Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Listening Comprehension Exercise - Intermediate Level

Listen to this beautiful song and without reading the lyrics try to answer the questions as follows:
  1. Gde se dešavala ova priča ?
  2. Koje godišnje doba je opisano ?
  3. Šta je to "salaš" ?
  4. Šta je to "petrolejka" ?
  5. Da li se u pesmi pominje belo ili crno vino ?
  6. Kako se kaže "let's sing altogether" ?
  7. Šta znači "dobro nam došli" ?

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Super Slow Lessons of Serbian for Beginners

For all the real beginners in Serbian, I started refreshing Serbian 101 course on Udemy platform with the new series of super slow video lessons. I uploaded one of them to my Youtube channel, so you can see if you like it.

I'm sure you're going to like it !

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Learn Serbian with Songs - Future Tense

Govori se da me varaš
i da _______ me ostaviti
a znaš dobro da sam bolan
i da ___________ ozdraviti

Znam da više prava nemam
na te tvoje oči crne
slaži makar da me voliš
ne daj da mi duša trne

Ti _______ opet ić' u kolo
dolazit  ______  polivači
pivat _________ pisme stare
pratit _______ vas tamburaši

A nediljom kad _____ šetaš
šuškat će na tebi svila
sigurno ________ zaboravit'
da si kadgod moja bila
ne lomi mi srcu grane
sačekaj da samo stane.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Serbian New Year

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Online Serbian Language Course, Serbian 102 Starting in February

I'll be starting a new series of online lessons for the course Serbian 102 which takes approximately 2 months to finish. When you enroll the course, you'll be able to
  • access all the materials any time you wish, 
  • download mp4, mp3, pdf files 
  • join the discussion forum
In this period I'm also adding new materials and I'm sure you like'll my new "Horoscope Serbian" series:

Monday, January 09, 2012

Serbian 101 - Winter Special

In January and February I'll be adding "Winter Special Edition" of easy Serbian lessons to all of my online courses of Serbian, starting from Serbian101, Serbian 102, Serbian 103 and Serbian 201. Some of these, I'll be posting to this blog, so you can follow them and have an idea what they are about. Through these "horoscope lessons of Serbian" I'll be trying to help you learn how to speak as a man/woman through different  tenses.

Accompanying Presentation with the explanations in English will be posted on each course. It looks like this:

Saturday, January 07, 2012

Srećan Božić :)

Friday, January 06, 2012

Serbian Christmas Greetings

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Serbian Phrases Free E-book

Saturday, December 24, 2011

New Year Songs in Serbian

Listen to these New Year and Christmas songs in Serbian and match the titles with the songs:
А- Анђели певају
Б - Деда Мраз
В- Зима, зима е па шта је
Г - Падајте, падајте с неба беле звезде
Д - Звончићи






Friday, November 25, 2011

Practise Modal Verbs in Serbian

Monday, November 21, 2011

Imperatives in Serbian - Practice

Look at how this game is played and then you can do the same, by turning the volume down and using the imperatives of the following verbs:

NOSITI = to carry
PEVATI = to sing
POZDRAVITI = to greet
UČITI = to learn
RADITI = to do
ČISTITI = to clean
UGASITI = to exhtinguish
SLUŠATI = to listen to 
PRODAVATI = to sell
POPRAVITI = to mend, fix
KORISTITI = to use
VOZITI = to drive
GOVORITI = to speak
ČUVATI = to keep
KUVATI = to cook
SIPATI = to pour

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book