Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Showing posts sorted by date for query Numbers in Serbian. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Serbian Phrases - Serbian Language Course

 Let me share with you one lesson from the brand new Serbian Phrases course I've been working on. As you can see from the table of contents, it covers a lot of phrases used in various situations:

Serbian Phrases - Table of Contents

Situations in Serbian

  • General phrases
  • Greetings - Saying hello and goodbye
  • Talking about the Weather
  • Thank you phrases
  • Numbers and  Telling the time
  • Talking about family
  • Asking for directions
  • Giving directions
  • At the bank
  • At the supermarket
  • At the market
  • At the chemist's
  • At the hotel
  • At the restaurant
  • At the café or bar
  • At the post office
  • At the travel agency
  • At the doctor's
  • At the dentist's
  • At the museum
  • At the customs
  • Shopping for clothes
  • Renting a car
  • Travelling by taxi
  • Travelling by bus
  • Travelling by plane
  • Travelling by train 

Serbian phrases - Vocabulary 

The list of the most frequently used phrases:

  1. da - yes
  2. ne - no
  3. kako se kaže - how do you say
  4. znači - means
  5. šta znači "pica"? - what does "pizza" mean?
  6. hamburger znači "hamburger" - hamburger means "hamburger"
  7. ne razumem - I don't understand
  8. ne znam - I don't know
  9. znam - I know
  10. razumem - I understand
  11. levo - left
  12. desno - right
  13. baš - really
  14. nema problema - no problem

General phrases in Serbian  - Game

General phrases in Serbian  - Exercises 

General phrases in Serbian  - Printable tests

Now, you can download the following PDF files to practice these words:

  1. Test  
  2. Airplanes
  3. Multiple choice 
  4. Anagrams 
Uživajte igrajući igrice i učeći srpski :) 

Uskoro stiže kurs Serbian Phrases ili Fraze na srpskom

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Tic Tac Toe Serbian - Numbers 0 to 10

Serbian - Numbers 0 to 10 

Super easy way to practice numbers - by playing:

Practicing Numbers 0 to 10 in Serbian 

Numbers in Serbian - some previous blog posts. 

Monday, October 05, 2020

Serbian A2 to B2 Video Lesson

Serbian A2 to B2 Video Lesson 

Here comes a video lesson which will help you practice Serbian at different levels. 

As you can see, there are three phrases. 

Serbian A2 Video Lesson - Accusative

The verbs such as TRAŽI - to search VIDETI - to see or VOLETI - to love (jesti, piti, slušati, gledati, kupiti, naći, etc.) trigger the Accusative case endings in the words that follow it (these can be not only nouns, but also numbers and adjectives in front of the noun)

What does ti mean?

It will change the upcoming word(s) in such a way that

  • anything that is in singular, ending in -a, will drop the -a and change to -u. For example: čokoladA ... Tražim čokoladU = I am lookin for chocolate :o)

Serbian B1 Video Lesson - Genitive 

The following prepositions:

  • pored - next to
  • između - between
  • ispred - in front of
  • iza - behind
  • ispod - under
  • iznad - above

trigger the Genitive case in the words that follow them:

Example: Jaje je pored slaninE. (the nominative case is: slaninA)

-A>>> -E
slanina - slanine
torta - torte
kruška - kruške
lubenica - lubenice

-anything else >>> -A
mleko - mleka
jaje - jajeTa
đus - đusa
sok - soka
tiganj - tiganja
hleb - hleba
sir - sira


Serbian B1/B2 Video Lesson - If Clauses

Potencijal = Second conditional or If Clauses in English
(or If I could..., I would... or If I had, I would...)


Da mogu da jedem lubenicu, ja bih je (po)jela.

     KAD BIH + GLAGOL+o/la, JA BIH + GLAGOL+o/la

Kad bih mogla da jedem lubenicu, ja bih je pojela. Prevod: If I could eat a watermelon now, I would eat it.

Exercises with Serbian A2 to B2 Video Lessons

If you would like to access a database with more similar video lessons and follow up exercises, you can do so by pledging US$12 though Patreon platform. This way you are supporting regular creation of digital materials for teaching and learning Serbian. These materials range from video lessons, exercises with feedback to textbooks which I regularly send to my Patrons. Hvala!

Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Textbooks for Learning Serbian - Where are Kids?

My latest textbook is finally visible on Amazon :) I have created a video lesson for you, based on the first few pages. This is just an introduction in which you can practice one of the most commonly confused language chunks in Serbian:
  • I am going to ...  = idem u + accusative case e.g. idem u park - idem u prirodu
  • I am in / at = ja sam u/na + locative case e.g. ja sam u parku - ja sam u prirodi

As you can see, the page numbers are here and there, so you can learn the following phrases:

  • U gornjem desnom uglu = at the top right corner
  • U donjem levom uglu = at the bottom left corner
  • Na sredini = in the middle
This book also has all the letters (slova) of the Cyrillic alphabet hidden in it - all you have to do is look carefully. Once it was published it took me ages to find a few letters, they are hidden soooo well! The most important thing is that all 30 letters are in the book!

  • Koliko ste našli slova? 
  • Gde ste ih našli?
  • Koje slovo je bilo najteže naći?

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Serbian for Kids - Locative Case Fun Way

Serbian for Kids - Locative Case

There are two parts in this video. In the first part you are just listening to me searching for and finding numbers. In the second part, I added the answer key to the left and right, so you can see why some words get an "i" at the end, and the others get an "u" at the end. 
So, whenever you want to say that you are somewhere, we use the Locative case which will change the ending of the word which describes your the location. The same is with the numbers in this video. 

Locative Case Fun Way

Words ending in -a (most of Feminine, Singular)
GDE su brojevi stranica? 
OGRADA -  4 je na ogradi
ČARAPA - 6 je na čarapi
TRAVA - 8 je na travi
PATIKA - 10 je na patici
MAJICA - 14 je na majici
KOŠULJA - 14 je na košulji
ŠKOLA - 16 je na školi
KLACKALICA - 18 je na klackalici
PALMA -  20 je na palmi
KOSA - 22 je na kosi
TRAMPOLINA - 24 je na trampolini 
 Words ending in a consonant (Masc. Sg.) or -E/O (Neut. Sg.)
BALON - 5 je na balonu
OBLAK - 7 je na oblaku
CVET  - 9 je na cvetu
DRVO - 11 je na drvetu
ŠORC  - 13 je na šorcu
TOBOGAN - 15 je na toboganu
CIRKUS - 21 je na cirkusu
KROV - 21 je na krovu
OBRAZ - 23 je na obrazu
LICE  - 23 je na licu
U potrazi za ostalim brojevima = Searching for other numbers
Now it's time for you to search the other part of the book and write in the comments where all the other numbers are... I'm curious! Jedva čekam vaše odgovore :)

Monday, September 30, 2019

Learning Serbian Cyrillic with Easy to Read Books

I am happy to announce that my third book with easy texts both in Cyrillic and Latin alphabet, Who is Who, has been published!

Let me remind you of the first two books, which you can read along with me on my Youtube channel and Patreon page:

Easy to Read -  Šta možemo da vidimo na selu?

This book called "What you can see on the farm" is just the first part of the series covering animal and farm vocabulary,  together with  the most common verbs in Serbian.

Easy to Read -  Gde je ključ? 

In this second book, Where is the Key? I continue using the most common verbs which require the accusative case. We are also practicing introducing ourselves and our friends.  There is also a task for you to find ONE hidden key. If you are having problems finding it, do let me know!

Easy to Read -  Ko je ko?

In the third book, Who is Who, we are dealing with some similar names like Jovan and Jovana or Ivan and Ivana. Since they can be a bit confusing, we are trying to figure out who is who, by following our friends in search of one another. At the end of the book there is an Activity book where you need to find the hidden page numbers... a little bit of Locative case will always prove useful in the days to come :D

The Fourth Easy to Read book 

The name of the fourth book is "What we like" and it is all about games and seasons we like. It is to be published in October. This one is the easiest of all, and I am sure you'll love it! Watch this space :D

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Listening Comprehension in Serbian - Numbers

Practicing Numbers while Listening 

Another exercise where your task is to jot down the numbers you hear while watching this funny add:

Listening Comprehension Numbers - Answer Key

Brojevi koje čujemo (they are written in white, just select them and you'll see the answers)

  • 30
  • 35
  • 10
  • 13 


  • držati se dobro  (keep oneself fit/taking good care of oneself)
  • imati oko za nešto (have a keen/sharp eye)
  • broj 13 donosi nesreću (number 13 is unlucky)

Brojevi kao imenice 

Numbers used as grades (at school, college, etc) behaving as nouns
  • jedan = jedinica
  • dva =dvojka
  • tri = trojka
  • četiri = četvorka
  • pet = petica
  • šest = šestica
  • sedam = sedmica
  • osam = osmica
  • devet = devetka
  • deset = desetka
  • jedanaest = jedanaestica 

Sunday, July 21, 2019

What is so special about 3, 6 and 9?

Numbers and Addition in Serbian

Let's watch the video where you can see and hear  numbers being added in Serbian. If you click CC you will be able to follow the English translation as well. If you decrease the speed, from normal to 0.75, you can practice your pronunciation :) Have fun!

For more advanced learners, there are a few, actually 3, questions:
1. Can you recognize the accent? Which one is it - Serbian or Bosnian or Montenegrin?
2. Could you hear the name of the famous scientist who is mentioned in the video?
3. Why are numbers 3, 6, and 9 magical?

Monday, July 15, 2019

Ordinal Numbers in Serbian - Part 1

Ordinal numbers in Serbian behave as adjectives, so they change according to the noun's:

  • number (singular or plural - prva kolona vs. prve kolone)
  • gender (masc. fem or neuter - prvi red vs. prvA kolona vs. prvO mesto)
  • case (after the basic form of Nominative, there will be all six cases - prvi čovek - prvog čoveka - prvom čoveku - prvog čoveka / prvi hamburger - prvi čoveče - sa prvim čovekom - o prvom čoveku)
That's why we are starting just with a very simple list of 12 ordinal numbers in masc. sg. Nominative to learn the form, hear it, pronounce it and practice it. 

In our next lessons we'll be practicing more complex structures with the ordinal numbers in Serbian :)
I know it looks complicated, but it can be fun, and it is certainly good for your brain!

The list of exercises both in the Latin and Cyrillic script can be found on my Patreon page.

Friday, November 30, 2018

Serbian for Kids - Numbers from 1 to 20

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Serbian Expressions for Cheaper and More Expensive

A few days ago while I was preparing for my online lessons I came across this great video which can help you practice:
  • vocabulary (fruit and vegetables)
  • numbers and prices
  • comparing prices of certain products at two different markets in Novi Sad (Limanska pijaca vs. Kvantaš)

You can write or record a short report by answering to the following questions:

Limanska pijaca:

  1. Koje povrće je najjeftinije?
  2. Koliko košta krompir na limanskoj pijaci?
  3. Koje povrće je najskuplje?
  4. Koliko košta kilogram krastavaca?
  5. Koliko košta najskuplje povrće na limanskoj pijaci?
  6. Koje voće je najjeftinije?
  7. Koliko koštaju kurške?
  8. Koje voće je nešto jeftinije od kruški?
  9. Koje voće je najskuplje?
Kvantaška pijaca:
  1. Da li je ova pijaca skuplja ili jeftinija od limanske?
  2. Za koliko je paradajz jeftiniji?
  3. Koliko košta kilogram kupusa?
  4. Koliko košta crni luk?
  5. Koje voće ima istu cenu kao i na limanskoj pijaci?
  6. Koliko koštaju jabuke?
  7. Za koliko su jeftinije mandarine?
  8. Koliko novca se mora izdvojiti za pomorandže?

Serbian Expressions for Cheaper and More Expensive

Korisni izrazi kada pričamo o cenama = Useful expressions when talking about prices

  • ... se može naći po ceni od ...  = ... can be found at a price of ...
  • ... košta ... za kilogram =... costs ... per kilo
  • ... koštaju ... = ... cost ...
  • ... se može kupiti za ... = ... can be bought for ...
  • Za ... se mora/treba izdvojiti ... dinara = For ... one has/needs to pay ... dinars
  • ... je jeftinije / skuplje =... is cheaper/more expensive
  • ... su jeftinije i  mogu se kupiti po ceni od ... = ... are cheaper and can be bought at a price of...

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Jesam or Sam in Serbian?

After uploading a hundred of videos both from Serbian 101 and Serbian 102 course, and revising each of them, Ivan decided to help me with his 3D effects vidos. So far he's made 30 short videos with the verbs used in the course, in the present and past tense so far, but he plans to make 5 more each day.

I'll post some of them here on the blog, but for the complete version, refer to the Serbian101-102 course. Here comes its short description:

Serbian 101 &102 is perfect for absolute and false beginners in Serbian. It is organized in such a way that you can either follow it chronologically, or choose only the topics you are interested in. Each topic consists of an explanatory video lesson and then video exercises with links to follow-up quizzes with instant feedback. 
There are more than 100 lessons making well over 10 hours of video lessons and exercises which take you from the very start to the pre-intermediate level, covering:
  • Tenses: Present Simple and Past Simple Tense
  • Cases: Nominative, Accusative, Instrumental and Locative
  • Modals: Can, Must
  • Pronouns: Personal and Possessive Pronouns
  • Adjectives: Possessive Adjectives and Noun-adjective Agreement
  • Numbers: Cardinal and Ordinal
as well as basic:
  • functions such as:
    • Greetings
    • Introductions
    • Asking for Clarification/Explanation
    • Asking about Directions
    • Giving Directions
    • Requesting 
    • Offering
    • Expressing Likes and Dislikes
    • Asking about Likes and Dislikes
  • situations such as:
      • Meeting People
      • Small Talk
      • In a Restaurant
      • Shopping
      • Arranging a Meeting
      • Talking about Family
      • Talking about Routines
      • Talking about your Life
  • vocabulary topics such as:
    • Family members
    • Numbers
    • Food
    • Souvenirs
    • Places in a city
    • Countries and Cities
    • Means of transport
    • Colours
    • Jobs and occupations

Thursday, May 01, 2014

Large Numbers in Serbian

If you are familiar with numbers in Serbian, here comes a new lesson from Serbian 102 course which is a bit more complicated. It is about how to pronounce large numbers.

If this simple exercise is too easy, watch this video survey about the year of the Battle of Kosovo and jot down all the numbers you hear:

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Serbian for Children - Numbers

Friday, May 31, 2013

Telling the Time in Serbian - Revision

Thursday, April 04, 2013

Serbian History Exercise with Video - Part one

While watching the video try to figure our which sentences I changed and which synonims I used. You can also try to solve which numbers 1- 5 are missing. After the careful comparison, try to do the additional exercises:

Godine .1.  slovenska plemena su našla novu domovinu na teritoriji nekadašnjeg vizantijskog Ilirika.

Od reka Save i Dunava pa sve do Peloponeza, Sloveni su pronašli domovinu. Te teritorije na kojima žive Sloveni, vizantijski pisci zovu Sklavinijama. To su plemenski organizovane oblasti u kojima je središnja vlast poglavara ograničena.

Nekadašnja metropola Ilirika ostaće kod Slovena poznata kao Caričin Grad. Imena stotine vizantijskih gradova biće zauvek izgubljena - a sećanja na njih zameniće opšti slovenski pojam za napušten grad "gradina" ili "gradište".

Učeni vizantijski pesnik, Georgije Pisida u Carigradu , piše stihove o teškim vremenima koji su zadesila njegovu zemlju. U jednom stihu kaže da se i Varvari međusobno bore: Avar ubija Slovena i potom biva ubijen - i time su ometeni u vođenju jedinstvene borbe. Na osnovu ovog usamljenog podatka, pretpostavlja se da je .2. godine, nakon neuspele avarsko-slovenske opsade Carigrada, došlo do značajnih sukoba Avara i Slovena.

Thursday, March 07, 2013

Intermediate Serbian Lessons - 365 Days of Serbian

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

365 Days of Serbian Language - Beginner Lesson 3

If you practised the verb TO BE in the Serbian in my previous lessons,  I'm sure this will be an easy task for you:
  1. Mute this video before watching it and try to give / write the correct answers for each button. 
  2. You can write down the answers and then watch the video again and listen to Jeremija giving his responses. 
  3. Has he made any mistakes and if he has, correct the wrong answers (you can write the replies in the comment)

*This is also a smooth intro to the lesson on numbers in Serbian.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Serbian Language Day 7 - Video Series, Films and Podcasts for learning Serbian

Youtube is a great source of unique and authentic materials for learning Serbian, which I have been sharing with you under "listening comprehension" tag. One of the best and most comprehensible TV series for learning the Serbian language are surely ancient "Neven", as well as "Poletarac", directed by Timothy Byford and featuring the most prominent actors, actresses and sportsmen from ex-Yugoslavia in the early eighties.

Watch the first part of "Poletarac" and you'll see why it can come in handy when learning Serbian:

1. Part one about swimming (plivanje) and knowing (znanje) from the beginning to minute 3:00
  • plivati = to swim
  • znati = to know, can (I can swim = Znam da plivam)
  • ko zna  da pliva = who knows to / can swim ?
  • osim = except
  • žaba = frog
  • imati = to have
  • da li žaba ima zube ? = does a frog have teeth ?
  • ne znam = I don't know 
2. Part two about telling the time (koliko je sati) and numbers (from 3:00-4:00)
  • koliko je sati ? = what's the time ?
  • sada je tačno jedan sat = it's one o'clock sharp
  • jedan i dva SU tri = one and two are three
  • ovo je jedna žaba = this is a frog
  • ovo su dve žabe = these are two frogs
  • lopta je okrugla = the ball is round
  • Zemlja je okrugla = the Earth is round
3. Part three about APPLES (from 5:30)
  • jabuka = an apple
  • koliko imate jabuka = how many apples do you have ?
  • imam tri jabuke = I have three apples
  • ljuštiti = to peal
4. Part four about UP and DOWN (from 6.30)
  • sad = now
  • gore = up
  • dole = down
  • sad sam dole = now I'm down
  • sad sam gore = now I'm up
  • visoko = high
  • nisko = low
5: Part five with the short answers (from 8:00)
  • Da li imam zube = Do I have teeth ? 
  • Imam = I do
  • imati   = to have
  • Da li sam zelen kao žaba ? = Am I green like a frog ?
  • Nisam = I'm not
  • skakati = to jump
  • Da li skačem kao žaba ? = Do I jump like a frog ?
6: Part six - thanking and greetings
  • hvala = thank you
  • doviđenja = goodbye
  • hvala Vam najlepše = many thanks
  • drago mi je = I'm glad
7. Part seven (from 10:50) about bees and numbers
  • ovo je ... = this is...
  • pčela = bee
  • hive = košnica
  • fabrika = factory
  • roj (pčela) = swarm
  • med = honey
  • ko bude jeo..., biće ... = the one who eats..., he'll be...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Practise Numbers in Serbian - Listening Exercise

More about how to write and say numbers in Serbian can be found on this link. Now, you can enjoy watching this fun video and jotting down the numbers you hear:

Inflation Live

Dobar dan
Dobar dan, komšinice. Izvolite!
Daćete mi tu pomadu od ________ dinara.
Mislite ovu od ____________ ?
Da, tu od _________. Koliko košta ?
________ dinara.
Da, _________. 
Izvolite tih __________ dinara. Ja se izvinjavam, nisam ponela više. Ostajem dužna ________ dinara.
Ma nema veze komšinice, donećete sutra tih ___________dinara.
Pa naravno, neću se brukati zbog duga od __________ dinara.

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book