knowledge for Serbian 101. If you pass all the tests with 80% or more, you are ready for Serbian 102!

Tests in Serbian


  • Describing members of your family = Opisati članove tvoje porodice - ko se kako zove i koliko ima godina






Monday, October 05, 2020

Serbian A2 to B2 Video Lesson

Serbian A2 to B2 Video Lesson 

Here comes a video lesson which will help you practice Serbian at different levels. 

As you can see, there are three phrases. 

Serbian A2 Video Lesson - Accusative

The verbs such as TRAŽI - to search VIDETI - to see or VOLETI - to love (jesti, piti, slušati, gledati, kupiti, naći, etc.) trigger the Accusative case endings in the words that follow it (these can be not only nouns, but also numbers and adjectives in front of the noun)

What does ti mean?

It will change the upcoming word(s) in such a way that

  • anything that is in singular, ending in -a, will drop the -a and change to -u. For example: čokoladA ... Tražim čokoladU = I am lookin for chocolate :o)

Serbian B1 Video Lesson - Genitive 

The following prepositions:

  • pored - next to
  • između - between
  • ispred - in front of
  • iza - behind
  • ispod - under
  • iznad - above

trigger the Genitive case in the words that follow them:

Example: Jaje je pored slaninE. (the nominative case is: slaninA)

-A>>> -E
slanina - slanine
torta - torte
kruška - kruške
lubenica - lubenice

-anything else >>> -A
mleko - mleka
jaje - jajeTa
đus - đusa
sok - soka
tiganj - tiganja
hleb - hleba
sir - sira


Serbian B1/B2 Video Lesson - If Clauses

Potencijal = Second conditional or If Clauses in English
(or If I could..., I would... or If I had, I would...)


Da mogu da jedem lubenicu, ja bih je (po)jela.

     KAD BIH + GLAGOL+o/la, JA BIH + GLAGOL+o/la

Kad bih mogla da jedem lubenicu, ja bih je pojela. Prevod: If I could eat a watermelon now, I would eat it.

Exercises with Serbian A2 to B2 Video Lessons

If you would like to access a database with more similar video lessons and follow up exercises, you can do so by pledging US$12 though Patreon platform. This way you are supporting regular creation of digital materials for teaching and learning Serbian. These materials range from video lessons, exercises with feedback to textbooks which I regularly send to my Patrons. Hvala!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Idiot's Guide to the Cyrillic Alphabet

Serbian Cyrillic Alphabet

During my sojourn in Montenegro, I encountered both the use of Latin and Cyrillic versions of the alphabet. This was a great opportunity to pick up and understand more of the Cyrillic alphabet.

Signs for streets & squares were in the Cyrillic alphabet, which is based on the one sound, one letter system. I had a steep learning curve in reading Cyrillic, particularly when I was trying to read the inscriptions on the Partizan memorials for my English compatriots!

Serbian Cyrillic Alphabet

Now I am sharing with you, dear blog readers, on how I started to learn the Cyrillic alphabet. I found it easier by breaking down the alphabet into sections. All in all, it took me just over 1 hour to get myself acquainted with the alphabet.
Click here to hear the audio

THE FRIENDLY LETTERS (As they are exactly the same as in the latin alphabet)
Examples words: ATOM, MAJKA

THE FALSE FRIENDS (Be aware - although they look the same as their counterparts in the latin alphabet, they represent different letters!).


Can you work out the following words?


THE COMMON CYRILLIC CORE (That's what I call these set of letters as they are common to other Cyrillic based languages).

Б Г Д 3 Л П Ф И H Ж Ч Ш ц

B G D Z L P F I N ž č Š C

Here are some means of transportation:

and some other words


THE SERBIAN CYRILLIC SET (Unique to the language and quite distinct).


Here are a selection of words for you to work out:



The sort order of the ćirilica (ћирилица) alphabet:
Cyrillic order (called Azbuka (азбука): А Б В Г Д Ђ Е Ж З И Ј К Л Љ М Н Њ О П Р С Т Ћ У Ф Х Ц Ч Џ Ш

The sort order of the latinica (латиница) alphabet:
Latin order (called Abeceda (абецеда): A B C Č Ć D Dž Đ E F G H I J K L Lj M N Nj O P R S Š T U V Z Ž

The Serbian Cyrillic alphabet is based on the simple principle of:
"write as you speak and read as it is written"
Пиши као што говориш и читај како је написано.
Piši kao što govoriš i čitaj kako je napisano.

Don't forget that there's always Serbian Phrases List in the Cyrillic version with slow pronunciation ! Those who know how to write "FaithfulFollower" in Serbian (in the Latin alphabet) will get a significant discount :)

If you would like to get all my video lessons with explanations in English, translations and additional exercises like the ones above, in the meaningful order, consider joining me on Patreon. HVALA!

Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Serbian Verbs Conjugated - To Live

I have tried to make simple conjugation videos before, but was never satisfied with what they looked and sounded like. Last week, thanks to my dedicated patrons on Patreon and my students of Serbian whom I've been teaching for years, I was able to afford the first professional version of the software which I have always dreamt of.  HVALA!!!

How do you like my first pro conjugation video?

Now that I have all the tools, I am sure you'll all enjoy my short video lessons about:

  1. verb conjugations in Serbian, both in the Cyrillic and Latin alphabet.
  2. short video stories, based on the video with conjugations
  3. short dialogues based on the texts and Serbian Phrases
  4. videos explaining Serbian idioms
  5. easy Serbian songs and chants for kids
Još jednom ogromno hvala mojim dragim pratiocima i učenicima koji pomažu održavanje ovog bloga i sve bolji kvalitet video lekcija srpskog jezika. Moje nove lekcije će izgledati super zahvaljujući Mirku, Milici i Milenki, Lari, Matiji, Dejanu i Danijeli, Marion, Pavlu, Dejvidu, Niku i Dženi i Jani!!! 

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book