Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Sunday, April 10, 2016

Learn Common Serbian Phrases with Mikela

If you liked the previous post about the common Serbian phrases, I am sure you will like the following set of phrases people tend to use in  daily conversations when they meet the friends they haven't seen for quite a while.

I will add a translation next to the each phrase, so you can see what is only natural to ask if you have a friend who is from Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro or Croatia :) You will see that there are no "safe" topics about the weather though, lol:)

Đesi ba?* = Where are you? =what's up?
šta ima? = what's up?
kako si? = how are you?
šta radiš? = what are you doing?
ima li šta novo da me iznenadiš? 
= is there anything new to surprise me?

Kad si doš'o? = When did you come back?
kad se vraćaš? = when are you coming back?
vidiš li ti ovo? = can you see what's happening?
i kako ti to shvaćaš? = and what's your take on that?

Šta planiraš danas? = What are your plans for today? (what are you gonna do?)
jesi l' sutra šta planiro? = have you planned anything for tomorrow?
što si neraspoložen? = why are you in a bad mood?
ko te iznerviro? = who bothered you? 
Jes' ti diplomiro ono što si studir'o? = finished what you've been studying?
Nešto s' ti to čini mi se malo pauziro? = it seems you didn't finish it in time?

Jes' to novi telefon kupio? = Have you bought a new (cell) phone?
pošto?  = how much?
ako bi ga prodavo koliko bi košto? = if you were to sell it, how much would it be?
Kol'ko mu prostora u memoriju staje? = how much memory (space=prostor) is there?
kol'ko mu dugo baterija traje?  = how long does the battery last?
Jesu l' to tvoja kola? = is this your car? (The word "kola" in Serbian is always in plural)
il je rent a car? = or is it a rent-a-car?
Je l' to dizel il' benzinac? = is it using diesel fuel or gasoline?
kol'ko je star? = how old is it?

Je l' to na lizing? =Is it on lease?
il je gotovina? = or in cash?
je l' to vuče prednja ili zadnja osovina? = is it front or rear traction?

Refren 2x (* kaš = Kad ćeš)
Kaš* se žent? = When are you gonna get married (ženiti = to get married for men)?
kaš se udavat? when are you gonna get married (udavati = to get married for women)?
De mi reci pa da mogu mirno spavat! = do tell me, so I can sleep peacefully!
imaš li djece? = have any kids?
e nemaš pa što? = no? so why not?
šta čekaš više? = what are you waiting for? 
što ne rješavaš to? = why aren't you working on that?

Kako ti je mama? = How's your ma?
kako ti je tata? = how's your pa?
je l' ti ono imaš sestru ili brata? = have you got a sister or brother? 
(The word "ono"implies that he has forgotten about it)
Radiš li šta? = working?
i kol'ka ti je plata? = how much is your salary?
jesi l' u kreditu?  = having a (bank) loan?
kol'ka ti je rata? = how much is your (monthly) installment?

Đe budeš? = Where are you staying?
đe živiš?= where do you live?
đe stanuješ sada? =where are you living now?
je l' to periferija? = is it in the suburbs? 
za kolko si do grada? = how far is it from the city center?
jesi to na fejsu? = are you on Facebook?
koja ti je slika na profilu? = which is your profile photo?
je l' de da to i ti imaš viška koju kilu? = do admit it that you have put on weight! 
(some (extra) kilos = koju kilu viška)

Refren 3x

 *Đes ba or Gde si? here means "what's up", and is often used along with that phrase "Đes ba? Šta ima?

Friday, March 04, 2016

Common Phrases in Serbian

Common Phrases in Serbian

I am sure you liked the previous post where you could practice  pronouncing "Laku noć" which means "Good night". Today we are going to practice saying "Dobro jutro" or "Good morning" with this fun commercial:

It is actually based on a well known song by Bajaga, called "Dobro jutro, džezeri".
Džezeri is short for "jazz players", but in this ad this word is changed to "džezVeri", because the word "đezva" or "džezva" means a specific coffee pot, like this one:

At the very end you are also going to hear how chicken's "piu-piu" is used in the meaning of "they drink" = Piju (to drink = piti: conjugations>>> pijem - piješ - pije // pijemo - pijete - piju)

Now, here comes Bajaga's song with the lyrics, so you can compare the two:

Sunday, February 28, 2016

New Lesson to Practice Accusative in Serbian

After two months of adjusting an old course of mine to the new set of quality criteria at Udemy, Serbian 102 has been approved and is visible for anyone interested in learning Serbian at pre-intermediate level. I'm adding now additional new video lessons such as this one:

 Accusative in Serbian


and quizzes:

Quizzes with  Accusative in Serbian

TEST - 15 rečenica

Example with Sg. JA + IĆI + CRKVA >>> Idem u crkvu
Example with Pl. TI + VIDETI + MOSTOVI >>> Vidiš mostove



Pronunciation of Exercise 

You can record a similar story with www.Vocaroo.com


Saturday, February 27, 2016

Most Common Phrases in Serbian

Common Phrases when Saying Goodnight

Here comes a fun commercial which is great for you to practice authentic language, especially the word "laku noć" = goodnight,  you'll see why :)

I couldn't resist creating a short exercise based on it! Simply pull the words listed above to the appropriate gaps.

Common Phrases Task - Saying Goodnight in Serbian

Sunday, February 21, 2016

International Mother Language Day

Today is the International Mother Language Day. Mother tongue is part of the cultural identity of a people, the point of recognition, diversity, tolerance and understanding. Taking care of the mother tongue is a way of proving the people's awareness of their own identity. 

The legacy of the Serbian Grand Prince Stefan Nemanja says: "My dear child, guard your language as your country. Word can be lost as a city, as a country, as a soul. And what is a people if it loses its language, country, soul? Do not take someone else's word in your mouth. If you take a foreign word, know that you didn't conquer it, you've actually alienated yourself. It's better to lose the biggest and the toughest city of your country than the smallest and the least significant word of your language. People who lose their own words cease to exist as people."

***Many thanks to Meet the Serbs FB page for this post and translation:

Данас је Међународни дан матерњег језика. Матерњи језик је део културног идентитета народа, тачка препознавања, различитости али и толеранције и разумевања. Брига о матерњем језику је начин доказивања свести народа о властитом идентитету. 

Завештање Стефана Немање каже: „Чувајте, чедо моје мило, језик као земљу. Реч се може изгубити као град, као земља, као душа. А шта је народ изгуби ли језик, земљу, душу? Не узимајте туђу реч у своја уста. Узмеш ли туђу реч, знај да је ниси освојио, него си себе потуђио. Боље ти је изгубити највећи и најтврђи град своје земље, него најмању и најнензнатнију реч свога језика. Народ који изгуби своје речи престаје бити народ“. („Завештања великог жупана српског Стефана Немање свом сину светом Сави“, аутора Милета Медића).

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Serbian Verb to Go to with Places

The topic of today's lesson is the verb IĆI U/NA(to go to) followed by different places. Because of the preposition U/NA, which mean in/at/on in English, students tend to make a mistake and use the Locative case of a noun instead of the Accusative. However, since IĆI U is the verb which denotes movement, we can translate it with GO TO and then it is followed by the Accusative.

So, with today's Quizlet set we will be  practicing:

  • different conjugations of the verb IĆI in its imperfective form: idem (sada)  = I am going to (now). 
  • prepositions U vs. NA
  • Accusative Singular nouns (there is a change only with the Feminine nouns, which drop the final A and add U)

Learning Serbian Verb to Go to with Places

Practicing Serbian Verb to Go to with Places

Test with Serbian Verb to Go to with Places

Monday, February 15, 2016

Serbian for Beginners in Cyrillic and Latin Alphabet

Yesterday I made two brand new Quizlet exercises as a follow up of the following video Serbian exercise for beginners, both in the Serbian Cyrillic script and Latin alphabet. 

If you are not sure what some words mean, do check them out with the following flash cards:

Once you feel confident about the meaning of the words, feel free to  do the following exercises in the Cyrillic script:

or Latin Alphabet:

Sunday, January 24, 2016

How to Pronounce Serbian R?

How to Pronounce Serbian R?

If you patiently listen to Nada Zeković until the very end of the video below, you'll find out what is the secret of the accurate pronunciation of the Serbian "r". Verovali ili ne,  the secret is in its vibration :) Watch, listen, repeat and practice!

  • The position of the tip of the tongue is upfront, behind the upper front  teeth.
  • Besides, there's a slight vibration. (Listen to Nada comparing Spanish and Serbian name "Oskar" )

Advice on How to Pronounce Serbian R?

According to Nada, the best way is to practice by :
  • simply running round the house saying the vibrant "rrrrr" :)
  • focusing on sound clusters such as "pr" (pravo, prvi, pre, preko, prošlo...), and later on other words with this sound!
Best of luck!

Thursday, January 07, 2016

How to Congratulate Orthodox Christmas in Serbian?

Merry Christmas to everyone celebrating it today! Today and in the next seven days, until Serbian New Year,  I want to give you a  Christmas gift of a free online course!

I also want to share with you the best Christmas SMS or IMs to be sent on this day which I found on various websites:

Christmas SMS for religious  family and friends

In the Cyrillic Script via Duhoviti website

Лепшег јутра од данашњег нема, ко је верник за Божић се спрема. Срце твоје љубав нека води, мир Божији и Христос се роди! Ту где се бадњак данас ложи, у том дому срећа нек се множи, нека срећна звезда кроз живот вас води Мир Божији и Христос се роди!

In the Latin Alphabet

Lepšeg jutra od današnjeg nema, ko je vernik za Božić se sprema. Srce tvoje ljubav neka vodi, mir Božiji i Hristos se rodi!

Tu gde se badnjak danas loži, u tom domu sreća nek se množi, neka srećna zvezda kroz život  vas vodi Mir Božiji i Hristos se rodi!

Informal Christmas SMS 

In the Cyrillic Script via Opušteno

Догорева Бадњак свети и полако ватром тиња, пуно здравља и среће желим теби и твојима. Христос се роди! Срећан Божић!

In the Latin Alphabet

Dogoreva Badnjak sveti i polako vatrom tinja, puno zdravlja i sreće želim tebi i tvojima. Hristos se rodi! Srećan Božić!

Formal Christmas SMS 

In the Cyrillic Script via Stihovi

Нек Вам сребрне зраке Божићног јутра под бором осветле поклон исплетен од здравља, среће, мира и љубави… Срећан Божић!

In the Latin Alphabet

Nek Vam srebrne zrake Božićnog jutra pod borom osvetle poklon ispleten od zdravlja, sreće, mira i ljubavi… Srećan Božić! 

Sunday, December 06, 2015

Serbian Online Course about Animals

Brand New Serbian Online Course

If you have followed my previous posts about using different groups of vocabulary to build up more complicated sentences in Serbian, I am sure you will like my new mini course which focuses on vocabulary (here comes the Christmas discount link). It is called Expanding Serbian Vocabulary - Animals and right now it covers all levels, from the beginner to advanced. You will be using the same sets of words in different contexts and with different grammar structures, starting with the verb to be, to the past tense, Accusative, Genitive, comparisons to conditionals.

This course is perfect for all the students of Serbian at different levels, who would like to expand their vocabulary in different contexts. It is based the vocabulary describing domestic and wild animals

Serbian Online Course - Structure

Each section consists of:
  • intro video lesson with me pronouncing the words
  • video lesson without my pronunciation
  • video lessons with exercises where you have to supply the missing words
  • quizzes and grammar exercises
  • speaking practice video with lots of questions and a link where you can record/write your answers

Serbian Online Course about Animals - Free Lesson

Friday, November 13, 2015

Reading Comprehension Exercises for Advanced Learners

I'd like to share an authentic text about a teenage inovator from Novi Sad, Jovana Kondić.  I made a few exercises based on this interesting story and I'm sure you'll like them!

Reading Comprehension Exercises for Advanced Learners

Right Order

Click below to access the activity. (Opens in a new window on touch devices.)

Click here to open the above activity in a new window.

Missing Words

Click below to access the activity. (Opens in a new window on touch devices.)

Click here to open the above activity in a new window.

Earn some Money :D

Click below to access the activity. (Opens in a new window on touch devices.)

Click here to open the above activity in a new window.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Listening Exercise about Large Kolo for Guinness

Let me introduce you to my nephew Aca who participated in the event called "Large Kolo for Guinness" which took place exactly a week ago in Novi Sad, Serbia. While watching and listening to this video you can do the following tasks:

A. Watch the video without listening to it at first (mute the audio) and try to guess:
  1. Kako se Aca oseća?
  2. Po čemu znate da se Aca tako oseća?
B. Now watch and listen to the video focusing on the words and phrases which confirm your previous answers.

C. Now watch and listen to the video for the third time and try to answer the following questions:
  1. Odakle je Aca?
  2. Kako je sve proteklo?
  3. Čega su se učesnici bojali?
  4. Zašto je ova manifestacija bitna?
  5. Koje izraze Aca koristi da iskaže zahvalnost što je sve dobro pošlo?
D. To expand your vocabulary try to recall which synonyms and phrases Aca uses instead of:
  1. "proteklo" 
  2. "bojati se"
  3. "bitan"

Grammar Exercise:

Monday, October 05, 2015

Guinness World Record Largest Folk Dance in Serbia

Guinness World Record Largest Folk Dance in Serbia

Over 12.000 participants prepares to break the Guinness World Record by simultaneously dancing a Kolo (a traditional dance from the Balkan states) in Novi Sad. The same string of participants stretched for kilometers and encircled several city blocks. 

The organization of the Veliko Kolo (Great Kolo) took months and it gathered organizations from 12 different countries in the region. The participants were coordinated by local staff and by a system of loudspeakers. Additionally, all those participating were assigned a barcode, which was then read by the event's officials at the end of the event and the results sent to the Guinness commission.

Preparation for Guinness Largest Kolo 

Serbian Kolo, Novi Sad 4th October 2015 

Listening Comprehension Exercise

  1. Koliko folkloraša učestvuje u Velikom kolu?
  2. Gde se održava svečano otvaranje?
  3. Iz kojih zemalja su učesnici?
  4. Koliko kilometara je dugačko kolo?
  5. Kada će biti završena ova manifestacija?

  1. Koliko autobusa je pristiglo u Novi Sad 4. 10. 2015.?
  2. Kog uzrasta su učesnici?
  3. Koliko kola su folkloraši igrali?
  4. Odakle je prvi sagovornik?
  5. Odakle je drugi sagovornik?
  6. Odakle je treći sagovornik?
  7. Iz koliko ukupno zemalja su učesnici?
  8. Koji uslovi moraju da se ispune da bi se oborio rekord?
  9. Kada će se dobiti zvanični izveštaj da li je rekord oboren?

Speaking Exercise

While watching the following video try do describe what you can see and what you know about this event:

Monday, September 14, 2015

Relative Pronoun and Question Word Koji in Serbian

If you ever wondered how to practice when to use kojI, kojA, kojE etc. both when asking questions and connecting sentences, here comes an easy exercise, based on the intro video about animals:

There is a similar video, where you have to fill in the gaps with "koji", but in the appropriate form:

Along with an online exercise:

Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Verb to be in Serbian - Video Exercise

If you liked the video about animals I posted last month, I bet you'll enjoy practising* the verb TO BE with the following video. *The verb forms which are missing are as follows:
  • JE
  • SU
  • NIJE
  • NISU

If you are not sure about the answers, you can check it here:

Friday, September 04, 2015

Songs in Serbian with Lyrics: I Miss our Love

Friday is such a beautiful day to practice Serbian with songs, isn't it?

Of course, there's always an exercise to do  :)

... hope you don't mind?*
*Petak je tako lep dan za vežbanje srpskog uz pesme, zar ne? Naravno, tu se uvek nađe i vežba :) ...nadam se da ne zamerate?

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Studying Serbian with Short Stories

Here comes a new video lesson covering the following vocabulary:


  • taj pas / ti psi= dog/dogs
  • taj konj / ti konji = horse/horses
  • to jagnje / ta jagnjad = lamb/lambs
  • ta ovca / te ovce = sheep/sheep
  • taj ovan / ti ovnovi = ram/rams
  • ta žirafa /te žirafe = giraffe/giraffes
  • ta pčela / te pčele = bee/bees
  • taj pauk / ti pauci = spider/spiders
  • ta riba / te ribe = fish/fishes
  • taj delfin / ti deflfini = dolphin/dolphins
  • to mače / ti mačići = kitten /kittens
  • ta mačka / te mačke = cat/cats
  • taj mačak / ti mačori = tomcat/tomcats
  • taj tigar / ti tigrovi = tiger/tigers
  • ta zebra / te zebre = zebra/zebras

  • je = is
  • su = are
  • sviđati se  = to like (sviđa mi se ovaj pas = I like this dog)
  • videti = to see
  • zvati se = to be called 
  • porasti = to grow up
  • leteti = to fly
Functions used when expressing certainty/probability:

  • ovo je... = this is...
  • možda = maybe
  • sigurno = certainly/ for sure
  • ovo je sigurno... = this is a ... for sure
  • ovo je možda... = this is maybe a ...

Check out the previous lesson for beginners about rooms in a flat.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Bear's Wedding in Serbian with Explanation

If you liked the first part of the story of Dundo Bear's Wedding, I am sure you've been eagerly waiting for its sequel :) Here it comes, but this time you'll be able to read the explanation, English translation and you'll have to answer a few questions before you hear what happened in the second part:

Let me know if you like it?
Javi mi da li ti se sviđa?

What do you think what is the next animal Dundo bear will come across?
Šta misliš na koju životinju će medo Dundo naići?

  • na vučicu?
  • na medvedicu?
  • na lasicu?
  • na zečicu?
  • na vevericu?

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Short Stories in Serbian for Beginners

While preparing a new course based on simple, short stories in  Serbian via Udemy, I wanted to share a video lesson dedicated to the verb to be and rooms in a flat:

Ovo je moj stan. On nije mali. U prizemlju je kuhinja i trpezarija i mali toalet. Šta je ovo? Ovo je kuhinja. Šta je ovo? Ovo je trpezarija. Na prvom spratu je radna soba i tatina ordinacija. Na drugom spratu su spavaće sobe i velika dnevna soba. Sa leve strane su spavaće sobe. Sa desne strane je dečija soba i kupatilo.

Da li možete da pogodite koje su ovo sobe?
  1. Na ovoj slici je...
  2. Mislim da je ovo...
  3. Ovo je...
  4. Ovo je možda...
  5. Ovo je sigurno...
Da li možete da opišete svoj stan na sličan način?

English translation:

This is my apartment. It is not small. On the ground floor (there) is the kitchen and dining room and a small toilet. What is this? This is a kitchen. What is this? This is a dining room. On the first floor (there) is a study room and my dad's office. On the second floor (there) are bedrooms and a large living room. On the left side (there) are the bedrooms. To the right (there) are children's bedroom and a bathroom.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Serbian with Children's Stories

I think that children learn a language best through stories, chants and songs. I've already written about Dundo Bear's Wedding story back in 2013, but now I decided to turn it into a series of lessons which can be used for learning and teaching Serbian.

Let me introduce you to the first part of the story with this four minute long Intro to Medvedova ženidba by Desanka Maksimović.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Serbian lesson about Present Participle

Monday, July 13, 2015

Present Participle in Serbian

Present Participle in Serbian

After watching this short video lesson dedicated to present participle in Serbian, try to figure out which form to use!  Useful vocabulary:
  1. uživati = to enjoy (uživam, uživaš, uživa // uživamo, uživate, uživaju)
  2. gledati = to watch (gledam, gledaš, gleda // gledamo, gledate, gledaju)
  3. gledajući = watching (while watching)
  4. uživam gledajući... = I enjoy watching...
  5. slušati = to listen to (slušam, slušaš, sluša // slušamo, slušate, slušaju)
  6. slušajući = listening (while listening)
  7. smirivati = to calm down (smirujem, smiruješ, smiruje // smirujemo, smirujete, smiruju)
  8. smirujući = calming
  9. smrzavati = to freeze (smrzavam, smrzavaš, smrzava // smrzavamo, smrzavate, smrzavaju)
  10. provoditi = to spend (provodim, provodiš, provodi// provodimo, provodite, provode)
  11. obilaziti = to be visiting (obilazim, obilaziš, obilazi // obilazimo, obilazite, obilaze)
  12. obilazeći = visiting (while visiting)
  13. teći = to flow (tečem, tečeš, teče //  tečemo, tečete, teku)
  14. razmišljati = to think about (razmišljam, razmišljaš, razmišlja // razmišljamo, razmišljate, razmišljaju)
  15. razmišljajući = thinking (while thinking about)

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Practicing Montenegrin and Serbian with Songs

Monday, May 11, 2015

Serbian Vocabulary Exercise - Rooms

If you liked playing Quizlet games and practising your Serbian with my video lessons based on Quizlet, I'm sure you'll have fun learning some new vocabulary in Serbian today. This time it's all about rooms in a flat, as a short intro to a series of practical video lessons dedicated to the Locative case.

For the time being, let's simply practise pronunciation and spelling. For the brave ones here comes the test:

along with the links to other exercises:

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Serbian Expressions for Cheaper and More Expensive

A few days ago while I was preparing for my online lessons I came across this great video which can help you practice:
  • vocabulary (fruit and vegetables)
  • numbers and prices
  • comparing prices of certain products at two different markets in Novi Sad (Limanska pijaca vs. Kvantaš)

You can write or record a short report by answering to the following questions:

Limanska pijaca:

  1. Koje povrće je najjeftinije?
  2. Koliko košta krompir na limanskoj pijaci?
  3. Koje povrće je najskuplje?
  4. Koliko košta kilogram krastavaca?
  5. Koliko košta najskuplje povrće na limanskoj pijaci?
  6. Koje voće je najjeftinije?
  7. Koliko koštaju kurške?
  8. Koje voće je nešto jeftinije od kruški?
  9. Koje voće je najskuplje?
Kvantaška pijaca:
  1. Da li je ova pijaca skuplja ili jeftinija od limanske?
  2. Za koliko je paradajz jeftiniji?
  3. Koliko košta kilogram kupusa?
  4. Koliko košta crni luk?
  5. Koje voće ima istu cenu kao i na limanskoj pijaci?
  6. Koliko koštaju jabuke?
  7. Za koliko su jeftinije mandarine?
  8. Koliko novca se mora izdvojiti za pomorandže?

Serbian Expressions for Cheaper and More Expensive

Korisni izrazi kada pričamo o cenama = Useful expressions when talking about prices

  • ... se može naći po ceni od ...  = ... can be found at a price of ...
  • ... košta ... za kilogram =... costs ... per kilo
  • ... koštaju ... = ... cost ...
  • ... se može kupiti za ... = ... can be bought for ...
  • Za ... se mora/treba izdvojiti ... dinara = For ... one has/needs to pay ... dinars
  • ... je jeftinije / skuplje =... is cheaper/more expensive
  • ... su jeftinije i  mogu se kupiti po ceni od ... = ... are cheaper and can be bought at a price of...

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Fun Serbian Language Exercises

Can Serbian Language Exercises be Fun?

Kako da ne! For sure!

Let's watch the following video which should remind you of the famous "Night Watch" painting by Rembrandt:

After enjoying watching it, let's tell a story in the Serbian language. I'll try to help you with the list of the following verbs in Serbian and English:

  • šetati = to walk
  • sedeti = to sit
  • piti kafu = to drink coffee
  • čuti alarm = to hear
  • baciti konopac = to throw  a rope
  • trčati = to run
  • istrčati iz = to run out of
  • strčati niz = to run down
  • bežati (od) = to run away
  • probijati se kroz = to elbow one's way through 
  • preskočiti = to jump over
  • hvatati = to be catching
  • jahati = to ride
  • marširati = to march
  • penjati se = to climb
  • nišaniti = to aim at
  • uhvatiti = to catch
  • stati mirno = to stand still
  • stajati mirno = to be standing still
  • slikati = to take photos
Can you tell your version of The Night Watch story in Serbian while watching the video? If it is too difficult, let's write it first :)

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Happy Easter in Serbian

Hristos voskrese!


Ljudi likujte, narodi čujte:
Hristos voskrse, radost donese!
Zvezde igrajte, gore pevajte,
Hristos voskrese, radost donese!
Šume šumite, vetri brujite,
Hristos voskrse, radost donese!
Mora gudite, zveri ričite,
Hristos voskrse, radost donese!
Pčele se rojte, a ptice pojte,
Hristos voskrse, radost donese!
Anđeli stojte, pesmu utrojte,
Hristos voskrse, radost donese!
Nebo se snizi, zemlju uzvisi,
Hristos voskrse, radost donese!
Zvona zvonite, svima javite,
Hristos voskrse, radost donese!
Slava ti Bože, sve ti se može,
Hristos voskrse, radost donese!

Sv. vladika Nikolaj Žički

Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Easter Day in Serbia

Easter Day in Serbia

On Easter day people in Serbia crack their Easter eggs with one another, in search for the strongest egg :) We start from the early morning! At first, during breakfast we start cracking eggs and each of us keeps the strongest one. Then we meet with our relatives at Sunday lunch where we continue with this never-ending fight. There is usually one egg which beats all the rest and we keep it until the next year. 

In this video you can see what it looks like:

Here comes an exercise where you can practice the Genitive case together with the possessive form and comparatives (bolji / gori = better / worse; jači / slabiji = stronger / weaker; lepši / ružniji = nicer / uglier; manje / veće =smaller/bigger etc.). Watch the video first and then decide whose egg is stronger/better/weaker/worse! Have fun and a Happy Easter!

Sunday, April 05, 2015

Ready for Orthodox Easter?

Wednesday, April 01, 2015

How to Say April Fool in Serbian?

How to Say April Fool in Serbian?

The most common way to celebrate April Fool's day in Serbia is to play a joke on someone and then, if they fall for it, say "Aprililili". Yes, after "April" you will add "i-li-li" :)

I guess that the most ambitious learners will enjoy watching an episode of "Državni posao" dedicated to this day:

I am aware that it is quite difficult to understand, but do try to persevere with it and answer these three general questions:

  1. Da li je Boškić naseo na šalu? (nasesti na šalu = to fall for the joke / to be taken in)
  2. Da li je Čvarkov stigao da prevari Torbicu ? (prevariti = to play a joke/trick/prank on someone)
  3. Kako je Torbica uspeo da se našali sa Čvarkovim*?
*Jedno pitanje iz gramatike, samo za moje učenike: zašto je "sa Čvarkovim" tačno, a ne "sa Čvarkovom"?

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Practice Serbian Cyrillic Script

Since there's a growing number of people joining my Quizlet exercises to practice Serbian, I decided to record a series of videos to help you with pronunciation. Besides, you'll see how learning with Quizlet can be fun and engaging :)

How to Practice Serbian Cyrillic Script 

Practice Serbian Cyrillic Script

Practicing Pronunciation of Serbian Cyrillic Script

If you like this lesson, check out 99 more which can be found on an online video course  Serbian 101!

Monday, March 02, 2015

Exercises for Serbian as a Foreign Language

Exercises for Serbian as a Foreign Language 

Because of the lack of digital teaching materials for practicing Serbian as a foreign language, I decided to turn  my simple dialogues and stories into video exercises. Unfortunately, when speaking of the Serbian language, there's scarcity of paper based materials as well, but that's another story!

Exercises for Serbian as a Foreign Language 

Anyways*, if you have studied the previous lesson thoroughly, I am sure you will be able to do the following task without difficulty, whether* practicing speaking or grammar!

 *again, you can find the translation in the Serbian version of this post

Serbian Verbs - Short Story 1

Serbian Verbs in Short Stories

Recently I have considered* a list of the most frequently used Serbian verbs and I decided to write short stories and dialogues based on them. In* the first ten often used verbs, the following four are in this story:
  • biti
  • imati
  • jesti
  • videti
I also added the verb "voleti" in this group, which is actually at 31st position according to its frequency, but I hope you won't mind!
Can you translate this dialogue into your mother tongue? I will translate it into English and this will help you to check your own translation. If you happen to have time, do send it (via comment maybe?), because it will help other students all over the world in the future!

*Sorry for the clumsy translation, I was trying to stick to the Serbian original text which can be found here.

Dialogues in English and Serbian

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Sretenjski Ustav Exercise and Video

Sretenjski Ustav Exercise with Video

Here comes the perfect opportunity to share with you a special episode of "Mala istorija Srbije" dedicated to Sretenjski ustav.

I also want to share with you a few suggestions as to how to have an interesting lesson based on this video:

1. Opišite šta se dešava u ovoj epizodi, ali bez slušanja
2. Sada ponovo odslušajte celu epizodu i odgovorite na sledeća pitanja:

  • a. po čemu je poznat Sretenjski ustav?
  • b. kada je donet?
  • c. kako ga je ruski ambasador nazvao?

  • Monday, February 09, 2015

    St Valentine's Day with Exercises 2

    Songs for St Valentine's Day in Serbian

    For all of you eagerly waiting for another love song, this time sung to a woman, here comes one suggestion: I Still Love You by Sergej  Ćetković. The answer key, or the lyrics, can be found here, but I am sure you'll have fun trying to do my exercise as well:

    Sunday, February 08, 2015

    St Valentine's Day with Exercises 1

    If you are in love and getting ready to surprise your loved one on 14th February, or Sveti Trifun in Serbian, and if you are in search of a good love song, in the following few days I'll share with you a few suggestions.

    Ako ste zaljubljeni i pripremate se da iznenadite voljenu osobu povodom 14. februara, svetog Trifuna u Srbiji, i u potrazi ste za dobrom ljubavnom pesmom, evo ovih nekoliko dana ću vam dati nekoliko predloga:

    Pesma za njega = A song for him
    *Ne brinite, sutra stiže pesma za nju = No worries, tomorrow I'll post a song for her!

    Vežba za tebe :)

    Friday, January 30, 2015

    Ideas for Advanced Serbian Lessons - City

    Advanced Serbian Lessons - Describing a City

    For all of you who are eager to learn more advanced Serbian, I found another great video which can be turned into a few different speaking and listening comprehension exercises:


    Advanced Serbian Speaking

    Exercise one: watching the video without listening to it. You can take a guess what each building or buildings might be, using the following structures:
    • Ova zgrada bi mogla da bude (this building could be...) ... pijaca / vrtić / škola / stambena zgrada / crkva / sportski centar / tržni centar / bazen / pozorište ... or plural form:
    • OvE zgradE bi moglE da budU...
    • Ovo je idealno mesto za (this is a perfect spot for...) ... pijacu / vrtić / školu / stambenu zgradu / crkvu / sportski centar / tržni centar / bazen / pozorište
    • Da sam arhitekta / dizajner / političar, ja bih na ovom mestu izgradio ...(if I were an architect, I'd build...)  ... pijacu / vrtić / školu / stambenu zgradu / crkvu / sportski centar / tržni centar / bazen / pozorište
    Exercise two: watching the video and listening to the detailed explanation. Check if you were right about each building(s), using the following phrases:

    • Oni su rekli da će ovde biti izgrađen tržni centar, a ja sam rekao da će biti škola (They said that there will be a shopping centre built, but I said that would be a school.)

    Advanced Serbian Vocabulary and Grammar

    Exercise three: doing an exercise based on the text below, which I am currently working on (making gaps mainly where the nouns in genitive are):

    Advanced Serbian
    Šabac, grad na Savi
    Šabac, grad koji je delio države i carstva, na obali velike reke sa srednjovekovnom tvrđavom, kao obeležjem i simbolom. Živeo je kroz istoriju san o izlasku na Savu. Vizija o gradu na reci konačno je estetski, funkcionalno i ekonomski utemeljena planom detaljne regulacije: "Šabac, grad na Savi".

    Plan obuhvata površinu omeđenu ulicama: produžetak Kralja Aleksandra i Kralja Milana, od pruge do obale reke Save. Područje obuhvata plana podeljeno je na blokove različitih namena.Blokovi 11, 13 i 14 rezervisani su za izgradnju poslovnih objekata, dozvoljene spratnosti P+2. Tržni centar, izložbeno-prodajni salon ekskluzivnih oblika i materijala, samo su neki od planiranih sadržaja. Svoje mesto imaju i objekti kulture iste srpatnosti.

    Infrastrukturni objekti biće smešteni u bloku 12. Najatraktivniji segment obuhvata plana je stambeni deo za  oko 4000 ljudi. Naselje će činiti objekti kolektivnog stanovanja  dozvoljene spratnosti P+3 i gradske vile spratnosti P+2, koje mogu imati maksimalno po 10 stanova, minimalne površine do 45 metara kvadratnih.

    Pored stambenog bloka planirana je izgradnja memorijalnog centra, osnovne škole i dečijeg obdaništa. Na mestu nekadašnje kasarne, uzvodno od tvrđave, predviđena je parkovska površina koja se završava pristaništem i marinom za čamce i turističke brodove, uz prateće sadržaje: hotel, carinarnicu, portirnicu, hangare za čamce, ugostiteljske i administrativno-upravne objekte. Marina će biti sagrađena na mestu predratnog pristaništa, piše agencija, nekada omiljenog mesta Šapčana tokom leta.

    Thursday, January 29, 2015

    Learning to Conjugate in Serbian - To Have Breakfast

    Learning to Conjugate in Serbian

    Today I've found a video with an easy text in Serbian, which I forgot to upload  and share  with you last year. I corrected this mistake and you can see it now on my Youtube channel. I think you will find this exercise quite easy, as it focuses only on  the verb " to have breakfast " - doručkovati.

    Learning to Conjugate in Latin Script

    Since the video is for you to practice the Cyrillic script, let me write some basic forms of the verbs you will need in the Latin alphabet.

    Present Simple of doručkovati and piti (to drink)
    • Doručkujem-doručkuješ-doručkuje // doručkujemo - doručkujete - doručkuju
    • Pijem - piješ - pije // pijemo - pijete - piju
    Past Simple of doručkovati and piti (to drink)
    • Doručkovao - doručkovala - doručkovalo // doručkovali - doručkovale - doručkovala
    • Pio - pila - pilo // pili - pile - pila
    Future Simple of doručkovati and piti (to drink)
    • Doručkovaću - doručkovaćeš - doručkovaće // doručkovaćemo - doručkovaćete - doručkovaće
    • Piću - pićeš - piće // pićemo - pićete - piće
    I've written both the past and the present forms for the more advanced learners to practice turning the same text into the past and future tenses and thus learning to conjugate "doručkovati".

    Learning to Conjugate in Cyrillic

    Now, I am sure you are ready for this exercise:

    In order to turn the Cyrillic into Latin alphabet, do use the perfect tool for that, called SlovoMajstor:

    Wednesday, January 28, 2015

    Verb Biti in Serbian

    Biti in Serbian

    The verb "TO BE" in Serbian is something you should learn at the very beginning, because you'll need it not to express the most essential facts about yourself, but also because it is used as an auxiliary verb in the Simple Past tense.

    That's why this post dedicated to the different conjugations, i.e. forms, of the verb to be can be useful both for the beginners and more advanced students.

    A few short videos and exercises with the verb Biti in Serbian

    Exercise 1
    While watching this video say "This is a... These are ...s" using these structures:
    • Ovo je ... (+ nominative Sg)

    Exercise 2:
    • Ovo su ...(+ nominative Pl) 
    • Ovo je...(+ nominative Sg)

    Exercise 3
    While watching this video say what the photos are about (the locative case ) using the phrase: Ova slika je o... = This photo is about

    Exercise 4
    Using these full forms of the verb TO BE, give the positive and negative answers with 

    the full form of the verb to be:

    Links to the previous posts about the verb Biti in Serbian

    Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

    Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
    Gde je ključ? ...
    Where is the Key?-...
    By Marina Petrović
    Photo book