Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query genitive. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query genitive. Sort by date Show all posts

Friday, June 02, 2017

Photo Serbian - From To Genitive 4

Odakle je ova lasta?
Where is this sparrow from?

Odakle leti ova lasta?
Where does this sparrow fly from?

Ona leti od Beograda do Londona.
It (she) flies / is flying from Belgrade to London. 

Ma neee, ona leti od Afrike do Evrope.
Nooo, it flies/ is flying  from AFrica to Europe.

Ova deca nemaju pojma!!!
These kids have no clue!!!

Ona leti od kuće do reke.
It flies/ is flying  from the house to the river.

It's really complicated. Does anyone know the answer? 

I think there is no correct answer, but we can enjoy learning Serbian by playing with this sentence using the Genitive case.

Genitive in Serbian

With the prepositions "from - to", you'll use the Genitive case. In the singular it changes as we have described before:

  • London - od LondonA Masc. Sg. adds an -A
  • Moskva - od MoskvE  Fem. Sg. changes an -a into -E
  • Selo - od selA Neut. Sg. changes an -o into -A

Practicing Genitive in Serbian

Your task is to think about these places and give your own answer about the sparrow using the same form: 

Lasta leti od  ... do ...

  1. Lisabon - Budimpešta
  2. Madrid - Atina
  3. Kopenhagen - Ankara
  4. Zagreb - Ljubljana
  5. Boston - Peking
  6. Moskva - Oslo
  7. Lima - Kairo
  8. Čikago - Berlin
  9. Subotica - Niš
  10. Temišvar - Bratislava
Photo Serbian with Gavrilo

If you are wondering who took this wonderful photo of a sparrow, OR "Od koga je ova slika?", let me tell you that the author is Gavrilo! 

He has been my dear friend since forever and he has allowed me to use his beautiful photos in my photo lessons of Serbian. He is doing a great job promoting Serbia and its beauties and I invite all of you to thank him on his Pixoto page by liking and leaving comments under his photos :) Хвала Гојко! 

Monday, December 15, 2014

Genitive in Serbian - Exercise with Adjectives

Genitive in Serbian

Let me announce  a series of blog posts about the Genitive in Serbian with exercises. Theory can be easy to learn, but what's more difficult is to actually produce correct sentences and phrases. 

That's why I want to encourage you to play with the Quizlets I make for you and keep saying the words in Serbian out loud, especially while playing the SpaceRace :)

Practising Genitive in Serbian

Here comes the answer key:

od čistog zlata - of pure gold
prljave šolje - (of a) dirty mug
od tamnog odela - of dark suit
od svetlih gradova - of light cities
prijatnih žena - (of) pleasant women
od neprijatane dece - (of) unpleasant children
širokog osmeha - (of) broad smile
iz uske ulice - out of narrow street
od visokog čoveka - from the tall man
od niske žene - from the short woman
iz lepog sela - from the beautiful village
od ružnih pasa - of ugly dogs
od pametnih - from smart friends
od glupih političara - from stupid politicians
od duge suknje - of the long skirt
kratkih rukava - (of) short sleeves
od vrednih ljudi - from hardworking people
od lenje dece - from lazy kids
od dobrih roditelja - of good parents
lošeg uticaja - (of) bad influence
jasnih uputstava - (of) clear directions
nejasnih misli - (of) unclear thought
omiljenih kolača - (of) favorite cookies
udobnog kreveta - (of) comfortable bed
prazne kese - (of) empty bag
pune šake - (of a) full hand
srećne žene - (of a) happy woman
prostranih soba - (of) spacious rooms
nesrećnih kolega - (of) unhappy colleagues
bogatog muža - (of a) rich husband

Test with Genitive in Serbian

So you can try to do the test now :)

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Serbian Genitive - Part 3

While in the previous simple Serbian cartoons we ppractised the prepositions followed by the Genitive:

  1. Iz = From
  2. Ispod / Iznad / Pored etc.
today we are revising the same case, with words, both in Masc. and Feminine Singular, such as: 
  • Rim, London, Pariz >>> iz RimA, iz LondonA, od ParizA - Sg. Masc.
  • Srbija, Engleska >>> iz SrbijE, iz EngleskE - Sg. Fem.
However, this time I am also introducing demonstrative adjectives this and these in Serbian:

This and These in Serbian

  • for "she" (like in "this girl" - devojčica) >>> Ova devojčica
  • for "he" (like in "this boy" - dečko) >>>Ovaj dečko
  • for "it" (like in "this sun" - sunce) >>> Ovo sunce
  • for they Masc. Pl or Masc. and Fem. Pl. together (like in "these people" - ljudi) >>>Ovi ljudi
  • for "they" Fem. Pl.(like in "these women" - žene) >>> Ove žene
  • for "they" Neut. Pl. (like in "these kids" - deca) >>> Ova deca

Made with ToonyTool.com

Serbian Genitive Task

I'm going to write the translations of these captions. Your task is to match them with colours :)

Boje (colours)  su: narandžasta (1), crvena (2), tamno plava (3), ljubičasta (4), tamno ljubičasta (5), zelena (6)

  • a) My village is more beautiful than Paris (the preposition "than" in comparison always requires the Genitive case)
  • b) This one with an umbrella is from London for sure (the preposition "from" requires the Genitive)
  • c) If they are from Rome, we are from Paris!
  • d) If this sun sees me, it must think I am from Paris!
  • e) This little one (=a girl) is surely from Serbia!
  • f) These postcards from Italy are funnier than the ones from France!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Greetings from Genitive - Part 2

If you really had fun learning Genitive yesterday, I'm sure you'll have a blast  today:

Made with ToonyTool.com

As you can see, there's a bunch of characters speaking to you in Serbian (written both in the Cyrillic and Latin alphabet :) Because they are talking about where they are right now, they are using (guess what?) the Genitive case. Now, I have a few tasks for you. Let's find out:

A. Who is saying what? = Ko šta kaže?

  1. Sunce kaže: 
  2. Majmun kaže:
  3. Ptica kaže:
  4. Dečko kaže:

B. Where are = Gde su...

  1. dečko (a boy)
  2. devojčica (a girl)
  3. pingvin (a penguin)
  4. ptica (a bird)
  5. majmun (a monkey)
  6. sunce (the sun)
  7. mačka (a cat)

C. One Cyrillic text is missing - which one? Write it in the comment below:

Serbian Genitive with Sg. Feminine Nouns

I hope you have mastered your Genitive with Sg. Masc. nouns. That's why we are working on  the nouns which are Fem. Sg. today. Look at the examples:

  1. Ja sam iznad zgrade! Ko sam ja? Da li sam ja ptica?
  2. Danas sam ispred zgrade! Ko sam ja? Da li sam ja mačka?
  3. Oni su iznad mene! Ko su oni? Ko sam ja?
  4. On nije iznad mačke! Ja sam iznad mačke! Ko sam ja?
What happens with the following nouns?
  1. zgrada = building
  2. ptica = bird
  3. mačka = cat
  4. devojčica = girl
  5. voda = water
when they follow the prepositions: 
  • iznad = above or over
  • ispod = below or under
  • iz = from
  • pored = near or beside
By looking the examples, you can see that the final -a disappears, becoming an -e:

  1. Iznad zgradE = above the building
  2. Ispod pticE = under the bird
  3. Pored mačkE = beside the cat
  4. Iza devojčicE = behind the girl
  5. Iznad vodE = above the water

Asking simple questions with the verb TO BE in Serbian

I am sure you have noticed two types of questions in this exercise:
  1. Wh-? questions: Ko sam ja = Who am I and Ko su oni? Who are they?
  2. Yes-no questions: Da li sam ja pingvin? = Am I a penguin? 
With the verb to be=biti, it is obvious that there is
  1. a wh-? question word before an inversion (ja sam becomes KO sam ja)
  2. da li question phrase before an inversion (ja sam becomes DA LI sam ja)
Yes, it's that simple :)

Rešenje = Solution

Now that you understand EVERYTHING, it's time to solve the mystery...

Friday, March 22, 2019

Adjectives in Genitive Exercise

Let me tell you how I can make the exercises about Tesla's letters can be even more complicated: I'll add the following adjectives in the same text and make it a task. Of course, before doing this task, let us review the forms of Adjectives in Genitive:
The Adjectives which we are going to be used in front of some of the nouns are as follows:
  • Pridevi uz osobe: pametan - čuven - poznat
  • Pridevi uz zemlju / kraljevinu: čuven - star
  • Pridevi uz reč muzej (Adligat): veliki - mali - poznat - dosadan - bogat - siromašan
  • Pridevi uz godine / dane: davni - prošli - sledeći

Endings for Adjectives in Genitive

Sg. Masc.-OG, example: od čuvenOG glumca
Sg. Neut .-OG, example: od lepOG odela
Sg. Fem.-E, example: od čuvenE glumice

Pl. all genders - IH: od lepIH glumAca, od lepIH glumica, iz lepIH sela

Adjectives in Genitive Exercise


If you would like to receive more lessons like this one, consider joining my Patreon blog.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Where is the cat?

1. The cat is under the table.
MAČKA JE ISPOD STOLA (Nominative Sg. STO - Genitive STOLA)
2. The cat is sitting on the chair.
3. The cat is behind the tree.
4. The cat is in the wellington boot.
5. The cat is on the table.
MAČKA JE NA STOLU (Nom. Sg. STO - Locative STOLU )
6. The cat is under the car.


Cat: ---------------MAČKA
Car: ---------------AUTO / KOLA
Chair: -------------STOLICA
Table: -------------STO
Tree: --------------DRVO
Wellington boot:--- ČIZMA

Prepositions of location:

On ----------NA
Under -------ISPOD
Behind ------IZA
In (Inside) -- U

Monday, May 15, 2017

Serbian Genitive - Greetings from London, Part 1

What a lovely morning for such an easy Serbian Genitive photo lesson:
  Made with ToonyTool.com
Dobro jutro iz sunčanog LondonA! Pogodite odakle šaljem pozdrave: ispod ili iznad mostA?

Добро јутро из сунчаног ЛондонА! Погодите одакле шаљем поздраве: испод или изнад мостА?

Good morning from sunny London! Guess where I am sending the greetings from: under or above the bridge?

Serbian Genitive with Masculine Singular

London and most (bridge) are two Masc. Sg. nouns in this case. What endings showed up when we used them after the prepositions:

  1. iz = from
  2. under / below = ispod
  3. above / over = iznad
Yes, the answer is -A. So, if you are from the following cities/countries you will always  say "I am from ..."

  • Ja sam  iz Londona / Beograda / Lisabona / Bostona / Čikaga (Čikago) / Sidneja / Frankfurta /Minhena / Beča / Pariza
  • Moja mama je iz Perua / Irana / Iraka / Luksemburga / Portugala /Izrael

Monday, October 05, 2020

Serbian A2 to B2 Video Lesson

Serbian A2 to B2 Video Lesson 

Here comes a video lesson which will help you practice Serbian at different levels. 

As you can see, there are three phrases. 

Serbian A2 Video Lesson - Accusative

The verbs such as TRAŽI - to search VIDETI - to see or VOLETI - to love (jesti, piti, slušati, gledati, kupiti, naći, etc.) trigger the Accusative case endings in the words that follow it (these can be not only nouns, but also numbers and adjectives in front of the noun)

What does ti mean?

It will change the upcoming word(s) in such a way that

  • anything that is in singular, ending in -a, will drop the -a and change to -u. For example: čokoladA ... Tražim čokoladU = I am lookin for chocolate :o)

Serbian B1 Video Lesson - Genitive 

The following prepositions:

  • pored - next to
  • između - between
  • ispred - in front of
  • iza - behind
  • ispod - under
  • iznad - above

trigger the Genitive case in the words that follow them:

Example: Jaje je pored slaninE. (the nominative case is: slaninA)

-A>>> -E
slanina - slanine
torta - torte
kruška - kruške
lubenica - lubenice

-anything else >>> -A
mleko - mleka
jaje - jajeTa
đus - đusa
sok - soka
tiganj - tiganja
hleb - hleba
sir - sira


Serbian B1/B2 Video Lesson - If Clauses

Potencijal = Second conditional or If Clauses in English
(or If I could..., I would... or If I had, I would...)


Da mogu da jedem lubenicu, ja bih je (po)jela.

     KAD BIH + GLAGOL+o/la, JA BIH + GLAGOL+o/la

Kad bih mogla da jedem lubenicu, ja bih je pojela. Prevod: If I could eat a watermelon now, I would eat it.

Exercises with Serbian A2 to B2 Video Lessons

If you would like to access a database with more similar video lessons and follow up exercises, you can do so by pledging US$12 though Patreon platform. This way you are supporting regular creation of digital materials for teaching and learning Serbian. These materials range from video lessons, exercises with feedback to textbooks which I regularly send to my Patrons. Hvala!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Funny Grammatical Categories in Serbian

One of the funny grammatical categories you might come across in Serbian are "animate" vs. "inanimate"  nouns, which is for instance reflected in the Accusative declensions, only for Sg. Masculine. This means that just because you've seen (to see = videti)  or taken a photo ((u)slikati) of a person, not a thing, a noun like "dečak" will take the Genitive declension markers (suffix -a)  instead of Accusative (zero suffix), although it's still an Accusative case. (I'm talking only about the form here).

For example: Ovo je dečak. Videla sam dečaka. Slikala sam dečaka. (there's also a stress change from the first to the second syllable).

While the linguists dwell on these topics and enjoy discussing whys and ifs of such irregularities, I always enjoy helping you in the most practical way. That's why Ivan and I created these two videos, carefully choosing nouns both in singular and then in plural and grouping them. With both videos you can practice saying simple sentences, with the verbs:
  • videti (to see )
  • fotografisati  = slikati = uslikati (to take a photo of )
  • snimati (to record)
The first video covers the grammatical category of "inanimate" objects:

The second one is obviously all about "animate" category - this time the topic is "people " (so switch to the Genitive endings for masc. please).

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Case suffixes in Serbian

One of the most difficult features of the Serbian language are declensions, i.e. different suffixes which words such as nouns, pronouns, adjectives take in different cases. Let me add all of them in one place, while in the following posts you will be able to focus on practicing these cases, one by one and in a more fun way!

Singular Cases Suffixes in Serbian 

Case name:Answers question:Used to describe:Suffixes (I tried describing just the majority of case endings, general rule, not the exceptions and specific ones)

Who? What?
Usually the subject of a sentence and predicative- Masc. most often ends in a consonant
- Fem. most often ends in A
- Neut. most often ends in -E or -O
Genitive KOGA?ČEGA?

Of who? Of what?
Possession, belonging, a part of something- Masc. nouns take an - A ending
- Fem. nouns drop the final -a and take an -E ending
- Neut. nouns drop the final -e or -o and take an - A ending (while some nouns in animate category add an infix T, so you get deteTA, pileTA)

To whom? To what?
The noun to which/ whom something is given, shown, etc.- Masc. nouns take an - U ending
- Fem. nouns drop the final -a and take an -i ending
- Neut. nouns drop the final -e or -o and take an - U ending
AccusativeKOGA? ŠTA?

Whom? What?
Usually the object of a sentence- Masc. nouns describing inanimate concepts don't change while nouns in animate category (person / animal / plant) take an - A ending, the same as the genitive case
- Fem. nouns drop the final -a and take an -U ending
- Neut.  nouns describing inanimate concepts don't change, regardless of the category (animate/inanimate) 
VocativeHEJ! Calling someone or in poems referring to something or some placeUsed to address somebody or something- Masc. nouns ending in a consonant take an - E ending, the ones ending in an -a drop the final -a and take an -O suffix, otherwise they don't change (examples: Dejvid - Dejvide! Pera - Pero! Mirko - Mirko! )
- Fem. nouns  of the foreign origin don't change in the locative, while the two and more syllable ones drop the final -a and take an -O ending, while names ending in -CA drop the final A and take an -E  (Marina! Kim! Nada - Nado! Ljubica - Ljubice!)
- Neut. nouns don't change 
InstrumentalS KIM?

Using, with, whom? Using, with, what?
Company (with preposition s) or utilization of something or someone to accomplish an action- Masc. nouns take an - OM ending
- Fem. nouns drop the final -a and take an -OM ending
- Neut. nouns drop the final -e or -o and take an - OM ending
>>> for all genders, after some "soft" sounds you will have an ending -EM (mužEM, tušEM...)

Where? About whom?
Location, Relation(It's good to know that the locative = dative in form)
- Masc. nouns take an - U ending
- Fem. nouns drop the final -a and take an -i ending
- Neut. nouns drop the final -e or -o and take an - U ending

Plural Cases Suffixes in Serbian ... coming soon

Exercise with Case Suffixes in Serbian

Draga Anna,

Hvala ti za predivnu idej__ kako da vodim ovaj blog. Trudiću se da redovno objavljujem kratke prič__ ili postov__ , bez nastavak__ za padež___, a rešenj___ ćeš moći da pročitaš u audio fajl__ na vrhu___ svak___ post___. U početk___ ću pisati lakše tekst___ , pa sve teže i teže. Možeš mi i dojaviti šta ti se sviđa, a šta ne u komentar___.
Pošto svakodnevno izmišljam test____ za učenik___ englesk___, neće mi biti teško da to radim i za srpsk___ . Nadam se da ćeš uživati, kao i ostali vredni učenic__ koji nalete na ovaj blog.
Do sledećeg javljanj___ sve najbolje i puno pozdrav___
od Marin___

 ps. the answer key is in comments

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Adjective Comparison and Genitive in Serbian

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Serbian Language 365 Day 2 - Serbian for Pre-intermediate Level

In the past five years I've scattered numerous blog posts with lessons of Serbian and corresponding grammatical explanations not only on this blog and Youtube and Youtube but all over the Internet. One of the many reasons for starting 365 Days of Serbian Language was to connect them and tag them correctly.

Since the previous post covered the verb TO BE in the Simple Present tense, I think that all the students who are either at elementary and pre-intermediate level can easily learn to use the same form with the Locative case, saying where you are:

At the end of each video lesson, let's revisit some of the previous posts covering the same, or similar topic:

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Study Serbian Pronouns

Watch this video with the Serbian pronouns in the Genitive and Accusative cases.

I added all the forms of the Personal Pronouns in Serbian below (source:wikipedia), but what's more important for you is to practise them in context. That's why I'd suggest you watch this video and then try to mute it and say the sentences while watching. 

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Serbian Language 365 - Day 5 Singing in Serbian

If you have been following this blog, you've certainly noticed that there are a lot of songs with which you can practise your language. The main reason is that songs will help you with fluency, because while singing you repeat the same structures, collocations and fixed verb+case noun sets, and this boosts your confidence and automatic responses.

Before I continue creating new songs+exercises, such as this one, let me give you a short review of the past songs and grammar points which my students really loved:

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Wild Animals in Serbian

Before we start practicing the Accusative and Genitive case with animals, let's learn a set of words in a fun way. This is a drag and drop exercise which will help you learn the words both in the Latin alphabet and Cyrillic script. Have fun! (make sure you pull the word a bit further to the left of the designated square in order for it to "catch" it).

Let's listen to the video lesson where I am playing this game:

I am sure that now you are ready to do the following exercise:

Monday, August 05, 2013

Serbian Adjectives in Accusative

Now that you've practised a set of  verbs which require the Accusative case, in different tenses and with different nouns ( which you have seen / broken / bought /sold / fixed / turned off / turned on etc.), it's time you did the same exercise, but this time with adjectives.

The topic of adjectives in Serbian is always tricky as they not only agree with the number and gender of the noun, but also with its case. While in some cases, like in the Accusative for example, the case endings are the same for the nouns and adjectives, it's not always that easy ( e.g. in the Genitive case).

That's why we'll stick to the Accusative case today, because we've already practised it and it's easy!
Let's watch the same video and add the following adjectives in front of each noun :
  • MODERAN = modern
  • JEFTIN = cheap
  • SKUP = expensive
  • VELIKI = big
  • MALI = small
  • NOVI = new
  • STARI = old
  • DOBAR = good
For example: 

  • Kupila sam veliki televizor i malU peglU. 
  • Htela sam da kupim i modernE lampE, ali bile su previše skupE
  • Na kraju sam kupila jeftinE tosterE. Jedan za mene a jedan za mamu. 
As you can see, the Accusative form of the adjectives with nouns denoting inanimate objects is pretty straightforward - it simply agrees with the noun adding the final endings both for the Sg. and Pl. in the same manner as the noun.  Let me share with you an exercise based on this blog post and the video (click on the question mark to get a hint which adjective to use).

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Practise Genitive Case in Serbian

Sunday, December 06, 2015

Serbian Online Course about Animals

Brand New Serbian Online Course

If you have followed my previous posts about using different groups of vocabulary to build up more complicated sentences in Serbian, I am sure you will like my new mini course which focuses on vocabulary (here comes the Christmas discount link). It is called Expanding Serbian Vocabulary - Animals and right now it covers all levels, from the beginner to advanced. You will be using the same sets of words in different contexts and with different grammar structures, starting with the verb to be, to the past tense, Accusative, Genitive, comparisons to conditionals.

This course is perfect for all the students of Serbian at different levels, who would like to expand their vocabulary in different contexts. It is based the vocabulary describing domestic and wild animals

Serbian Online Course - Structure

Each section consists of:
  • intro video lesson with me pronouncing the words
  • video lesson without my pronunciation
  • video lessons with exercises where you have to supply the missing words
  • quizzes and grammar exercises
  • speaking practice video with lots of questions and a link where you can record/write your answers

Serbian Online Course about Animals - Free Lesson

Friday, January 30, 2015

Ideas for Advanced Serbian Lessons - City

Advanced Serbian Lessons - Describing a City

For all of you who are eager to learn more advanced Serbian, I found another great video which can be turned into a few different speaking and listening comprehension exercises:


Advanced Serbian Speaking

Exercise one: watching the video without listening to it. You can take a guess what each building or buildings might be, using the following structures:
  • Ova zgrada bi mogla da bude (this building could be...) ... pijaca / vrtić / škola / stambena zgrada / crkva / sportski centar / tržni centar / bazen / pozorište ... or plural form:
  • OvE zgradE bi moglE da budU...
  • Ovo je idealno mesto za (this is a perfect spot for...) ... pijacu / vrtić / školu / stambenu zgradu / crkvu / sportski centar / tržni centar / bazen / pozorište
  • Da sam arhitekta / dizajner / političar, ja bih na ovom mestu izgradio ...(if I were an architect, I'd build...)  ... pijacu / vrtić / školu / stambenu zgradu / crkvu / sportski centar / tržni centar / bazen / pozorište
Exercise two: watching the video and listening to the detailed explanation. Check if you were right about each building(s), using the following phrases:

  • Oni su rekli da će ovde biti izgrađen tržni centar, a ja sam rekao da će biti škola (They said that there will be a shopping centre built, but I said that would be a school.)

Advanced Serbian Vocabulary and Grammar

Exercise three: doing an exercise based on the text below, which I am currently working on (making gaps mainly where the nouns in genitive are):

Advanced Serbian
Šabac, grad na Savi
Šabac, grad koji je delio države i carstva, na obali velike reke sa srednjovekovnom tvrđavom, kao obeležjem i simbolom. Živeo je kroz istoriju san o izlasku na Savu. Vizija o gradu na reci konačno je estetski, funkcionalno i ekonomski utemeljena planom detaljne regulacije: "Šabac, grad na Savi".

Plan obuhvata površinu omeđenu ulicama: produžetak Kralja Aleksandra i Kralja Milana, od pruge do obale reke Save. Područje obuhvata plana podeljeno je na blokove različitih namena.Blokovi 11, 13 i 14 rezervisani su za izgradnju poslovnih objekata, dozvoljene spratnosti P+2. Tržni centar, izložbeno-prodajni salon ekskluzivnih oblika i materijala, samo su neki od planiranih sadržaja. Svoje mesto imaju i objekti kulture iste srpatnosti.

Infrastrukturni objekti biće smešteni u bloku 12. Najatraktivniji segment obuhvata plana je stambeni deo za  oko 4000 ljudi. Naselje će činiti objekti kolektivnog stanovanja  dozvoljene spratnosti P+3 i gradske vile spratnosti P+2, koje mogu imati maksimalno po 10 stanova, minimalne površine do 45 metara kvadratnih.

Pored stambenog bloka planirana je izgradnja memorijalnog centra, osnovne škole i dečijeg obdaništa. Na mestu nekadašnje kasarne, uzvodno od tvrđave, predviđena je parkovska površina koja se završava pristaništem i marinom za čamce i turističke brodove, uz prateće sadržaje: hotel, carinarnicu, portirnicu, hangare za čamce, ugostiteljske i administrativno-upravne objekte. Marina će biti sagrađena na mestu predratnog pristaništa, piše agencija, nekada omiljenog mesta Šapčana tokom leta.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Warnings in Serbian :)

If you ever wondered how to warn someone in Serbian, let me give you a list of phrases, starting from the most formal ones:
Formal and semi-formal warnings:

  • Dozvoli da te upozorim da ne + present (2nd person Sg. - with 2nd p. Pl, start with "Dozvolite da Vas upozorim...)
  • Ono što ja ne bih nikako uradila je da + present (1st person Sg.)
  • Ako me pitaš za savet, nikako nemoj da + present (2nd person Sg. - with 2nd p. Pl, start with "Ako me pitate za savet, nikako nemojTE da...)
Informal warnings:
  • Pazi se + noun in the Genitive case or gerund (verbal nouns ending in -nje, again in Gen.)
  • Nemoj da + present (2nd person Sg or Pl)
  • Šta god da radiš, nikako nemoj da + present (2nd person Sg. - with 2nd p. Pl, start with Šta god da radite, nikako nemojTE da...) 

If you need all these phrases written both in the Cyrillic and Latin script, pronounced slowly, check  Serbian phrases link.

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book