Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query song. Sort by date Show all posts

Monday, October 25, 2021

Learn Serbian by Singing - Ne vredi plakati

With so many youtube videos with beautiful Serbian songs being deleted, I somehow stopped creating blog posts covering this topic, although I keep using songs in my lessons on a regular basis. However, with a new tool at hand, I'll be able to recreate all my song-exercises and post them on my server with exercises based on the lyrics. 

Learn Serbian by Singing - Ne vredi plakati

Let me start with the beautiful song "It's not worth crying" - NE VREDI PLAKATI, Zvonko Bogdan

Exercises with Serbian Songs

Sunday, January 02, 2022

Practicing Serbian with Songs - Part 2

Practicing Serbian with Songs 

In the previous blog post you practiced Serbian with the song Donesi vina, krčmarice! Now I am adding the second part to it, a new exercise and a list of words to practice with this song

Practicing Serbian Word Order with Songs 

Practicing Vocabulary Serbian Songs 

  1. Doneti = to bring 
  2. Donesi = bring! informal
  3. Donesite = bring! formal or plural
  4. Vino = wine 
  5. Krčmarica = waitress arch. (Voc. case - krčmarice)
  6. Rumen = red, flush 
  7. lice = face 
  8. Daj = give! informal 
  9. Dajte = give! formal or plural
  10. piti = to drink (pijem = first person sg in present simple)
  11. tuga = sorrow 
  12. razbiti = to break, shatter 
  13. srce = heart
  14. boleti = to hurt
  15. hteti = to want/ will (hoću, hoćeš, hoće - sg. present simple)
  16. izgoreti = to burn (izgorim, izgoriš, izgori - sg. present simple)
  17. ružica = ruža = rose
  18. oči = eyes 
  19. crn = black 
  20. žeravica = ember 
  21. celo selo = The whole village
  22. zaneti se = to get carried away
  23. svi = everybody  
  24. Bog = god
  25. Bože = Voc case of Bog 
  26. stvoriti = To create (što je stvori =why have you created her)
  27. mlad = young 
  28. momak = young man
  29. mučiti = to torture
  30. moriti = to torture/torment 

Exercises with These Words 

Match Exercise

Flashcards Exercise

Test Exercise

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter in Serbian

Tuesday, July 04, 2017

Modal Verbs in Serbian - Can 2

In the one of the previous lessons we practiced the verb CAN in the Present Tense in Serbian. Let's revise it once again:
When you practised the verb MOĆI long enough, you are ready to solve the following mystery:

Which words are missing?

p.s. The response you can see here is from the famous song by Zdravko Čolić. If you like the song, let's learn how to sing it together :)

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Serbian for Children - Numbers

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Exercises with Songs in Serbian - Serbian 701

Exercises with Songs in Serbian

What about practicing Serbian with this lovely, ancient song by Radmila Karaklajić? I think I was in love with this song at the age of three or four :D It helped me learn Serbian for sure, but also it would always cheer me up.  I hope it does the same for you.

Practicing Serbian with Songs

Make sure you change the speed in the settings (down on the right) - the perfect would be 0.75, but you can also opt for 0.5. 

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Serbian 301 - Retelling Story

In Serbian 301 one is practicing to confidently ask and answer questions about some past tense events. This can be practiced in different ways:

  • talking about your past, or past events in your life
  • talking about your friends and family and their experiences
  • retelling a short story that we have previously learnt
  • retelling an interesting film/book plot
Additionally, you can also practice telling a story based on a suitable song. Let's take Kristing by Zdravko Čolić, for example!

Retelling Story in Serbian - Song 

Retelling Story in Serbian

For the sake of understanding here comes a page with the lyrics translation (not the perfect one, though, but you'll get the gist) and now you can practice retelling the story with the following set of exercises:

Retelling Story by asking questions

Now that you know what has actually happen, can you add your questions in the comments below?
Let me start with just a few:
  1. Kada je Zdravko išao na salaš?
  2. Gde je bio salaš?
  3. Šta sve znači "društvo"?
  4. Ko je stajao na vratima?
  5. Šta je petrolejka?

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Past Tense Practice in Serbian

Past Tense Practice in Serbian

You can find lots of useful info on the Simple Past tense in Serbian in some of the previous posts on this blog. Today I'd like to share a cute song I found on Youtube - all you have to do is to listen to it carefully and add the past tense suffixes to the past tense and present tense verbs and a few suffixes with the nouns in plural. 

Dlan_ _ _ ti puni snova
Osmeh boje izazova
Reci, kud si krenu_ _?
U srcu ti ceo svemir
U oč_ _ _ kriješ nemir
Snove si sakri_ _

Zvezd_  su u tvojoj kosi
Kao da te jesen pros_
Nikom neće da te da
Hoda_ lako kao vila
Gde si se do sada kri_ _
To me baš zanima

Samoj sebi već sam čudna
Svake noći ja sam budna
Šta se sa mnom desi_ _
Tvoji prst_ na gitari
I sve te lagane stvar_
Sviraj mi ponovo

Malo čežnje na tvom licu
Leptir slete_ na žicu
Nebo se osmehu_ _
Probaj sa mnom sne da deli_
Šapući mi sve što želiš
Niko nas ne čuje

Hajde da malo proba_ _
Baš to x3
Jagod_ s puno šlaga
Ti si mi tako draga
Pa nek ide sve
Do vraga

Hajde da malo krade_ _
Baš to x3
Osmeh od sladoleda
Noć ima ukus meda
Šta je iza tvog pogleda

Source and download via Youtube channel Vanja Grastić

If you are not sure about the meaning, I prepared a quiz with which you can learn the words, and later on you can try to sing the song :)

Let's learn the vocabulary:
Let's listen:
Let's play:

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Serbian 401 - Short History of Serbia, part 3

Serbian 401 - Short History of Serbia, part 3

If you liked learning Serbian with the beautiful mini-series Mala istorija Srbije, you'll surely love the third episode dedicated to the famous song "Why are my thoughts struggling". Although we all know of this song, rarely does anyone know who wrote it and who it was dedicated to! Let us learn more about it, together :)

Ako vam se svidelo da učite srpski uz prelepu mini seriju "Mala istorija Srbije", sigurno ćete uživati u trećoj epizodi koja je posvećena čuvenoj pesmi "Što se bore misli moje". Iako svi znamo ovu pesmu, retko da iko zna ko ju je napisao i kome je posvećena! Hajde zajedno da saznamo nešto više :)

Serbian 401 - Video 

Serbian 401 - Pesma

Short History of Serbia, episode 3 - Exercise

Što se bore _______ moje
iskustvo mi ćutat' _______
bez'te sada vi _______
nek' mi _______ govori

Prvi _______ oka tvoga
sjajnom _______ podoban
plenio je _______ moje
učinio _______ ga

Ja te ljubim, ah, _______
celom _______ kazaću
samo od tebe, ah, _______
ovu _______ sakriću.

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Verbal Aspect in Serbian

Listen to the song and decide which phrases you hear.

Finished/Completed (Perfective) - In progress or repetitive (Imperfective)
Sunce me probudi - Sunce me budi
Žurno se obučem - Žurno se oblačim
Popijem kafu = Pijem kafu
Oči protrljam = Oči trljam
Zaspao sam = Spavam
Gurnem vrata = Guram vrata
Pogledam ptice = Gledam ptice
Odem brzo = Odlazim brzo
Osvrnem se = Osvrćem se
Otplovim = Plovim

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Asking About Location in Serbian

Fourteen years ago on March, 13th 1996, this song was the Song of the Day at the local radio station. I remember listening to it every hour! Take a guess where I was by asking questions, as follows:

1. "Da li ste bili u + city ? "
(when you guess the name of the city, proceed to 2)
2. "Da li ste bili u + place ?"

1/Word Bank: ---> Locative Case

Bečej ----> Bečeju
Senta ----> Senti
Zrenjanin ---> Zrenjaninu
Novi Sad---> Novom Sadu
Šabac ---> Šapcu
Niš ---> Nišu
Kragujevac ---> Kragujevcu
now, you do the same...
Kraljevo --->
Milanovac --->
Subotica --->
Beograd --->

2/Word Bank for places ---> Locative

škola - školi

crkva - crkvi
centar - centru
važno mesto - važnom mestu
*now, you do the same...

Friday, April 03, 2020

Serbian 102 - Here and There

Here and There in Serbian

A well known poem "Beautiful World" by Jovan Jovanović Zmaj can be the perfect content for learning the words such as:

  • Here - ovde
  • There - onde = tamo
  • Here it is = evo
  • There it is = eno

Song with Here and There

Let's listen to this slow version of the song: 

Ala je lep ovaj svet
Onde potok ovde cvet
Tamo njiva ovde sad
Eno sunce evo hlad
Tamo dunav zlata pun
Onde trava ovde žbun
Slavuj pesmom ljulja lug, ja ga slušam i moj drug.


Now it's time to listen to the faster version:

Exercise with HERE and THERE

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Serbian Language 365 Day 2 - Serbian for Pre-intermediate Level

In the past five years I've scattered numerous blog posts with lessons of Serbian and corresponding grammatical explanations not only on this blog and Youtube and Youtube but all over the Internet. One of the many reasons for starting 365 Days of Serbian Language was to connect them and tag them correctly.

Since the previous post covered the verb TO BE in the Simple Present tense, I think that all the students who are either at elementary and pre-intermediate level can easily learn to use the same form with the Locative case, saying where you are:

At the end of each video lesson, let's revisit some of the previous posts covering the same, or similar topic:

Monday, January 27, 2014

Serbian Slava Sveti Sava

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Present Tense Conjugation in Serbian

April u __________ by Zdravko Čolić

Listen to this lovely song and fill in the gaps. In order to be able to determine the right form, the corresponding subjects are highlighted red. If you need more info or practice on "u + location", check out the new blog post about the Locative case.

______________ (prolaziti) i ______________ (vraćati) se s lastama
Sunčani i nasmijani dani
_________ (biti) u mojoj duši proljeće,
da l'
_________ (biti) djevojka il' žena sada ti?

April u Beograd__ uzaludno
(ja) ______________ (tražiti)
Usne jedne djevojke sto se divno
______________ (maziti)April u Beograd_ ____________ (milovati) joj kosu
Ispod Savskog mosta
to ____________ (biti) možda ona
Al' je
drugi _______________ (ljubiti). ______________ (prolaziti) i ______________ (vraćati) se s lastama
Sunčani i nasmijani dani
_________ (biti) u mojoj duši proljeće,
da l'
_________ (biti) djevojka il' žena sada ti?

April u Beograd__ jedno prošlo doba
(ja)_______________ (nositi) ga u mislima iz vojnickih soba
April u Beograd__ umorno se
______________ (smešiti)
Ispod savskog mosta dok se sumrak ___________ (spremati)
vise mene
_______________ (nemati).

Locative in Serbian

Gap-fill exercise

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. You can also click on the "[?]" button to get a clue. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints or clues!
Part one:

Prolaze i vraćaju se s (with sparrows)
Sunčani i nasmijani (plural of "day" = dan)
opet je u proljeće, (my soul)
da l' si djevojka il' sada ti? (woman)


April u (Belgrade) uzaludno tražim
Usne jedne djevojke sto se divno mazi.
April u (Belgrade) miluje joj (hair in Acc.)
Ispod savskog mosta to je možda (she)
Al' je drugi ljubi.

Part one again

Chorus (a bit changed):
April u , jedno prošlo (age)
nosim ga u (thoughts) iz vojničkih soba
April u umorno se smeši
Ispod savskog mosta dok se (dusk) sprema
više mene nema.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Future Tense in Serbian

It's simply not enough to understand how to form the future tense in Serbian and its somewhat complicated word order! You need to practise as much as possible.

Future Tense in Serbian

Future Tense in Serbian with "Ej žalim žalim"

And what an enjoyable practice can it be when you simply  sing it! That's why I am focusing today on this beautiful song featuring the future tense in Serbian  :)

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Idioms and Common Phrases in Serbian

After publishing yesterday's post it struck me that you might not  be aware of the  meaning of the phrase "ravno mi je sve".That's why I chose the word RAVAN = flat / even / equal as the topic of today's post:

  • nekome je sve ravno ( do Kosova )= it's all the same ; it makes no difference
example: Uradi kako ti je drago - meni je sve ravno (do Kosova) ! 
translation: Do as you please - it makes no difference to me !

example from the song: Ravno mi je sve : because of the word "mi" this phrase means that he is indifferent, while the sentence before he means literally "ravno, nigde brda" = flat, no hill around 
  • ravan kao dlan = as flat as a pancake 
example: Vojvodina je ravna kao dlan. (Vojvodina is as flat as a pancake.)
  • na ravnoj nozi = on an equal footing; on equal terms
example: Razgovarali smo o svemu na ravnoj nozi (We talked about everything on equal terms)
  • na ravne časti = share and share alike; even Stephen 
example: Sve što zaradimo delimo na ravne časti (Everything we earn we share and share alike)
  • nema mu ravna = without a peer; second to none
example: Kao lekaru nema mu ravna (As a doctor he is second to none.) 

Thursday, September 05, 2013

Word Order in Serbian - Part 4.5

Now that you've learnt the introductory song by heart (napamet), you are ready for more examples with the word order of the sentences with reflexive or impersonal "se". This time I'll cover the word order in the Simple Present tense with all three forms, affirmative, negative and questions. So, let's start :

Reflexive -se: oblačiti se  (to get dressed) Present tense of OBLAČITI SE is :

Affirmative sentences : Subject (S) + predicate (P)

  • Oblačim se. N
  • Ja se  oblačim. 
  • Ti se igraš, a ja se oblačim. N 
  • Sedi i gledaj TV dok se ja oblačim. N 
  • Komšije su videle kako se (ja) oblačim u kuhinji. N 
  • Priznajem da se oblačim u kuhinji. N

Negations: Subject (S) + NE + predicate (P)
  • Ne oblačim se. N
  • Ja se ne  oblačim. 
  • Ti se ne igraš, a ja se ne oblačim. N 
  • Sedi i gledaj TV dok se ja ne oblačem. N 
  • Tvrdila sam da se ne oblačim u kuhinji. N 
  • Priznajem da se ne oblačim u kuhinji. N

Questions: Subject (S) +  predicate (P)
  • Da li se oblačiš ? N
  • Da li se ti oblačiš ? 
  • Oblačiš li se
  • Jel' se oblačiš ? N
  • Kada se oblačiš ? N
  • Kada se ti oblačiš ? N

S + P + AoT(adverb of time) + AoP (adverb of place)

  • Oblačim se svaki dan u kuhinji. N
  • Svaki dan se oblačim u kuhinji. N
  • (I'm not listing all the other combinations as they are not neutral)
  • Moje komšije su čule da se oblačim u kuhinji svaki dan. N
  • Moje komšije su čule da se svaki dan oblačim u kuhinji. N
  • (I'm not listing all the other combinations as they are not neutral)

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Intermediate Serbian - Verb Aspect, lesson 3

Before we continue with the video lessons focusing on aspect differences, let's be impratctical and  talk only about the grammar today:

As you probably noticed in the previous post for the intermediate level, one can turn an imperfective verb into a perfective one by adding a prefix (buditi - probuditi ,  razbuditi ). But this is not the only way to change an aspect of a verb. You can also:

  • add a prefix to the verb and it becomes perfective 
  • add a suffix to the verb and it becomes perfective (dremati - dremNUti)
  • alter the stem (odmoriti - odmarati, which I explained in the previous post)
But, we have to be cautious with the process of prefixation ! Quite often the meaning of the verb does not bear only the difference in aspect ( whether the action is complete or incomplete: "I wrote" - "I was writing" : Napisao sam = Pisao sam). It more frequently bears a new layer of meaning,  like the ones mentioned in "buditi" becoming perfective in "probuditi" or "razbuditi", so we need to  use phrasal verbs in English to accurately convey the additional meaning.

Let me give you a few examples of:
  • clear-cut distinction pefective-imperfective (without any additonal meanings):
  1. pisati - napisati (to be writing - to have written/wrote)
  2. čitati - pročitati (to be reading - to have read/ read )
  • the prefix adding new meanings :
  1. igrati - odigrati / izigrati / zaigrati  (to be playing - to have played / to play up / to play upon* these translations are incomplete and need to be read in  the sentences, which will be the aim of our future lessons at this level )
  2. pisati -  prepisati (to copy) / zapisati (to jot down) / upisati (to enroll)
Until the next lesson, do practise the aspect in Serbian by doing some fun exercises published in the previous posts:

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Serbian School Activator Revisited

In January I proudly presented my most beautiful site, www.skolasrpskog.com and the new concept of teaching Serbian online, which I called SkolaSrpskog Activator. It's been working for six months now, and I am really satisfied with all the language materials I've created in this period:

1. My Youtube channel www.youtube.com/learnserbian has 100 videos more (there were only about 20 up to 2011, and now there are 125, with 99 being visible).

2. The initial concept of an online session which was to consist of a language exercise, recipe and a song, has been changed, according to the feedback of all the subscribers. Still, at the end of each session, we enjoy singing one of the songs which I carefully choose each week.

3. I started adding all the explanations and exercises into pdf files, and also creating fun quizzes with the instand feedback. Some of the pages based on the situational phrases can be downloaded in pdf format from www.SkolaSrpskog.com.

4. During Easter, I organized some kind of an "online language quest" and we all had fun chasing Easter eggs on the site (some of them are still hidden there :) and doing fun exercises in Serbian. Some of the participants won  free SkolaSrpskog Activator subscription, some won free 1:1 lessons, and I won many new friends and great ideas for our lessons :-)

5. I started gathering anonymous feedback, and here are just a few lines:
"Everything is super"
"I appreciate the amount of work the instructor puts into the experience. The YouTube videos are helpful"
"Everithing, and my teacher is lovely and flexibile, she love teaching us"

However, all that I've done and created so far is hardly mentioning  in comparison to the effort my students have put into their work. They regularly attend the lessons and I am really proud of each one of them.

Today, on Britannia bookshop site, one of my most proficient students of Serbian, Jelena from Санкт-Петербург, Russia  published  the first part of our interview, which was very much inspired by our SkolaSrpskog Activator lessons.

Hvala Jelena i hvala svim đacima, Jani, Fabijanu, Matiji, Lari, Mirku, Milici, Toniju, Silvini, Ljubi i Tini na ukazanom poverenju, istrajnosti i velikom trudu :) U avgustu ćemo napraviti mali raspust, i onda opet nastavljamo sa časovima u septembru.

For all of you who'd like to learn more about SkolaSrpskog Activator, do join FB SkolaSrpskog Podcast group and you will be invited to attend our Third Friday Free Serbian lessons.

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book