Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Serbian Language Day 9 - Pre-intermediate Course, Lesson 2

You can always revise the simple structures by following the Serbian for Beginner course tag, as well as Serbian Lesson Pages.

In our previous pre-intermediate lesson we covered:
Let's use the similar group of words, this time "places in the city" to express our whereabouts:

  • "Ćao! Gde si ?" = Hi, where are you ?
  • "Zdravo! Sada sam u muzeju. A ti ? " = Hello, I'm in the museum. And you ?
  • "Ja sam na autobuskoj stanicu ! Vidimo se za pet minuta!" = I'm at the square ! See you in five minutes! 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Serbian Language Day 8 - Beginner Serbian, Lesson 2

Serbian for beginners, lesson 2:

If you successfully completed the previous lesson, and vežbe = exercises jedan and dva, you are ready for the followin lesson covering the phrase "This is ..." and "This isn't ...". Watch the video exercise and try to guess:
  1. what "OVO" means ?
  2. what is the negative form of "JE" ?


Monday, February 18, 2013

Serbian Language Day 7 - Video Series, Films and Podcasts for learning Serbian

Youtube is a great source of unique and authentic materials for learning Serbian, which I have been sharing with you under "listening comprehension" tag. One of the best and most comprehensible TV series for learning the Serbian language are surely ancient "Neven", as well as "Poletarac", directed by Timothy Byford and featuring the most prominent actors, actresses and sportsmen from ex-Yugoslavia in the early eighties.

Watch the first part of "Poletarac" and you'll see why it can come in handy when learning Serbian:

1. Part one about swimming (plivanje) and knowing (znanje) from the beginning to minute 3:00
  • plivati = to swim
  • znati = to know, can (I can swim = Znam da plivam)
  • ko zna  da pliva = who knows to / can swim ?
  • osim = except
  • žaba = frog
  • imati = to have
  • da li žaba ima zube ? = does a frog have teeth ?
  • ne znam = I don't know 
2. Part two about telling the time (koliko je sati) and numbers (from 3:00-4:00)
  • koliko je sati ? = what's the time ?
  • sada je tačno jedan sat = it's one o'clock sharp
  • jedan i dva SU tri = one and two are three
  • ovo je jedna žaba = this is a frog
  • ovo su dve žabe = these are two frogs
  • lopta je okrugla = the ball is round
  • Zemlja je okrugla = the Earth is round
3. Part three about APPLES (from 5:30)
  • jabuka = an apple
  • koliko imate jabuka = how many apples do you have ?
  • imam tri jabuke = I have three apples
  • ljuštiti = to peal
4. Part four about UP and DOWN (from 6.30)
  • sad = now
  • gore = up
  • dole = down
  • sad sam dole = now I'm down
  • sad sam gore = now I'm up
  • visoko = high
  • nisko = low
5: Part five with the short answers (from 8:00)
  • Da li imam zube = Do I have teeth ? 
  • Imam = I do
  • imati   = to have
  • Da li sam zelen kao žaba ? = Am I green like a frog ?
  • Nisam = I'm not
  • skakati = to jump
  • Da li skačem kao žaba ? = Do I jump like a frog ?
6: Part six - thanking and greetings
  • hvala = thank you
  • doviđenja = goodbye
  • hvala Vam najlepše = many thanks
  • drago mi je = I'm glad
7. Part seven (from 10:50) about bees and numbers
  • ovo je ... = this is...
  • pčela = bee
  • hive = košnica
  • fabrika = factory
  • roj (pčela) = swarm
  • med = honey
  • ko bude jeo..., biće ... = the one who eats..., he'll be...

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Serbian Language 365 - Day 6 Phrases in Serbian

Many of you who have joined my online lessons, accompanying Serbian language courses, already know that I've had so much precious insight into learning Serbian from my mother-in-law who is French. She told me how difficult it was for her to learn the language from books, and she actually started speaking the language and becoming fluent when she threw away all her grammar books and textbooks and started learning phrases and letting her children correct her mistakes. You can imagine why: since Serbian is a highly flective language, one can come across many suffixes which are the same, denoting different cases (like "vidim pitU" (Acc.Sg.Fem.) in contrast with "ja sam u BeogradU" (Locative, Sg. Masc.)), which can only confuse you.

In reality, if you stopped to think what you'd say, you'd never become fluent. The key to learning ANY language is always immersion, either by spending time in the country where the language is spoken, or watching films, singing songs or being surrounded by  people speaking only the target language. In case none of the above is possible, you can always  learn the set phrases, which will help you become fluent.

Learning grammar is always a "reverse engineering" process  - and it should stay that way. That's why I will always publish one "Serbian phrases video lesson" based on a situation covered in my Serbian phrases e-book on Sundays. Lots of my students told me it was highly useful and practical, and I'm sure you'll find it the same!

Pozdravi na srpskom (Greetings in Serbian)

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Serbian Language 365 - Day 5 Singing in Serbian

If you have been following this blog, you've certainly noticed that there are a lot of songs with which you can practise your language. The main reason is that songs will help you with fluency, because while singing you repeat the same structures, collocations and fixed verb+case noun sets, and this boosts your confidence and automatic responses.

Before I continue creating new songs+exercises, such as this one, let me give you a short review of the past songs and grammar points which my students really loved:

Friday, February 15, 2013

Serbian Language 365 Day 4 - Advanced Levels

For upper-intermediate and advance levels of Serbian I enjoy creating detective stories, where students have  to actively use the language, learn about the Serbian history, culture, customs and language. They ask questions, write e-mails and direct the "investigation".

On Fridays, I intend to share just the beginnings of these stories with you, along with the grammar exercises. So far I've completed the following series of lessons:
  • Ubistvo u radnoj sobi (pre-intermediate)
  • Misterija otrovanog piva (pre-intermediate to intermediate)
  • Tajna drevnog buzdovana (intermediate to upper-intermediate & advanced levels)
  • Petar BlOgojević - prvi srpski vampir (intermediate to upper-intermediate & advanced levels)
  • Ko je zabiberio kulen ? (upper-intermediate & advanced levels)
  • Misterija slavskog kolača (final test for intermediate Serbian202 course)
  • Maglovite četvrti srpskih gradova (beginner to pre-intermediate)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Serbian Language 365 Day 3 - Intermediate level & Past Tense

Let's practise the Simple Past Tense in the Serbian language. While the beginner and pre-intermediate courses of Serbian  focus is on phrases, present tense, modals and cases, the intermediate course focuses on aspects, explaining the subtle differences between "odmarati" and "odmoriti" and similar.

Since we are at the very beginning of everyday Serbian lesson series, let me introduce you to some of the earlier posts covering this topic:
...as well as one of the Youtube videos, which somehow connect with the yesterday's post, so now it can be easily understood:

Text : "Gde si bila ?" (Fem. Sg.) / "Gde si bio?" (Masc. Sg.) = Where were you ?
Fem. Sg. Bila sam u ...
Masc. Sg. Bio sam u ...

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Serbian Language 365 Day 2 - Serbian for Pre-intermediate Level

In the past five years I've scattered numerous blog posts with lessons of Serbian and corresponding grammatical explanations not only on this blog and Youtube and Youtube but all over the Internet. One of the many reasons for starting 365 Days of Serbian Language was to connect them and tag them correctly.

Since the previous post covered the verb TO BE in the Simple Present tense, I think that all the students who are either at elementary and pre-intermediate level can easily learn to use the same form with the Locative case, saying where you are:

At the end of each video lesson, let's revisit some of the previous posts covering the same, or similar topic:

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Serbian Language 365 - Day 1

As you've probably noticed, I recently started making  new series of HD Serbian courses. Each Tuesday I  introduce you the Serbian 101, a course for the real beginners. It is a completely new version of the  Serbian for Beginners 101, which will be available via Udemy and Plimus platforms in February.

In this series of blog posts which will be published every day, I'll be posting some of the new video lessons together with accompanying exercises. I'm sure you'll enjoy it !

The verb To Be in Serbian:

Additional exercises:

Monday, February 11, 2013

365 Days of Learning Serbian

I've recently reread a great book "First Things First" by Stephen Covey  and it reminded me, yet again, how important it is to organize our activities well and dedicate our time to people we love and  things that matter. Learning a new language on a daily basis, or any other skill for that matter,  can make a huge difference in the long run, once we urgently need it.

That's why it struck me that I should use this blog, and all the digital teaching content I've created in years, not only to encourage you to perservere, but provide you with meaningful and graded content to learn Serbian regularly. Even if you skip a day or two,  or an entire week/month, you know that you  have everything in one place, right here !

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Hymn Dedicated to Saint Sava

Monday, January 07, 2013

How to Say "Merry Christmas" in Serbian

Here comes a short video wishing you Merry Christmas (Srećan Božić) and a Happy New Year (srećnu Novu godinu) to all the followers of LearnSerbianBlog!

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book