Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Showing posts sorted by date for query cyrillic. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Serbian Verbs Conjugated - To Live

I have tried to make simple conjugation videos before, but was never satisfied with what they looked and sounded like. Last week, thanks to my dedicated patrons on Patreon and my students of Serbian whom I've been teaching for years, I was able to afford the first professional version of the software which I have always dreamt of.  HVALA!!!

How do you like my first pro conjugation video?

Now that I have all the tools, I am sure you'll all enjoy my short video lessons about:

  1. verb conjugations in Serbian, both in the Cyrillic and Latin alphabet.
  2. short video stories, based on the video with conjugations
  3. short dialogues based on the texts and Serbian Phrases
  4. videos explaining Serbian idioms
  5. easy Serbian songs and chants for kids
Još jednom ogromno hvala mojim dragim pratiocima i učenicima koji pomažu održavanje ovog bloga i sve bolji kvalitet video lekcija srpskog jezika. Moje nove lekcije će izgledati super zahvaljujući Mirku, Milici i Milenki, Lari, Matiji, Dejanu i Danijeli, Marion, Pavlu, Dejvidu, Niku i Dženi i Jani!!! 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Colours in Serbian with YleeKids

While creating another Serbian lesson for kids, I came across a very useful song which can teach you how to pronounce the colours (boje) clearly.

Colours in Serbian

Latin Alphabet version 

Prvi deo
  1. Crveni auto x2
  2. Zeleni auto x2
  3. Plavi auto x2
  4. Žuti auto x2
  5. Crni auto x2
  6. Ljubičasti auto x2
  7. Roza auto x2
  8. Narandžasti auto x2
  9. Braon (smeđi) auto x2
  10. Beli auto x2
Drugi deo 2:30

  1. Šta je ovo? Jedna knjiga. Koje boje je ta knjiga? Crvene je boje baš kao i moj krevet.
  2. Šta je ovo? Jedno drvo. Koje boje je to drvo? Zelene je boje da li vidiš? Da vidim.
  3. Šta je ovo? Jedan limun. Koje boje je taj limun? Žute boje baš, kao puding naš.
  4. Šta je ovo? Kutijica. Koje je boje kutijica? Narandžaste baš kao i lisica.
  1. Šta je ovo? Jedna olovka. Koje je boje olovka? Boje je plave, znam, znam da je, šta je.
  2. Šta je ovo? Jedan šešir. Koje je boje taj šešir. Crne boje baš, kao i mačor naš.
  3. Šta je ovo? Jedno jaje. Koje boje je to jaje? Bele je boje, znam, znam da je, šta je.
  4. Šta je ovo? Ovo jedan miš. Koje boje je taj miš? Braon kao kuća ovde pored.
Treći deo 3:45

  1. Deda ima mali žuti auto. x3 Mali žuti auto x2
  2. Deda ima mali crveni auto x3 Mali crveni auto x2
  3. Deda ima mali plavi auto x3 Mali plavi auto x2
  4. Deda ima mali crni auto x3 Mali crni auto x2
  5. Deda ima mali zeleni auto x3 Mali zeleni auto x2
Četvrti deo 8:00

  1. Crveni x3 je krug, crveni, crveni je krug
  2. Plavi x3 je krug, plavi je, plavi je krug
  3. Žut x3 krug, žut je, žut je krug
  4. Crvena x2 jabuka je crvena x3,  jabuka je crvena, crvena, crvena
  5. Plava x2 lopta je plava x3, lopta je plava, plava, plava
  6. Zeleno x2 drvo je zeleno x3,  drvo je zeleno, zeleno, zeleno
  7. Žut x2 limun je žut x3,  limun je žut, žut, žut
  8. Narandžaste x2 boje je sok x 4
  9. Crni x2 šešir je crni x3, šešir je crni, crni, crni
Serbian Cyrillic Script Version

Први део

Црвени ауто x2
Зелени ауто x2
Плави ауто x2
Жути ауто x2
Црни ауто x2
Љубичасти ауто x2
Роза ауто x2
Наранџасти ауто x2
Браон (смеђи) ауто x2
Бели ауто x2

Други део 2:30

Шта је ово? Једна књига. Које боје је та књига? Црвене је боје баш као и мој кревет.
Шта је ово? Једно дрво. Које боје је то дрво? Зелене је боје да ли видиш? Да видим.
Шта је ово? Један лимун. Које боје је тај лимун? Жуте боје баш, као пудинг наш.
Шта је ово? Кутијица. Које је боје кутијица? Наранџасте баш као и лисица.
Шта је ово? Једна оловка. Које је боје оловка? Боје је плаве, знам, знам да је, шта је. Шта је ово? Један шешир. Које је боје тај шешир. Црне боје баш, као и мачор наш. Шта је ово? Једно јаје. Које боје је то јаје? Беле је боје, знам, знам да је, шта је. Шта је ово? Ово један миш. Које боје је тај миш? Браон као кућа овде поред.

Трећи део 3:45

Деда има мали жути ауто. x3 Мали жути ауто x2
Деда има мали црвени ауто x3 Мали црвени ауто x2
Деда има мали плави ауто x3 Мали плави ауто x2
Деда има мали црни ауто x3 Мали црни ауто x2
Деда има мали зелени ауто x3 Мали зелени ауто x2

Четврти део  8:00

Црвени x3 је круг, црвени, црвени је круг
Плави x3 је круг, плави је, плави је круг
Жут x3 круг, жут је, жут је круг
Црвена x2 јабука је црвена x3,  јабука је црвена, црвена, црвена
Плава x2 лопта је плава x3, лопта је плава, плава, плава
Зелено x2 дрво је зелено x3,  дрво је зелено, зелено, зелено
Жут x2 лимун је жут x3,  лимун је жут, жут, жут
Наранџасте x2 боје је сок x 4
Црни x2 шешир је црни x3, шешир је црни, црни, црни

Monday, October 03, 2016

Furniture in Serbian - Expand your Vocabulary

In the previous month I posted a few exercises for you to practice how to pronounce rooms in a flat in Serbian. There was an exercise to help you write and read the same words both in the  Latin and Cyrillic script. I hope you liked all the exercises.

 Now it's time to expand the vocabulary and learn about the furniture in different rooms. Here comes an exercise with flash cards to help you hear and pronounce the words correctly!

Furniture in Serbian

Games with Furniture in Serbian 

To simply recognize the words, play the Scatter game by pulling the photos over the words or vice versa.

When you are ready to practice writing and actively connecting photos with the words, enjoy playing

As usual, there is a vocabulary game, but this time it's a hangman game based on some of the words from the previous exercises.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Vocabulary in Serbian - Rooms and Furniture

While working on my Serbian language courses, I keep creating tests, exercises, video lessons and fun games. The beauty of technology nowadays is that everything is so "shareable" and "embedable" :)

Furniture in Serbian - Flash Cards with Pronunciation

Simply type the word you hear (on the right hand side you'll see the explanation in English)

Practicing Serbian Cyrillic with New Vocabulary

Match the same words in Latin and Cyrillic script

Doing Fun Rooms 'n' Furniture Vocabulary Exercises in Serbian

Exercise 1: Unfortunately, this one is not embeddable, simply click here.

Exercise 2 is very similar to the previous one - simply click on the point which shows the word written at the top of the picture.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Stress Patterns in Serbian

The following two videos are great for the students at upper-intermediate and advanced levels who are interested in stress patterns in Serbian and who can easily read Serbian Cyrillic script.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Learn Serbian Phrases with Beogradski Sindikat 1

I guess it is just the perfect time to learn a bunch of commonly used phrases and collocations in Serbian with a newly released song "Sistem te laže" by Beogradski sindikat.

I created a new kind of exercise, with dropdown suggested answers, so you don't need to write while listening to the song, but simply click on the option you hear. You can also try to do the exercise before listening to the song, in order to guess what's missing. 

Make sure you listen to the song once again, following the same lyrics in the Cyrillic script!

Monday, February 15, 2016

Serbian for Beginners in Cyrillic and Latin Alphabet

Yesterday I made two brand new Quizlet exercises as a follow up of the following video Serbian exercise for beginners, both in the Serbian Cyrillic script and Latin alphabet. 

If you are not sure what some words mean, do check them out with the following flash cards:

Once you feel confident about the meaning of the words, feel free to  do the following exercises in the Cyrillic script:

or Latin Alphabet:

Thursday, January 07, 2016

How to Congratulate Orthodox Christmas in Serbian?

Merry Christmas to everyone celebrating it today! Today and in the next seven days, until Serbian New Year,  I want to give you a  Christmas gift of a free online course!

I also want to share with you the best Christmas SMS or IMs to be sent on this day which I found on various websites:

Christmas SMS for religious  family and friends

In the Cyrillic Script via Duhoviti website

Лепшег јутра од данашњег нема, ко је верник за Божић се спрема. Срце твоје љубав нека води, мир Божији и Христос се роди! Ту где се бадњак данас ложи, у том дому срећа нек се множи, нека срећна звезда кроз живот вас води Мир Божији и Христос се роди!

In the Latin Alphabet

Lepšeg jutra od današnjeg nema, ko je vernik za Božić se sprema. Srce tvoje ljubav neka vodi, mir Božiji i Hristos se rodi!

Tu gde se badnjak danas loži, u tom domu sreća nek se množi, neka srećna zvezda kroz život  vas vodi Mir Božiji i Hristos se rodi!

Informal Christmas SMS 

In the Cyrillic Script via Opušteno

Догорева Бадњак свети и полако ватром тиња, пуно здравља и среће желим теби и твојима. Христос се роди! Срећан Божић!

In the Latin Alphabet

Dogoreva Badnjak sveti i polako vatrom tinja, puno zdravlja i sreće želim tebi i tvojima. Hristos se rodi! Srećan Božić!

Formal Christmas SMS 

In the Cyrillic Script via Stihovi

Нек Вам сребрне зраке Божићног јутра под бором осветле поклон исплетен од здравља, среће, мира и љубави… Срећан Божић!

In the Latin Alphabet

Nek Vam srebrne zrake Božićnog jutra pod borom osvetle poklon ispleten od zdravlja, sreće, mira i ljubavi… Srećan Božić! 

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Practice Serbian Cyrillic Script

Since there's a growing number of people joining my Quizlet exercises to practice Serbian, I decided to record a series of videos to help you with pronunciation. Besides, you'll see how learning with Quizlet can be fun and engaging :)

How to Practice Serbian Cyrillic Script 

Practice Serbian Cyrillic Script

Practicing Pronunciation of Serbian Cyrillic Script

If you like this lesson, check out 99 more which can be found on an online video course  Serbian 101!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Learning to Conjugate in Serbian - To Have Breakfast

Learning to Conjugate in Serbian

Today I've found a video with an easy text in Serbian, which I forgot to upload  and share  with you last year. I corrected this mistake and you can see it now on my Youtube channel. I think you will find this exercise quite easy, as it focuses only on  the verb " to have breakfast " - doručkovati.

Learning to Conjugate in Latin Script

Since the video is for you to practice the Cyrillic script, let me write some basic forms of the verbs you will need in the Latin alphabet.

Present Simple of doručkovati and piti (to drink)
  • Doručkujem-doručkuješ-doručkuje // doručkujemo - doručkujete - doručkuju
  • Pijem - piješ - pije // pijemo - pijete - piju
Past Simple of doručkovati and piti (to drink)
  • Doručkovao - doručkovala - doručkovalo // doručkovali - doručkovale - doručkovala
  • Pio - pila - pilo // pili - pile - pila
Future Simple of doručkovati and piti (to drink)
  • Doručkovaću - doručkovaćeš - doručkovaće // doručkovaćemo - doručkovaćete - doručkovaće
  • Piću - pićeš - piće // pićemo - pićete - piće
I've written both the past and the present forms for the more advanced learners to practice turning the same text into the past and future tenses and thus learning to conjugate "doručkovati".

Learning to Conjugate in Cyrillic

Now, I am sure you are ready for this exercise:

In order to turn the Cyrillic into Latin alphabet, do use the perfect tool for that, called SlovoMajstor:

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Jesam or Sam in Serbian?

After uploading a hundred of videos both from Serbian 101 and Serbian 102 course, and revising each of them, Ivan decided to help me with his 3D effects vidos. So far he's made 30 short videos with the verbs used in the course, in the present and past tense so far, but he plans to make 5 more each day.

I'll post some of them here on the blog, but for the complete version, refer to the Serbian101-102 course. Here comes its short description:

Serbian 101 &102 is perfect for absolute and false beginners in Serbian. It is organized in such a way that you can either follow it chronologically, or choose only the topics you are interested in. Each topic consists of an explanatory video lesson and then video exercises with links to follow-up quizzes with instant feedback. 
There are more than 100 lessons making well over 10 hours of video lessons and exercises which take you from the very start to the pre-intermediate level, covering:
  • Tenses: Present Simple and Past Simple Tense
  • Cases: Nominative, Accusative, Instrumental and Locative
  • Modals: Can, Must
  • Pronouns: Personal and Possessive Pronouns
  • Adjectives: Possessive Adjectives and Noun-adjective Agreement
  • Numbers: Cardinal and Ordinal
as well as basic:
  • functions such as:
    • Greetings
    • Introductions
    • Asking for Clarification/Explanation
    • Asking about Directions
    • Giving Directions
    • Requesting 
    • Offering
    • Expressing Likes and Dislikes
    • Asking about Likes and Dislikes
  • situations such as:
      • Meeting People
      • Small Talk
      • In a Restaurant
      • Shopping
      • Arranging a Meeting
      • Talking about Family
      • Talking about Routines
      • Talking about your Life
  • vocabulary topics such as:
    • Family members
    • Numbers
    • Food
    • Souvenirs
    • Places in a city
    • Countries and Cities
    • Means of transport
    • Colours
    • Jobs and occupations

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Serbian for Kids - Šuma blista, šuma peva

Monday, March 03, 2014

Exercise with Instrumental Case in Serbian

If you enjoy learning Serbian with easy texts, here comes a very simple one, which is actually a part of Serbian 102 course:

Vocabulary you might need:

PUTOVATI - to travel
NA MORE - to the seaside
U ZAVISNOSTI OD - depending on
ODREDIŠTE - destination
IĆI - to go
A - and/but
NAJVIŠE VOLETI - to love most of all
ZATO ŠTO - because
ZAŽELETI - to wish
SVE VREME - all the time
SVAĐATI SE - to argue
MENI - to me
MOM SUPRUGU - to my husband
POŠTO - because
MIRAN - peaceful
TRAJATI - to last
DUGO - long
Here comes the same text, but in the Cyrillic script:

Saturday, February 08, 2014

Practicing Cyrillic Script

If you need to practise writing Serbian Cyrillic script, it's a good idea to either

read these beautiful poems by Mika Antić...

...and type down while reading...

or simply click pause and write it in your diary :)

If you want a more difficult practice, simply listen Mika and jot down what he's saying :)

Friday, January 10, 2014

Serbian Pronunciation Practice with Đ and DŽ

If you started learning Serbian and you are confused as to what might be the difference between DŽ and Đ sounds, let me help you by taking you through these five steps:

Step 1
Which of these two sounds is softer to your ear ? 
Dž/dž (or Џ џ  in Cyrillic)


Đ / đ (or in Cyrillic script: Ђ ђ)?

Step 2: If you don't hear ANY difference, let me tell you that the sound Đ is much softer than DŽ.
*You'll get this sound to be softer, i.e. produce Đ, by pressing the tongue onto the lower teeth. Repeat "đ" several times and feel the tongue low, behind the teeth, touching them.

*To get the harsh "DŽ" curl your tongue behind the upper teeth, slightly above them. You'll notice that the sound becomes less soft as you raise your tongue upwards. (even curling it backwards). Now repeat it several times.

Step 3: Try to contrast the soft Đ with harsh DŽ, paying attention to the tongue position and listening to yourself. Can you hear the difference ?

Now it's time to practise with minimal pairs and not-so-minimal pairs, because there aren't that many words with Đ and DŽ:

Step 4:
Listen and repeat:
  • đak              džak
  • leđa             odžak
  • đinđuva       dživdžan
  • ceđenje        karakondžula
  • đubre           dželat
  • đurđevak     džanarika
  • đakonije      džangrizalo
  • đavo            džem
  • đevrek         džemper

Step 5:
Encircle the word you hear me say:
  1. đubre     džak        đak           odžak
  2. đevrek   džaba       đavo         džem
  3. džoker   đon          džomba     đozluci
  4. džudo    đevrek     džukela     đuveč
  5. ceđenje  dživdžan  đinđuva    dželat  
For more pronunciation practice visit the previous blog posts tagged "pronunciation in Serbian"

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Let's Practice Serbian Cyrillic Script - Answer to Part 2

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Let's Practice Serbian Cyrillic Script - Part 2

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Serbian Conjugations in Cyrillic Script

If you have always wondered it there were any videos with conjugations in Serbian with the Cyrillic script, here they come :

With this video you can not only pronounce the Simple present conjugations of the verb "zvati se", but you can also practise its word order and asking and answering simple questions in the second part of the video. Which words are missing there ?

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Learn about Serbian Verbs with Children's Songs

Another great song which all the devojčice i dečaci sing is "Ivin voz" by Dragan Laković . It's also perfect to introduce a complex lexical system of the Serbian verb (which mirrors English phrasal verbs as well as perfectve /imperfective aspects ) :

The Cyrillic script version:
Ћиху, Ћиху, ћиху-ху...

Из куће је излетео на улицу Ива
сав задихан захуктао к'о локомотива.

Видели га другови, па за њим и они
потрчали, захуктали к'о прави вагони.

Ћиху, Ћиху, ћиху-ху...

Сад улицом тако јури та чудна колона
то воз Ивин путује са седам вагона.

The Latin script version:
Ćihu, Ćihu, ćihu-hu...

Iz kuće je izleteo na ulicu Iva
sav zadihan zahuktao k'o lokomotiva.

Videli ga drugovi, pa za njim i oni
potrčali, zahuktali k'o pravi vagoni.

Ćihu, Ćihu, ćihu-hu...

Sad ulicom tako juri ta čudna kolona
to voz Ivin putuje sa sedam vagona.

Interesting verb lexicology:

  • leteti = to fly, IZleteti = to fly out of 
  • huktati = to make a sound like a to train (figuratively: to complain) , ZAhuktati se  = to gather speed (for a train, or when doing something)
  • trčati = to run, POtrčati = to start running
An exercise covering this topic can be found on this SerbianLesson.com page.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Easy Texts in Serbian

Here comes a sample video exercise of a  very basic and simple text in Serbian, much much easier than the previous ones:

 Anyway, I think this is a good example how you can practise making natural sentences in Serbian on your own, simply by reading together with me and supplying the words which are missing. You can also do the follow-up exercise in writing.

Sorry for the poor audio quality - I'll try to fix it somehow !

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book