Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Showing posts sorted by date for query songs. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Serbian Easter - Vaskrs i Uskrs

Happy Easter  = Srećan Uskrs with a new exercise based on this beautiful song:

Serbian Easter - Vaskrs & Uskrs

Ljudi Likujte 

Check out my previous Easter posts - Serbian Easter Tag.

Serbian Easter Songs 

The Cyrillic Version

Људи ликујте, народи чујте:
Христос воскресе,
Радост донесе!

Звезде играјте, горе певајте,
Христос воскресе,
Радост донесе!

Шуме шумите, ветри брујите:
Христос воскресе,
Радост донесе!

Мора гудите, звери ричите:
Христос воскресе,
Радост донесе!

Пчеле се ројте, а птице појте:
Христос воскресе,
Радост донесе!

Анђели стојте, песму утројте:
Христос воскресе,
Радост донесе!

Овчице беле, буд’те веселе:
Христос воскресе,
Радост донесе!

Мали славуји, нек’ песма бруји:
Христос воскресе,
Радост донесе!

Небо се снизи, земљу узвиси-
Христос воскресе,
Радост донесе!

Црвено јаје сваком се даје
Христос воскресе,
Радост донесе!

Слава ти Боже, све ти се може
Христос воскресе,
Радост донесе!

Saturday, January 07, 2023

Srećan Božić = Merry Christmas

How to Greet People on Christmas Day in Serbia 

Merry Christmas & Srećan Božić with a few great blog posts from the previous years and  one brand new video about Christmas:

Video o Božiću u Srbiji 

Sunday, January 02, 2022

Practicing Serbian with Songs - Part 2

Practicing Serbian with Songs 

In the previous blog post you practiced Serbian with the song Donesi vina, krčmarice! Now I am adding the second part to it, a new exercise and a list of words to practice with this song

Practicing Serbian Word Order with Songs 

Practicing Vocabulary Serbian Songs 

  1. Doneti = to bring 
  2. Donesi = bring! informal
  3. Donesite = bring! formal or plural
  4. Vino = wine 
  5. Krčmarica = waitress arch. (Voc. case - krčmarice)
  6. Rumen = red, flush 
  7. lice = face 
  8. Daj = give! informal 
  9. Dajte = give! formal or plural
  10. piti = to drink (pijem = first person sg in present simple)
  11. tuga = sorrow 
  12. razbiti = to break, shatter 
  13. srce = heart
  14. boleti = to hurt
  15. hteti = to want/ will (hoću, hoćeš, hoće - sg. present simple)
  16. izgoreti = to burn (izgorim, izgoriš, izgori - sg. present simple)
  17. ružica = ruža = rose
  18. oči = eyes 
  19. crn = black 
  20. žeravica = ember 
  21. celo selo = The whole village
  22. zaneti se = to get carried away
  23. svi = everybody  
  24. Bog = god
  25. Bože = Voc case of Bog 
  26. stvoriti = To create (što je stvori =why have you created her)
  27. mlad = young 
  28. momak = young man
  29. mučiti = to torture
  30. moriti = to torture/torment 

Exercises with These Words 

Match Exercise

Flashcards Exercise

Test Exercise

Saturday, January 01, 2022

Serbian Songs with Exercises

Monday, October 25, 2021

Learn Serbian by Singing - Ne vredi plakati

With so many youtube videos with beautiful Serbian songs being deleted, I somehow stopped creating blog posts covering this topic, although I keep using songs in my lessons on a regular basis. However, with a new tool at hand, I'll be able to recreate all my song-exercises and post them on my server with exercises based on the lyrics. 

Learn Serbian by Singing - Ne vredi plakati

Let me start with the beautiful song "It's not worth crying" - NE VREDI PLAKATI, Zvonko Bogdan

Exercises with Serbian Songs

Sunday, April 04, 2021

Learning Serbian with Songs - Karaoke

 As you already know, Serbian is best learnt while singing and not thinking about all the grammar behind it. That 's why I am so happy whenever I come across a good song with lyrics, as well as its karaoke version. 

Learning Serbian with Songs - Karaoke Razbole se lisica 

Serbian with Songs - Išli smo u Afriku 


 Karaoke verzija   

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Exercises with Songs in Serbian - Serbian 701

Exercises with Songs in Serbian

What about practicing Serbian with this lovely, ancient song by Radmila Karaklajić? I think I was in love with this song at the age of three or four :D It helped me learn Serbian for sure, but also it would always cheer me up.  I hope it does the same for you.

Practicing Serbian with Songs

Make sure you change the speed in the settings (down on the right) - the perfect would be 0.75, but you can also opt for 0.5. 

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Learning Serbian with Songs

If you like learning Serbian with songs, I'm sure oyu will like some of the new exercises I published on the new SerbianLessons page:  

Learning Serbian with Songs

Monday, January 07, 2019

How to Say Merry Christmas in Serbian

Merry Christmas in Serbian 

Merry Christmas in Serbian

The best way to congratulate Christmas in Serbian is by saying:
For more information, interesting video lessons, songs and facts about Christmas in Serbia, check out my posts about Božić from the previous years!

Friday, September 21, 2018

Serbian Aspect Easy Way - Nisam te se nagledao

While I was searching for some songs for learning Serbian, I came across this aspect-friendly one called Nisam te se nagledao,  which inspired me to create two sets of quizzes for you to practice Serbian aspect while listening to it :) I bet you'd be delighted to find out that there's an easy and more efficient way to learn verbal aspects :)

Let's match the verses:

Verbs only:

Monday, October 23, 2017

Serbian with Easy Texts and Exercises

Today we are practicing Serbian with this simple exercise:

 The meaning of this story is as follows:

Marina likes to eat sweets, especially chocolate, Eurocream, jam and buiscits. She likes to drink milk, juice and coffee. Each morning while she has breakfast, Marina doesn't watch TV, but she is on the Internet, listens to songs on Youtube and sings them.

The missing verbs are as follows:

  1. VOLETI (ja volim ... oni vole)
  2. PITI (ja pijem... oni piju)
  3. GLEDATI (ja gledam ... oni gledaju)
  4. SLUŠATI (ja slušam... oni slušaju)
  5. PEVATI (ja pevam... oni pevaju)

After doing this exercise, you can record your own story by making comparisons. For example:

Marina voli da jede slatkiše, ali ja ne volim da jedem slatkiše. OR Marina voli da jede Eurokrem, ali ja ne volim da ga jedem. (Pronouns: him/it >>>"ga" stands for "it", but in Serbian "Eurocream" is he, so here "ga" means "him", her >>>"je" and "them"= ih, regardless of the grammar gender)
For more advanced students: Write this text or record it in the past simple or future simple!
For all the versions and video lessons based on this text, check out my Patreon blog. Hvala :) 

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Get Ready for Easter

In the course of the past ten years, there's been a lot of posts about Orthodox Easter. I covered different topics, from the greetings to video stories about it, songs and songs . However, I still haven't written about one of the kids' most favourite tradition: egg tapping or "kucanje jajima".

Let me share with you what Wikipedia says about it:

Egg tapping, or also known as egg fightegg knockingegg pacqueingegg boxingegg picking[1] or egg jarping is a traditional Easter game. 

The rule of the game is simple. One holds a hard-boiled egg and taps the egg of another participant with one's own egg intending to break the other's, without breaking one's own. As with any other game, it has been a subject of cheating; eggs with cementalabaster, and even marble cores have been reported.[2]

To see what it looks like in one local community, I'm sharing a video about Easter egg fight from 2014, along with the listening comprehension quiz. For an easier quiz based video with basic greetings and common Easter phrases, check out my blog on Patreon.

Ћирилични задатак: одслушајте видео и допуните празна места. Резултат је у коментару :)
  1. Милица је добила ово јаје од ________ .
  2. Милица има ________ година.
  3. Милица је ________ у куцању ускршњим јајима.
  4. Ово је ________ такмичење у куцању јаја.
  5. Деца знају да код куће треба да направе ________ турнир.
  6. Данас је било ________деце.
  7. Све је протекло у ________ духу.


Latinični zadatak: odslušajte video i dopunite prazna mesta. Rezultat je u komentaru :)
  1. Milica je dobila ovo jaje od ________ . 
  2. Milica ima ________ godina. 
  3. Milica je ________ u kucanju uskršnjim jajima.
  4. Ovo je ________ takmičenje u kucanju jaja.
  5. Deca znaju da kod kuće treba da naprave ________ turnir.
  6. Danas je bilo ________dece.
  7. Sve je proteklo u ________ duhu.

Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Serbian Verbs Conjugated - To Live

I have tried to make simple conjugation videos before, but was never satisfied with what they looked and sounded like. Last week, thanks to my dedicated patrons on Patreon and my students of Serbian whom I've been teaching for years, I was able to afford the first professional version of the software which I have always dreamt of.  HVALA!!!

How do you like my first pro conjugation video?

Now that I have all the tools, I am sure you'll all enjoy my short video lessons about:

  1. verb conjugations in Serbian, both in the Cyrillic and Latin alphabet.
  2. short video stories, based on the video with conjugations
  3. short dialogues based on the texts and Serbian Phrases
  4. videos explaining Serbian idioms
  5. easy Serbian songs and chants for kids
Još jednom ogromno hvala mojim dragim pratiocima i učenicima koji pomažu održavanje ovog bloga i sve bolji kvalitet video lekcija srpskog jezika. Moje nove lekcije će izgledati super zahvaljujući Mirku, Milici i Milenki, Lari, Matiji, Dejanu i Danijeli, Marion, Pavlu, Dejvidu, Niku i Dženi i Jani!!! 

Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Serbian for Children - Lesson 2

Thanks to your kind help the second lesson of Serbian for Children was released yesterday:

In this lesson you can practise saying "Ovo je..." (this is) as well as the vocabulary for family members!


mama = mom
tata = dad
sestra = sister
brat = brother
sin = son
ćerka = daughter

moj / moja = my

Additional exercises:
1. https://quizlet.com/146121479/micromatch
2. https://en.educaplay.com/en/learningresources/2531536/serbian_for_children_lesson_1a.htm

The first part was published in the post about teaching Serbian with children songs, but I will add it here as well:


Hope you find them useful and come here for more!

If you would like to get all my video lessons with explanations in English, translations and additional exercises like the ones above, in the meaningful order, consider joining me on Patreon. HVALA!

Sunday, January 22, 2017

How to Practice Serbian Pronouns in Instrumental

How to cope with all different forms of Serbian pronouns, in different cases and with all the different endings? Well, there are many different ways, starting with old-fashioned grammar learning;

to using them in phrases, without thinking about grammar at all. What I find really efficient, is to listen to Serbian songs and learn the pronouns in common phrases, by singing :)

Let me share with you the following song: Za Njom by S.A.R.S.

How to Practice Serbian Pronoun SHE in the Instrumental Case

Now that you have heard this song, sang along, and done the exercise, can you tell me which prepositions were there in front of "NJOM"?

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Personal Pronouns in Accusative

In the previous post you could see the different forms of pronouns in the Accusative case in Serbian:

There are quite a lot of verbs which require the Accusative, and "voleti" or "to love" obviously requires a direct object. Therefore you'll come across this form in many a song:

The same goes for the verb ZVATI. Since we are going to practice Serbian with two songs with this verb, let's start with a bit of theory:

and then let's practice with a game:
If you like these Quizlet exercises, here's one more with the verbs to see and to go to (Videti i Ići u + Akuzativ)

Finally, when you feel confident using the pronouns in Accusative, let's sing the following songs in 
Zovem ______  zovem, a ti tako 
nećeš da čuješ zov iz duše
zovem ______  zovem ko zna gde si
dok moji snovi već se ruše

Ref. 2x
Zovem ______  zovem, noću te sanjam
uzalud širim ruke svoje
zovem ______  zovem, al' čemu sve to
ti drugu ljubiš oko moje

Zovem______ zovem, a ti tako 
ni pismom jednim da se javiš
zovem ______  zovem noći svake
a ti ne čuješ ili se praviš

Ref. 2x

Zovem ______  zovem, gde si mili
traže ______  moje vlažne oči
zovem ______  zovem srećni bi bili
javi mi dal' ćeš nekad doći

Ref. 2x

Poći ću u šume da ____ opet tražim
uz tišinu rijeke da ___  mirno sanjam
i dok mesec sija gledaću u zvijezde
ne bih li ___ sreo sretnu i daleku
aha, aha, aha

Zvao sam ___ Emili
u moj je san ko u svoj ušla dom
zbog nje se dan pretvorio u noć 
i pjesme sve poludjele zbog nje 
kao kiše prolećne

Zvao sam ____ Emili
u danima kad voljesmo se mi
od proljeća do kasne jeseni
zbog nje, zbog nje izgubio sam sve
čak i dobre drugove

Zvao sam ____  Emili

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

How to Practice Personal Pronouns through Cases

If you are familiar with the personal pronouns in Serbian in the Nominative case, it's time for you to their different forms through various cases.

The clever way is to approach these more complicated forms through the texts you've done before, using the pronouns instead of nouns. For example:

If we turn all the nouns into the corresponding pronouns, we would get a fun story:

  • Želim da kupim njih. = Želim da ih kupim.
  • Da li  imate njih, ali u plavoj boji? = Da li ih imate, ali plave?
  • Da li možete da mi pokažete nju i njih = Da li možete da mi je pokažete i da mi ih pokažete?
  • Želim da kupim nju, nju i nju i njih. = Želim da je kupim i želim da ih kupim.
Now I have two questions:
  1. What does each pronoun in bold refer to?
  2. What changes does the word order cause?

However, the easiest way is to learn pronouns is through songs and exercises:

Since the courses Serbian 101 and Serbian 102 deal with the following cases:
  • Nominative (JA - TI/VI - ON - ONA - ON // MI - VI - ONI)
  • Accusative 
in Serbian 102 I introduced the pronouns in the Accusative

  • Accusative (MENE / SEBE - TEBE/ VAS - NJEGA - NJU(JE) - NJEGA // NAS - VAS - NJIH)

In Serbian 201 I introduce the pronouns in the Locative and Instrumental case:

  • Locative ( o MENI/ SEBI - TEBI - VAMA - NJEMU - NJOJ - NJEMU // NAMA - VAMA - NJIMA)
and we will practice them together in the next post!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Beautiful Songs about Serbia - Serbia mía

Have you ever heard of this beautiful song about Serbia, by Mirko Radović? If not, I am sure you will enjoy listening to it now and come back to it because if its gentleness and a catchy tune!

In case you don't understand Spanish, I'll share with you the author's words about the song, 

"Rodio sam se daleko, i tek nakon više od 50 godina sam uspeo da se povežem sa mojom porodicom. Nikada neću zaboraviti taj trenutak. Siguran sam da su me moj otac i baba i deda gledali sa neba i da su danas jako srećni zbog toga. Ova pesma je istinita priča o mom ponovnom susretu sa domovinom, pretočena u stihove."
along with the lyrics in Spanish

*** Lyrics ***
          Serbia mía
Siento el silbido que despierta, Siento el dulce aroma de un café

Siento cada abrazo, cada beso y las caricias
Que la noche nos dejó tan solo ayer
Siento que mis manos aún te buscan
Siento que tuvimos que partir
Siento cada calle, cada plaza, cada parque
Los rincones que nos vieron sonreir…
Lo siento, Serbía mía, y volver será un nuevo empezar
Siento cada pena, cada angustia, cada llanto
Que tu rostro inocente ayer marcó
Y si la noche se acaba, celebra conmigo que el día volvió

Lo siento, Serbía mía, y lo siento cada día más y más
Siento recordar lo que fuímos, siento el fuego vil que nos quebró
No importa que estés muy lejos, la paz es tu abrigo, el sol es tu voz
Y si la noche se acaba, celebra conmigo que el día volvió
and its translation:

*** Translation *** 
Srbijo moja
Osećam zvuk koji me budi,
osećam slatki miris jutra.
Osećam svaki zagrljaj, svaki poljubac i dodire
koje nam je prošla noć ostavila.
Osećam da mi ruke još tebe traže.
Osećam da smo morali otići.
Osećam svaku ulicu, svaki trg, svaki park,
sva mesta koja su nas videla.

Osećam te, Srbijo moja
i osećam te svakim danom više i više
Osećam te Srbijo moja
i vratiću se tebi ponovo.
Sećam se što smo nekada bili.
Osećam vatru koja rastavlja
Osećam svaki bol, svaku muku, svaki krik
koje je proslost na licu ostavila.
Nije važno što si daleko,
mir je tvoj spas,
Sunce je tvoj glas.
Iako je noći kraj,
slavi sa mnom,

jer dan se vratio.

Although the song was released a few years ago, a wonderful piece of news was to learn that this song dedicated to Serbia was picked by a Peruvian corporate chain to be played in their offices :) No wonder why! Congratulations, Mirko!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Serbian for Children with Songs

A few weeks ago I started creating simple lessons for children who are learning Serbian across the world. At first I thought there would be lack of simple and fun songs for the first few lessons, but as it transpired I was wrong. On  Nykk Deetronic's Youtube channel I came across a few great songs, such as:

as well as easy to understand short cartoons, such as 
Today I would like to share a version of Nykk's "Pilići smo mi" by IDJKids, with additional fun exercises I created:


Serbian for Children with Songs

Which words are missing? (More about the verb TO BE in Serbian)

Piju, piju, piju - piju, piju, piju x 3
Mi ____ pilići
Piju, piju, piju
Mali radosni
Jupi, jupi piju x3
Mama govori "Koko roko koko da"

Mi ____ pilići
Piju, piju, piju
Mali radosni
Jupi, jupi piju
________   govori "Kukuriku kukuku"

Mi ____ pilići
Piju, piju, piju
Mali radosni
Jupi, jupi piju
________   govori "av, av, av, av, av"

Mi ____ pilići
Piju, piju, piju
Mali radosni
Jupi, jupi piju
________   govori "mjau x5"

Mi ____ pilići
Piju, piju, piju
Mali radosni
Jupi, jupi piju
________   govori "mu, mu, mu, mu,mu"

Mi ____ pilići
Piju, piju, piju
Mali radosni
Jupi, jupi piju
________   govori "grok, grok, grok, grok, grok"

Mi ____ pilići
Piju, piju, piju
Mali radosni
Jupi, jupi piju
________   govori "me, me, me, me,me"

Mi ____ pilići
Piju, piju, piju
Mali radosni
Jupi, jupi piju
________   govori "kva, kva, kva, kva, kva"

Exercise for Serbian for Children Lesson

Lekcija 7 - Glagol biti

If you like the exercises and Serbian video lessons and courses I am creating, I'd like to invite you to support me through Patreon. Your help is much appreciated :)

Friday, September 04, 2015

Songs in Serbian with Lyrics: I Miss our Love

Friday is such a beautiful day to practice Serbian with songs, isn't it?

Of course, there's always an exercise to do  :)

... hope you don't mind?*
*Petak je tako lep dan za vežbanje srpskog uz pesme, zar ne? Naravno, tu se uvek nađe i vežba :) ...nadam se da ne zamerate?

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book