Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query genitive. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query genitive. Sort by date Show all posts

Monday, October 31, 2016

Serbian Language with Recipes - Exotic Chicken

In today's "Radni ručak" we can enjoy watching "Piletina lampia" with the chef Samir and  beautiful Milena.

Listen to the video and try to answer the following questions:

1. Jedan sastojak je viška. Koji?

  • piletina
  • crvena paprika
  • tikvica
  • crni luk
  • so
  • pirinač
  • med
  • ananas
  • banana
  • šampinjoni
  • šargarepa
  • pavlaka
  • biber
  • sirće
2. Od čega se sastoji sledeće jelo - koji oblik nije gramatički tačan?
  • od piletine
  • od crvene paprike
  • od tikvice
  • od crnog luka
  • od solija
  • od pirinča
  • od meda
  • od ananasa
  • od banane
  • od šampinjona
  • od šargarepe
  • od pavlake
  • od bibera
  • od sirćeta
3. Koje imenice nedostaju iza glagola koje sam navela?
  • iseći 
  • seći ... na kockice
  • dodati ...
  • staviti ... da se peče
  • iseći ... na krupno
  • iseći ... na pola, pa još na pola
  • iseći ... na sitne kockice
  • dodati ... i papriku na kraju
  • sipati polako ...
  • koristimo neutralnu ... ili ... za kuvanje
  • dodati malo ...
  • kao podlogu ćemo staviti ...
  • dodaćemo još malo ... i to bi bilo to
Answer key:

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Days of the Week in Serbian at Three Levels

I'm sure that you find Serbian days of the week easy to pronounce. However, if you still struggle with Thursday (četvrtak), there's a useful introduction in this video to help you pronounce days well.

Since rarely does anyone use days of the week in its Nominative form:

1. Ponedeljak = Monday = Понедељак
2. Utorak = Tuesday = Уторак
3. Sreda = Wednesday = Среда
4. Četvrtak = Thursday = Четвртак
5. Petak = Friday = Петак
6. Subota = Saturday = Субота
7. Nedelja = Sunday = Недеља

Let me share with you a few exercises at three different levels:
A. Days of the Week in Serbian

a. Flashcards
b. Matching game
c. Gravity game
d. Test

B: What are you doing on + DAY ( Accusative case )?  = Šta radiš u subotu?
Let's practice together:
C: Words "svaki / sledeći / naredni / drugi + day "will trigger the Genitive case of both the adjective and the noun in the question:"What are you doing next Monday?" = "Šta radiš sledećeg ponedeljka?"
Let's practice together:

a. Flashcards
b. Matching game
c. Gravity game
d. Test

Friday, May 11, 2018

Learning Serbian with Games - Relative Pronouns

Today we are going to practice relative pronouns in Serbian in a fun way!

Relative pronouns /question words which and who in Serbian also change according to the number and gender, so I want you here to have fun playing a memory game + use a bit more complex sentences, such as:

  1. Vidim čoveka koji radi na kompjuteru.
  2. Vidim čoveka koji nosi kapu. 
  3. Vidim ženu koja razgovara s nekim. 
  4. Vidim dete koje nosi haljinu. 
Although the verb VIDETI to see, requires the accusative case, I'll list all the forms (declensions) of ko and koji below. 

Nominative - ko/ koji = who /which
  • čovek koji radi = a man who is working
  • žena kojA radi = a woman who is working
  • dete kojE radi = a child who is working
  • ljudi koji rade = people who are working
  • žene kojE rade = women who are working
  • deca kojA rade = children who are working
Genitive  - from whom / which
  • od kojeg(a) / kog(a) čoveka  
  • od koje žene  
  • od kog deteta
  • od kojih ljudi
  • od kojih žena
  • od koje dece
Dative - to whom / which
  • kojem / kom čoveku
  • kojoj ženi 
  • kojem / kom detetu
  • kojim ljudima
  • kojim ženama
  • kojim ljudima

Accusative - who(m) /which
  • kojeg / kog čoveka (animate category = gen.) ili koji hamburger (inanimate category)
  • koju ženu  
  • koje dete
  • koje ljude
  • koje žene
  • koju decu
Instrumental - with who(m) / which
  • sa kojim čovekom 
  • sa kojom ženom
  • sa kojim detetom 
  • sa kojim ljudima
  • sa kojim ženama
  • sa kojom decom

Locative - about who(m)/which
  • o kojem / kom čoveku
  • o kojoj ženi 
  • o kojem / kom detetu
  • o kojim ljudima
  • o kojim ženama
  • o kojim ljudima

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Serbian Adjectives and Nouns in Genitive Case

After doing the exercise in Nominative, both Singular and Plural, let's move onto
Genetive case: (to find out which case is Genetive ask the following quiestons: ‘Of whom, whose’ (od koga) or ‘of what’ (čega)

Example: Some 'se' verbs require Genetive, like to be scared OF 'plašiti se' or to take hold OF 'dočepati se'
Singular: Plašim se skupog automobila.

adjectives: LEP / JAK / VISOK / VELIK / SKUP

  1. ___________ knjigE. (book)
  2. ___________ momkA. (young man)
  3. ___________ automobilA. (car)
  4. ___________ nosA. (nose)
  5. ___________ zgradE. (building)
  6. ___________ kućE. (house)
  7. ___________ stoLA. (table)
  8. ___________ torbE. (bag)
  9. ___________ deteTA. (child)
  10. ___________ zrnA. (grain)
Adjectives + Plural Nouns in Genetive:

adjectives: LEP / JAK / VISOK / VELIK / SKUP

(beautiful/strong/tall/big, large/expensive)

*Try to use all the adjectives that collocate with the nouns as follows:
Plural: ...od lepih knjiga.

  1. ___________ momakA.
  2. ___________ automobilA.
  3. ___________ nosEVA.
  4. ___________ zgrada.
  5. ___________ kuća.
  6. ___________ stoLOVA.
  7. ___________ torbI.
  8. ___________ decE.
  9. ___________ zrnA.
  10. ___________ devojAkA.
The audio answer has been recorded :o)
(in case you are asked for your username, click 'log in as a guest')
What I don't like to do when teaching Serbian grammar is to actually give the kind of exercise I just posted above - mixing up all the genders, so you cannot infer the rule (which majority of textbooks do). That's why for more elementary students, I'd group words in an exercise like the following one:

+ Adjective: velikA kućA, velikA devojkA, velikA torbA, velikA knjigA, velikA zgradA
(so that your ears come to like this A-A concordance)
Genetive Fem. Sg: od kućE, od devojkE, od torbE, od knjigE, od zgradE
+ Adjective: od velikE kućE, od visokE devojkE, od skupE torbE, od jeftinE knjigE
(so that your ears come to like this E-E concordance)
etc. etc.
I think that so many (meaningless) suffixes like 'a' 'e' 'ih' 'og' 'u' 'om' ... can be learnt only through drill and immersion. What do you think, how many seconds/minutes would it take for you to think about all the categories (and their corresponding suffixes) involved in the following sentence in order to utter it fluently and accurately: 'Koliko lepih devojaka u ovom divnom gradu!' ?

Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Easter Day in Serbia

Easter Day in Serbia

On Easter day people in Serbia crack their Easter eggs with one another, in search for the strongest egg :) We start from the early morning! At first, during breakfast we start cracking eggs and each of us keeps the strongest one. Then we meet with our relatives at Sunday lunch where we continue with this never-ending fight. There is usually one egg which beats all the rest and we keep it until the next year. 

In this video you can see what it looks like:

Here comes an exercise where you can practice the Genitive case together with the possessive form and comparatives (bolji / gori = better / worse; jači / slabiji = stronger / weaker; lepši / ružniji = nicer / uglier; manje / veće =smaller/bigger etc.). Watch the video first and then decide whose egg is stronger/better/weaker/worse! Have fun and a Happy Easter!

Monday, July 30, 2018

Serbian Language with Vicevi

Vic in Serbian means a joke.

Telling easy jokes makes learning a language fun and easy. That's why I am sharing with you the first two parts of a very long joke which has some of the most frequently used verbs:
  1. otvoriti = to open
  2. zatvoriti = to close
  3. staviti = to put
  4. izvaditi = to take out
In the first video you can watch the Present tense version of this story with an explanation and translation:

In the second video lesson you can see how you can change the same joke, so it has the same meaning, but you practice the Accusative and Genitive cases without noticing it :D

If you want to support me creating video lessons of Serbian, you are welcome to join my Patron page:) 

Sunday, December 08, 2013

Serbian Language Tests - Locative 1

Saturday, August 04, 2018

Let's practice Locative, Accusative and Genitive with Vicevi

Monday, August 19, 2013

Who is More Dangerous ?

I surely wasn't doing a great job tagging and linking the blog posts properly when I first started it back in 2007 - 2008. As it transpired, it seems there were only two posts covering the topic of comparison of adjectives in Serbian ! Shame on me ! This should be urgently fixed...

For now, try to compare the animals you see in the video sticking to the following sentence structure, using only the adjective "dangerous" = opasan (comparative : Singular: opasniji (masc) - opasnija(fem) - opasnije (neut.) Plural: opasniji (masc) - opasnije (fem) - opasnija (neut) )

  • For pre-intermediate level: Lav je opasniji od zebre (Gen. of "zebra")
  • For intermediate and upper levels: Mislim da je lav opasniji od zebre.

Animals in the video with their Genitive form:

  1. zebra - od zebre
  2. tigar  - od tigra
  3. ajkula - od ajkule
  4. orao - od orla
  5. medved = od medveda
  6. lav = od lava
  7. panda = od pande
  8. vuk = od vuka
  9. žirafa = od žirafe
  10. aligator = od aligatora
  11. golub = od goluba
  12. zmija = od zmije
  13. lane = od laneta

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Learning Serbian with Jokes - Lesson 4

If you liked  the joke about an elephant, giraffe and the fridge, and all its variations through tenses, you will be more than happy to learn that there is a sequel to it :)

In this part you are simply learning to explain why not all the animals are at the lion's party.


  • slaviti = to celebrate
  • taj lav = the lion
  • rođendan = birthday
  • svi = all
  • životinja = animal
  • sve životinje = all the animals
  • žurka = party
  • njegova = his
  • na njegovoj žurci = at his party

Pay attention to the word PARTY - žurka:

  • Ovo je super žurka = This is a great party (Nominative)
  • Dolazim sa žurke = I am coming from the party (Genitive)
  • Idem ka žurci = I am going to(wards) the party (Dative)
  • Idem na žurku = I am going to the party (Accusative)
  • Lav je zadovoljan žurkom = The lion is satisfied with the party (Instrumental)
  • Lav je na žurci = The lion is at the party (Locative)

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Geography Lesson 1 - Serbian Accusative and Genitive

One of the best ways to learn SErbian is by playing games. I have recently found this website for learning Geography called Online Seterra and while playing this game, I made the following video  lesson for you:

A follow up exercise coming soon!

Saturday, March 09, 2013

Learn Serbian 365 Days with Songs and Poems - Branko Miljković

If you are at upper-intermediate or advanced level of Serbian, I'm sure you'll fall in love with this poem at first sight/hearing :) Zaljubićete se u ovu pesmu Branka Miljkovića na prvi pogled / prvo slušanje :)

If you are not sure about the words and the meanings, you'll  find it on this lyricstranslation.com page.
For all those who'd like to practise the Genitive case after the preposition "zbog" = because of, here is the exercise based on this magnificient poem.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Learning Serbian with Songs

If you like learning Serbian with songs, I'm sure oyu will like some of the new exercises I published on the new SerbianLessons page:  

Learning Serbian with Songs

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book