Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Showing posts with label listening comprehension skills. Show all posts
Showing posts with label listening comprehension skills. Show all posts

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Listening Comprehension - Videos with Serbian Subtitles and Exercises

Videos with Serbian Subtitles and Exercises

Because there is such a lack of videos in Serbian with subtitles, I'll do my best to choose good ones, add the subtitles & translation and turn them into great learning resources. Let me start by sharing this fun video about Lepa Brena, a famous Serbian singer.  

Listening Comprehension - Text about Lepa Brena

Lepa Brena, Fahreta Živojinović, poznatija kao Lepa Brena,  jugoslovenko-srpska je folk, pop-folk i pop pevačica, poreklom iz Bosne i Hercegovine.  Njena popularnost u Jugoslaviji rasla je veoma brzo već od pojavljivanja u filmu "Tesna koža" postaje prepoznatljivo lice, veoma prisutno u medijima. Njen  šut u glavu, a potom i pad pamti cela Jugoslavija... i još jedan pad, i nećete verovati, još jedan. 

Google Translation with Mistakes in Bold

Lepa Brena, Fahreta Zivojinovic, known as Lepa Brena, is a Yugoslav-Serbian folk, pop-folk and pop singer, originally from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Her popularity in Yugoslavia grew very quickly already appeared in the movie "Tight Skin" becoming recognizable ears, very present in the media. Her shot to the head and then the fall is remembered by the whole of Yugoslavia ... and another pad, I won't believe it, another one.

Google Translation Corrected
Lepa Brena, Fahreta Zivojinovic, known as Lepa Brena, is a Yugoslav-Serbian folk, pop-folk and pop singer, originally from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Her popularity in Yugoslavia grew very quickly and since her appearance in the movie "Tight Skin" she became a recognizable face, very present in the media. Her kick to the head and then an epic fall is remembered by the whole of Yugoslavia ... and another fall, you won't believe it, and yet another one.

Video Lesson with Serbian Subtitles - Exercise

Video Lesson with Serbian Subtitles - Vocabulary 

Sunday, October 06, 2019

Serbian 401 - Mala istorija Srbije

Srpski 401 se bazira na preslatkoj mini seriji koja se zove Mala istorija Srbije, o kojoj sam pisala pre pet godina (vreme baš leti = time really flies by)!

Hajde da ponovo pogledamo prvu epizodu i uradimo sledeće vežbe:

Don't forget that for more exercises like this one with explanations and video lessons with slow pronunciation you can join Patreon page, tier one.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Learning Serbian with Songs

If you like learning Serbian with songs, I'm sure oyu will like some of the new exercises I published on the new SerbianLessons page:  

Learning Serbian with Songs

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Listening Comprehension in Serbian - Numbers

Practicing Numbers while Listening 

Another exercise where your task is to jot down the numbers you hear while watching this funny add:

Listening Comprehension Numbers - Answer Key

Brojevi koje čujemo (they are written in white, just select them and you'll see the answers)

  • 30
  • 35
  • 10
  • 13 


  • držati se dobro  (keep oneself fit/taking good care of oneself)
  • imati oko za nešto (have a keen/sharp eye)
  • broj 13 donosi nesreću (number 13 is unlucky)

Brojevi kao imenice 

Numbers used as grades (at school, college, etc) behaving as nouns
  • jedan = jedinica
  • dva =dvojka
  • tri = trojka
  • četiri = četvorka
  • pet = petica
  • šest = šestica
  • sedam = sedmica
  • osam = osmica
  • devet = devetka
  • deset = desetka
  • jedanaest = jedanaestica 

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Listening and Reading Serbian

Unfortunately, there are too few Serbian videos with subtitles in Serbian. Whenever I come across one, I do my best to share it with you. I hope that with BBC in Serbian comeback, there will be more and more videos with subtitles covering interesting topics, like this one about how to live without waste = kako živeti bez otpada:

Monday, September 09, 2019

Serbian Intermediate - Listening Comprehension, King's Chicken

Besides a wonderful recipe for King's Chicken, you will hear three stories about the origin of this simple and tasty dish. Let's listen the following video first.

You can listen to the video as many times as you want, try to listen to it a bit slower (change speed to 0.75) and write down at least one short story on our joint Padlet :) Simply click twice on the background and start writing. There is no need for you to write your name! Have fun :)

  1. Prva priča - link  
  2. Druga priča - link
  3. Treća priča - link

Made with Padlet

Sunday, July 21, 2019

What is so special about 3, 6 and 9?

Numbers and Addition in Serbian

Let's watch the video where you can see and hear  numbers being added in Serbian. If you click CC you will be able to follow the English translation as well. If you decrease the speed, from normal to 0.75, you can practice your pronunciation :) Have fun!

For more advanced learners, there are a few, actually 3, questions:
1. Can you recognize the accent? Which one is it - Serbian or Bosnian or Montenegrin?
2. Could you hear the name of the famous scientist who is mentioned in the video?
3. Why are numbers 3, 6, and 9 magical?

Friday, March 15, 2019

Serbian 701 - Exercises with Episode 5

Nadam se da ste uživali radeći prethodne vežbe i lekcije iz serije Srpski 701. Današnja epizoda je posvećena korupciji i od poslednja dva minuta sam vam napravila nekoliko vežbi.

PRVI KORAK: Odgledati poslednji deo epizode pet i isključiti zvuk. Dok gledate video opišite:

  • 1. šta vidite
  • 2. koga vidite
  • 3. šta mislite da oni rade i kako se osećaju
DRUGI KORAK: Pokušajte da uradite narednu vežbu BEZ slušanja

TREĆI KORAK: Sada odslušajte video još jednom i dopunite/popravite prazna polja koja su ostala
Za još vežbi i ideja za lekcije na različitim nivoima, pratite moj blog na Patreonu. Hvala!

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Advanced Serbian - Buildings, City Life and Urbanism

Advanced Serbian će biti serija video priloga uz koje ćete moći da čujete lep srpski jezik, proširite i obogatite vokabular uživajući u raznovrsnim temama.

Prvi u ovom nizu će biti naredni video od pet sati  koji će vam otkriti prelepe zgrade Beograda, kao i zaboravljene priče iz davnih, i ne tako davnih vremena. Sigurna sam da ćete uživati uz živopisne detalje i korisne kolokacije koje ću podeliti s vama putem vežbi u narednim javljanjima.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Podcast in Serbian Language - A2, Food

Today's video lesson based on authentic listening material is all about food! Let's watch and listen to Miodrag Petrović Čkalja, one of the most famous Serbian actors in a short excerpt from Kamiondžije (always listed in top ten Serbian series).

The question is what was he eating = šta je jeo and why different cases in one sentence?


If invisible, here is the link.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Serbian Language Podcast - A2/B1 Level

Serbian Language Podcast 

There are quite a few Youtube videos which can be used for practicing your listening comprehension skills. One of them is  MarkaŽvala Youtube channel with short interviews with ordinary people. In their videos you can hear authentic, colloquial language spoken in Belgrade. Today I want to share with you a video in which  passersby are asked to show what they HAVE=IMAJU in their pockets.

How to practice Serbian with Learn Serbian Podcast?

  1. Let's listen to the video (only first two minutes) and try to watch and see what people usually have in their pockets. If you would like to be prepared for the items one can find in their pockets, check the vocabulary list below the video.
  2. Listen to the video for the second time and jot down what you hear (and see) 
  3. After listening to it twice, you can check your answers in the comment below.
  4. Finally, you can do the follow up exercise :)

  1. Džep = pocket / Džepovi = pockets / u džepu = in a pocket / u džepovima = in pockets
  2. Ključ = key // ključevi = keys
  3. pare = novac = lova (sleng) = money
  4. sitne pare = sitniš = coins/change
  5. mobilni = mobile phone
  6. dokumenti = documents
  7. dinari = Dinars
  8. lična karta = ID 
  9. telefon = telephone
  10. ništa više = nothing more
  11. naočare = glasses
  12. spajalica = paper click
  13. novčanik = wallet
  14. komad = piece
  15. sveska  = notebook
  16. upaljač = lighter
  17. slušalice = headset

Practicing with Serbian Language Podcast

Thursday, June 08, 2017

Listening Comprehension - Advanced Serbian, Numbers

Let's listen to this short piece of news and jot down the numbers you hear!

Many thanks to Kratke vesti portal for sharing the news on a regular basis!

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Advanced Serbian with Državni Posao - 2

Since Državni posao is quite difficult for lower levels, I'll just post a bunch of simple questions for the more advanced learners of Serbian to choose from.

1. Koja se sve hrana / jela pominju u ovoj seriji?

a. mleko
b. parmezan
c. salata
d. rukola
e. goveđi gulaš
f. eurokrem
g. krastavac
h. limun
i. pivo
j. paprikaš od mladih svraka
k. hleb
l. lovorov list
m. rečna riba
n. gustin

2. Ko je sve "food blogger"?
a. Đorđe Čvarkov
b. Boškićeva mama
c. Žika
d. Fuad Bloger
3. Kako se zove Žikin blog?
a. Majdanpekač
b. Sponzor
c. Kefirpičeta
4. Ko ima sponzore na svom blogu?
a. Mama
b. Baba
c. Šilovićka
d. Žika
5. Koliko košta limun?
a. 100 dinara
b. 200 dinara
c. 400 dinara
d. 500 dinara
6. Koliko Žika dobija novca po baneru? 
a. 10 evra
b. 100 evra
c. 1000 evra
When you are ready, click #read more to check the answers:

Friday, September 16, 2016

Practicing Superlatives - Advanced Serbian

It really makes my day when I come across an excellent video in Serbian with perfect pronunciation,  along with subtitles. This is exactly what I want to share with you today! After watching this video you could choose only five photos out of ten to tell me which photo is the funniest, the most incredible, the stupidest, the best and the most interesting one!

Speaking Exercise with Superlatives in Serbian 

Dok gledate video odlučite koja fotografija je
  • najsmešnija (smešan = funny)
  • najneverovatnija (neverovatan = impossible)
  • najgluplja (glup =stupid)
  • najbolja (dobar = good)
  • najinteresantnija (interesantan = interesting)

i ostavite (audio) odgovor u komentaru ispod:

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Learning Serbian by Singing with Sanja Vučić

This is the perfect moment for you to meet our gorgeous Sanja Vučić and practice Serbian while listening to this interview,

and doing a listening comprehension exercise based on her story:
  1. Odakle je Sanja?
  2. Koliko ima godina?
  3. Kada je snimljen ovaj intervju?
  4. Gde Sanja sada živi?
  5. Šta je želela da studira?
  6. Gde je njena mama sada?
  7. Od kada Sanja prati Evroviziju?
  8. Kako se zvala njena osnovna škola?
  9. Da li je Sanja bila bolji đak u osnovnoj ili srednjoj školi?
  10. Ko Sanju podržava?
  11. Koju vrstu muzike Sanjini roditelji vole?
  12. Kako je Sanja opisala svoju majku?
  13. Da li Sanja ima dečka trenutno?
  14. Gde je sve Sanja pevala?
  15. Da li Sanja sada želi da bude operska pevačica?
  16. Kada je Sanja bila jako srećna?
  17. Koje trenutke Sanja uvek zaboravlja?
Learning Serbian by Singing with Sanja Vučić

... or practice singing with her

p.s. don't forget to vote for her tonight!

Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Extensive Reading and Listening 1

It is such a delight to simply watch fun films, series or cartoons or read interesting books in Serbian and pick up the language, isn't it? This is known as extensive reading (or listening). It helps one to speed up the learning process and expand vocabulary very quickly and effortlessly. With authentic films and novels it helps you improve from an intermediate to more advanced levels.

That is why I am sharing with you the well known Pop Ćira and Pop Spira series based on the novel by Stevan Sremac.

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

For more similar series and films, check out this Youtube playlist - click here.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Active and Passive Voice in Serbian

Listen to this interesting story about Filip Vukša, a modest Belgrade hero, and try to do the following exercises dedicated to the verb forms in active and passive voice in Serbian.

a. Exercise 1 - filling in the gaps with the appropriate verb form in active voice.
b. Exercise 2 - turning the verbs which were in the active voice from into passive voice.

For some more exercises about the passive voice verb forms (trpni glagolski pridevi), here come two drills:
a. Lakša vežba
b. Teža vežba

Monday, April 14, 2014

Advanced Serbian Lessons with Državni Posao

Very popular "Državni posao" series are perfect for highly advanced Serbian lessons. One can learn a lot of common Serbian phrases and expressions.  The fun part is to detect mistakes made by famous Đorđe Čvarkov, Dragan Torbica and Boškić (e.g. "lapsitops" instead of "laptop" or "Jututu" instead of "Jutjub").

Let's watch just the first three minutes and try to do the following tasks:

Task 1: Tick the phrases you hear
  • Do juče se nisam brinuo
  • To je samo fol
  • Digneš narod na noge 
  • Prazne duše
  • Bez i zrna energije, bez i zrna poleta
  • I ne bi se digli
  • Pogledajte šta nam rade
  • Za mnogo manje sitnice
  • Nikom ništa
  • Mož' misliti
  • Čime se ti baviš
  • Ukinuli seriju
  • To je neka mutna radnja
  • Ako nisu umešali prste 
  • Imao (seriju) pa nemao
  • Nije to bilo koja serija
  • Neko će odgovarati
  • Nema milosti
Task 2: Even if you don't understand each and every word, can you understand what the problem is?

Task 3: After watching the first part (0:20 - 1:30 - I added the subtitles to make things easier), try to answer the following questions:

a. Da li je Dragan Torbica mislio da je ukidanje serije istina ili ne?
b. Da li Đorđe Čvarkov misli da je narod u depresiji, ili pun energije?
c. Koje reči je Boškić čuo kada je ušao u kancelariju?
d. Na koje tekuće probleme je Boškić mislio kada je pričao o "dizanju naroda"?
e. Ko se čudi Boškiću?
f. Ko objašnjava u čemu je problem i kojim rečima?

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Learning Montenegrin?

Regardless of the fact that if you learn Serbian, you will be able easily understand Croatian, Bosnian and recently Montenegrin, (so called BCS language) spoken in the region of ex Yugoslavia, I'm sure you'll appreciate to hear the different accents. Today, I chose this interesting story from a Montenegrin news Youtube channel about a musician physicist :) and transcribed it into Montenegrin/Serbian:

The follow-up exercise for this video can be received via Advanced Activator

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book