Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query clothes. Sort by date Show all posts

Thursday, October 03, 2013

What does Verb "Nositi" Mean in Serbian ?

The verb "nositi" in Serbian has many different translations into English :
  • nositi odeću = to wear clothes
  • nositi  torbu   = to carry a bag
  • nositi dete   = to bear a child
  • nositi se sa problemima = to cope with problems
So, while in English there's a multitude of different words representing only one word in Serbian, there's this very productive prefixation system in our language which will make things complicated. But don't worry ! If you start learning the approximate meanings of Serbian suffixes and prefixes, you'll pretty soon be able to infer the meaning from the context, if you know what the basic stem word means. Let me give you an example with the stem " nositi ", as explained above :
  • pre- = over/ across 
  1. prenositi = to carry over, 
  2. preneti dete = to bear a child longer than it is due, 
  3. preneti dete preko bare = to carry a child over a puddle
  • iz- = out of /thoroughly 
  1. izneti torbu = to carry out a bag, 
  2. iznositi odeću = to wear some clothes for years, 
  3. iznošena odeća = worn out clothes
  • u- = into 
  1. uneti torbu u kuću = to bring a bag into a house
  • s- = downward movement /  it also adds perfective aspect (sth. is finished) 
  1. snositi posledice = to bear the consequences
  2. snositi troškove školovanja = to bear the cost of tuition fees (for example)
  • pod - = to 
  1. podnositi buku = to bear the noise (Kako možeš da podneseš ovu užasnu buku = How can you bear this awful noise ?)
  2. podneti ostavku = to submit a resignation
  3. podneti poraz = to accept a defeat
  4. podnositi ( vreme / pritisak...) = to withstand (weather conditions / pressure)
  • od- = signifies the movement from/ out of or in the opposite direction
  1. odneti = to take sth.to (we took the clothes to them = odneli smo im odeću)
In the next post I'll list a few idioms with the verb "nositi". Watch this space!
If you like this type of blog posts, make sure you don't miss the previous ones covering the verbs:
For those of you who are still coping with the basics, here's a simple video with which you can drill present and past simple, saying sentences such as:
  • On nosi ... / ona nosi ... / ono nosi ...
or in the past
  • On je nosio ... / ona je nosila / ono je nosilo ... or
  • Nosio je... / nosila je ... / nosilo je ... (which is more common and neutral word order)
Here comes the video :

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Serbian Language 365 Day 2 - Serbian for Pre-intermediate Level

In the past five years I've scattered numerous blog posts with lessons of Serbian and corresponding grammatical explanations not only on this blog and Youtube and Youtube but all over the Internet. One of the many reasons for starting 365 Days of Serbian Language was to connect them and tag them correctly.

Since the previous post covered the verb TO BE in the Simple Present tense, I think that all the students who are either at elementary and pre-intermediate level can easily learn to use the same form with the Locative case, saying where you are:

At the end of each video lesson, let's revisit some of the previous posts covering the same, or similar topic:

Friday, July 15, 2011

Practise for Guča Music Festival

Listen to the Youtube song and point to the exact piece of clothes in the embedded photo:

Read more about the Serbian ethic clothes.

Saturday, October 05, 2019

This is, These are in Serbian

This is, These are - in Serbian

Let's jump with joy each time we come across a phrase or two which are easier in Serbian than in English.

There is no need for you to think how to say THIS and THESE, simply say OVO and it covers both categories!

  • Ovo je haljina = this is a dress
  • Ovo su čizme = these are boots

  • The only thing we are actually practicing is IS and ARE in Serbian, in different contexts:

    1. Odeća = Clothes
    2. Životinje = Animals 
    3. Hrana = Food
    4. Poslovi = Jobs 

    Ovo je, ovo su with Clothes

    This is, These are -Exercises

    This is, These are - Games

    Saturday, January 21, 2023

    Serbian 102 - Simple Listening Tasks with Pepa Prase

     If you liked my previous posts with exercises based on Pepa Prase cartoons, you'll like the new series with video quizzes. Let's start with a super easy one from Serbian 102 course :D

    Simple Listening Tasks for Learning Serbian 

    Or click the link!

    Serbian Listening Comprehension Skills

    Let's watch this short dialogue and follow the text (the "notes" section, at the top right)!

    Useful Vocabulary

    • Veoma = prilično = baš = quite

    • Hajde da = let’s

    • Obući odeću = to put on clothes

    • Topliju odeću = warmer clothes

    • Kapa = cap

    • Kape = caps

    • Šal = scarf

    • Šalove = scarves

    • Kaput = coat

    • Kaputi = coats

    • Podići = to raise

    • Krov = roof

    • Uključiti grejanje =to turn on heat

    • Grejanje  = heat

    • Udobno = comfortable

    • Svima = to everyone 

    • Krenuti = to set off, to leave for, to start going somewhere 

    • Krenimo = let’s go

    • Stići = to arrive

    • Stizati = to be arriving 

    • List = leaf

    • Lišće = leaves 

    • Zašto = why?

    • Igrati se  = to play

    • Hajde da se igramo = let’s play 

    • Ostati zagrejan = to keep warm

    • Red = turn

    • Moj je red = it’s my turn

    For Quizlets, grammar tests and games, join my Patreon page :) Hvala!

    Sunday, September 29, 2013

    Describing People in Serbian - Part 2

    If you liked the first part about how to describe people's age in Serbian, I'm sure you'll enjoy practising following features with the people & places video below:

    • height and build (visina i građa):
    1. ... je prosečne visine = ... is average height.
    2. ... je visok = ... is tall.
    3. ... je nizak = ... is short.
    4. ... je debeo / punačak =... is fat / overweight
    5. ... je mršav = ... is thin
    6. ... je vitak  = ... is slim
    • hair (kosa):
    1. duga kosa: ... ima dugu kosu = ...has long hair
    2. kratka kosa: ... ima kratku kosu = ... has short hair
    3. kosa srednje dužine ... ima kosu srednje dužine = ... has medium-length hair
    4. crna kosa ... ima crnu kosu = ...has dark hair
    5. plava kosa ... ima plavu kosu = ... has fair hair
    6. crvena kosa ... ima crvenu kosu = ... has red/ginger hair
    7. (svetlo / tamno) smeđa kosa ... ima (svetlo /tamno ) smeđu kosu = ... has (light / dark) brown hair
    8. seda kosa ... ima sedu kosu = ... has gray hair
    9. kovrdžava kosa ... ima kovrdžavu kosu = ... has curly hair
    10. talasasta kosa ... ima talasastu kosu = ... has wavy hair
    11. ravna kosa ... ima ravnu kosu = ... has straight hair
    12. ... je ćelav = ... is bald
    13. ... je proćelav  ... has a receding hairline.
    14. ...ima šiške (pluralia tantum) = ... has a fringe (in Serbian this word is always in plural, like "vrata"=door)
    15. ...nosi pletenice = ... is wearing her hair in plaits
    16. ...nosi kikice = ... is wearing her hair in pig-tails
    17. ...nosi rep = ... is wearing her hair in a pony-tail
    18. ...nosi puštenu kosu = ...is wearing her hair loose
    19. ...nosi razdeljak (na stranu / u sredini) = ... has a (side / centre) parting
    • complexion (ten)
    1. ...ima taman ten = ...has a dark complexion 
    2. ...ima svetlu put =...has a fair complexion
    3. ... je bled = ...is pale
    4. ... se sunčao = ... has a tanned complexion
    5. ...ima lep ten = ... has a clear /good complexion
    6. ...ima bubuljice /pege  =...has spots / freckles.
    • distinguishing features (karakteristične crte)
    1. ...ima bradu = ...has a beard
    2. ...ima brkove = ... has a moustache
    3. ...je izbrijan =...is clean-shaven
    4. ...ima ožiljak  = ...has a scar
    5. ...ima tetovažu = ... has a tattoo
    6. ...ima guste obrve = ... has bushy eyebrows
    7. ...nosi naočare = ...wears glasses

    Thursday, May 10, 2018

    Learning Serbian with Games

    Friday, June 05, 2009

    Clothes in Serbian 1

    If I write down the words in Serbian for items 1 to 15, could you please ask 15 questions starting either by 'GDE JE...' or 'GDE SU...' (Where is... Where are...). Look at the example 1. and 4.
    1. Gde je kapa?
    4. Gde su pantalone?
    You can write the answer in the comment, or practise asking questions by listening to the newly set up Youtube, LearnSerbian :o)
    HAVE FUN!!!!

    1. KAPA
    2. KRAVATA
    3. KAIŠ
    5. ŠAL
    6. GAĆE
    8. HALJINA
    9. ŠEŠIR
    10. PATIKE
    11. JAKNA
    12. FARMERKE
    14. KOŠULJA
    15. MAJICA

    Thursday, September 22, 2022

    Serbian Phrases - Serbian Language Course

     Let me share with you one lesson from the brand new Serbian Phrases course I've been working on. As you can see from the table of contents, it covers a lot of phrases used in various situations:

    Serbian Phrases - Table of Contents

    Situations in Serbian

    • General phrases
    • Greetings - Saying hello and goodbye
    • Talking about the Weather
    • Thank you phrases
    • Numbers and  Telling the time
    • Talking about family
    • Asking for directions
    • Giving directions
    • At the bank
    • At the supermarket
    • At the market
    • At the chemist's
    • At the hotel
    • At the restaurant
    • At the café or bar
    • At the post office
    • At the travel agency
    • At the doctor's
    • At the dentist's
    • At the museum
    • At the customs
    • Shopping for clothes
    • Renting a car
    • Travelling by taxi
    • Travelling by bus
    • Travelling by plane
    • Travelling by train 

    Serbian phrases - Vocabulary 

    The list of the most frequently used phrases:

    1. da - yes
    2. ne - no
    3. kako se kaže - how do you say
    4. znači - means
    5. šta znači "pica"? - what does "pizza" mean?
    6. hamburger znači "hamburger" - hamburger means "hamburger"
    7. ne razumem - I don't understand
    8. ne znam - I don't know
    9. znam - I know
    10. razumem - I understand
    11. levo - left
    12. desno - right
    13. baš - really
    14. nema problema - no problem

    General phrases in Serbian  - Game

    General phrases in Serbian  - Exercises 

    General phrases in Serbian  - Printable tests

    Now, you can download the following PDF files to practice these words:

    1. Test  
    2. Airplanes
    3. Multiple choice 
    4. Anagrams 
    Uživajte igrajući igrice i učeći srpski :) 

    Uskoro stiže kurs Serbian Phrases ili Fraze na srpskom

    Friday, June 19, 2009

    Clothes in Serbian 2

    Part two combines asking questions from part no. 1 (gde je / gde su) with answers (ona je u + ormanU (suffix '-u' for masc. nouns denotes the locative case). Take a look at the example examples:

    1. CIPELE (Fem - Pl)
    a. Gde su cipele? (Where are the shoes)
    b. One su u ormanu. (They are in the cupboard)

    2. KUPAĆI KOSTIM (Masc. - Sg)
    a. Gde je kupaći kostim?
    b. On je u ormanu.

    5. ODELO (Neuter - Sg)
    a. Gde je odelo?
    b. Ono je u ormanu.

    Now you can continue:

    3. JAKNA (Fem - Sg)
    4. CIPELE (Fem - Pl)
    5. ODELO (Neut - Sg)
    6. ŠAL (Masc - Sg)
    7. HALJINA (Fem - Sg)
    8 / 10. GAĆE (Fem - Pl)
    9. POTKOŠULJA (Fem - Sg)
    11. RUKAVICE (Fem - Pl)
    12. ŠORC (Masc - Sg)
    13. ČARAPE (Fem - Pl)
    14. ČIZME (Fem - Pl)
    15. PRSLUK (Masc - Sg)

    Sg Masculine (he) ON
    Sg Feminine (she) ONA
    Sg Neuter (it) ONO
    Pl Masculine (they) ONI
    Pl Feminine (they) ONE
    Pl Neuter (they) ONA

    Wednesday, February 08, 2017

    His and Her in Serbian

    His and Her in Serbian

    While his = njegov and her = njen sounds pretty easy and straightforward, there is a little catch. These are possessive adjectives and therefore they agree with the noun they describe. That's why they will have all kinds of suffixes to mirror the main noun in number, case and gender.

    Today will stick just to the basic Nominative case and see how NJEGOV and NJEN mirror the gender of the nouns through the following exercises:

    HIS and HER in Serbian with a funny photo

    Simply look at the photo and write his shirt (njegovA košuljA) or her shirt (njenA košuljA), based on the position of the question in the photo:

    His and Her in Serbian

    HIS and HER in Serbian with Quizlet

    If you have learnt clothes with one of my previous lessons, this one will be a piece of cake = prosto ko pasulj:

    If you would like to get all my video lessons with explanations in English, translations and additional exercises like the ones above, in the meaningful order, consider joining me on Patreon.

    Saturday, June 06, 2009

    Answer key for 'Clothes in Serbian 1'

    Monday, September 23, 2013

    Describing People in Serbian - Age

    In part one of this short series of blog posts on how to describe a person in Serbian, I'll cover just how to describe someone's age, and give you lots of sample sentences, so you can try to describe people in the photo below, focusing on their age ( and a little bit on clothes ):

    Godište = Age

    • beba  = baby
    • dete =  child
    • dete koje je tek prohodalo = toddler
    • dečko = boy
    • devojčica = girl
    • tinejdžer = teenager 
    • mladić = young man (short "a")
    • devojka = young woman 
    • omladina = youth
    • čovek u zrelim godinama = middle-aged man
    • žena u zrelim godinama = middle-aged woman 
    • stariji čovek / žena = elderly man/ woman
    • ... ima dvadeset pet godina =... is 25 
    • ...ima tridesetak godina = ... is thirty something
    • ...ima oko četrdeset godina = ... is about forty
    • ...ima pedeset i kusur = ... is fifty odd.
    • ... je u (svojim) ranim / kasnim dvadesetim = ... is in (her /his) early / late twenties

    Primeri = Examples
    Na ovoj slici vidim puno ljudi koji su različitog godišta. S desne strane vidim devojčicu u  ružičastoj suknji i majici, a pored nje je srednjovečni čovek  sa kapom. Ispred njih sedi žena plave kose i proćelavi muškarac, koji deluju kao par u zrelim godinama. Pored njih, s leve strane su dve žene u kasnim dvadesetim. Jedna ima belu majicu bez rukava i crne bermude, a druga nosi ljubičastu majicu bez rukava i plave pantalone. Iza njih s leve strane sedi žena u crvenoj majici kratkih rukava koja ima pedesetak godina i  iza nje je verovatno njen suprug, koji je isto stariji čovek. Pored nje sedi  dečko koji ima oko devet ili deset godina. Oni su na nekom slavlju ili događaju i uglavnom su tu deca ili ljudi u zrelim godinama. Ne vidim uopšte tinejdžere.

    Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

    Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
    Gde je ključ? ...
    Where is the Key?-...
    By Marina Petrović
    Photo book